The differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) method is based on phase varia... more The differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) method is based on phase variation between the complex value of pixels of timely separated scenes in interferometric SAR pairs. This phase variation has five components: surface topography, curvature of planet’s surface, terrain displacement, volume scatterers, and atmospheric propagation effects. The terrain displacement is the main product of the DInSAR method, while the last two effects are unpredictable and bring inaccuracy into the terrain displacement measurements. In this work, the propagation conditions in the troposphere and ionosphere were studied during two DInSAR measurements examining the Zagreb 22 March 2020 earthquake, with terrain raising of up to +3 cm at the epicenter. For the troposphere, the vertical profile of the modified refraction index, which incorporates local curvature change with height, was reconstructed using aerological balloon probing data. Ionospheric conditions were determined based ...
Strategos : Znanstveni časopis Hrvatskog vojnog učilišta "Dr. Franjo Tuđman", Dec 30, 2020
Osvrt brg doc. dr. sc. Mladen viher robert J. bunker (2020) Mission Command and Armed robotic Sys... more Osvrt brg doc. dr. sc. Mladen viher robert J. bunker (2020) Mission Command and Armed robotic Systems Command and Control-A Human and Machine Assessment, Land Warfare Paper 132 / May 2020, The Association of the United States Army, Arlington, 23 stranice, otvoreni izvor dostupan na stranici: https://www. U ovom osvrtu željeli bismo skrenuti pozornost na monografiju dr. Roberta J. Bunkera, docenta na Strategic Studies Institute, koji se nalazi u sastavu U. S. Army War Collegea, i predavača na Safe Communities Institute, University of Southern California. Njegova područja znanstvenog rada obuhvaćaju: povijest, politologiju i antropologiju, u kojima je objavio više od pet stotina publikacija. Značaj je ove monografije u tome što povezuje dva ključna dokumenta: "Third Offset Strategy" (Ellman et al., 2017), konkretno "Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DOD" (Emanuel et al., 2019) i doktrine neizravnog zapovijedanja "ADP 6-0 Mission Command-Command and Control of Army Forces" (Department of the U. S. Army, 2019). Strategije protuteže (engl. offset strategy) podrazumijevaju asimetrični strategijski pomak prema alternativnim sposobnostima kako bi se brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at
Defence capabilities have always been heavily dependent on technological capabilities. This depen... more Defence capabilities have always been heavily dependent on technological capabilities. This dependence is significantly emphasized nowadays due to the very rapid advancement of science and technology relevant to defence, and especially due to the emergence of disruptive technologies. However, emerging and disruptive technologies are well known throughout human history (fire, wheel, metals, gunpowder, external and internal combustion engines, etc.). Today, the cycle of emergence, application and response to the EDT is much faster, due to globalisation and maturation of information technologies. Smaller countries, because of their modest industrial and technological base at the national level, have problems to follow the emerging and disruptive technologies. In modern civilization, the military is losing its traditional centuries-old role as a privileged customer for purchasing new, technologically advanced products and must face competition in the open market. In this case, defence m...
Ova studija izvodljivosti bavi se razvojem modela refrakcije radio-valova u atmosferi koja je zna... more Ova studija izvodljivosti bavi se razvojem modela refrakcije radio-valova u atmosferi koja je znacajna za rad elektronickih obrambenih sustava: radara, sustava veza i elektronickog djelovanja. Oružane snage Republike Hrvatske (OS RH) su jos 1991. pocele s vlastitim modeliranjem radio vidljivosti (program PRV). Novi elektronicki sustavi koji su uvedeni u OS RH i nemogucnost daljeg razvoja programa PRV namecu potrebu za osuvremenjivanjem ove problematike. U ovoj studiji, koja se nastavlja na prethodnu studiju, predlaže se novi model koji kao matematicku podlogu ima najsuvremeniji i najsloženiji model refrakcije nazvan Advanced Propagation Model (APM) i koji je standard u Oružanim snagama SAD-a i NATO-u. U ovoj studiji izvodljivosti provedeni su svi koraci lokalizacije modela za podrucje Republike Hrvatske i okolnih država, identificirane su i iskoristene potrebne podloge za rad (digitalni modeli terena i aerosondažna mjerenja) te je razvijen plan i program skolovanja buducih korisnika...
Potrebe i prilike-Obrana, znanost i gospodarstvo Mladen Viher U organizaciji Centra za obrambene ... more Potrebe i prilike-Obrana, znanost i gospodarstvo Mladen Viher U organizaciji Centra za obrambene i strateške studije "Janko Bobetko" Hrvatskog vojnog učilišta "Dr. Franjo Tuđman" (HVU) održan je 29. ožujka 2018. godine u Zagrebu okrugli stol pod nazivom "Potrebe i prilike-Obrana, znanost i gospodarstvo". Povod je održavanja ovoga Okruglog stola identificirana potreba snažnijeg povezivanja ključnih čimbenika razvoja sposobnosti nacionalne obrane: Vlade RH (MORH-a), sveučilišne i znanstvene zajednice te hrvatske obrambene industrije.
This work will present a project proposal that represents the national complement of NATO-Science... more This work will present a project proposal that represents the national complement of NATO-Science and Technology Organization activity SET-279 "Satellite sensor with synthetic aperture and big data technology in support of NATO operations". There is a possibility to use the acquired knowledge and experience in automatic processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images for civilian support tasks of the Croatian Armed Forces (CAF) in cases of natural and technical disasters (floods, earthquakes, large fires, landslides, avalanches, contamination with oil and chemicals at sea, lakes and rivers, illegal excavations and illegal logging). The use of commercial satellites with a high time resolution (6 hours) will enable the rapid production of thematic maps for the CAF Command and Operations Center and field intervention units. Algorithms developed through the SET-279 activity will be adapted to national needs. Through this activity, the operational units in charge of Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) and Imagery intelligence (IMINT) will be trained and qualified to independently process satellite images, according to current NATO standard operating procedures and doctrines, and to distribute them through existing command and control channels. The concept of the future system includes expert support at the inter-ministerial level; transfer of resources of the CAF (acquired images and processing of satellite images) to other ministries; e.g. application in spatial planning and environmental protection, forestry, agriculture and fishing, energy, border protection, transport, hazard estimation etc. A solid and well-defined framework will be created for scientific and development activities, definition of operational procedures and specialist training.
Radar site acceptance testing is a demanding and costly task and requires good planning of the ro... more Radar site acceptance testing is a demanding and costly task and requires good planning of the routes for probing aircraft and ships. In this work a preparation for radar site acceptance is presented with use of Advanced Refractive Effects Prediction System (AREPS) propagation model and ArcGIS charting of interesting points detected by the model. This approach enables prediction of radar coverage and significant cost reduction in actual aircraft and ship probing due to optimal route planning. This methodology was applied during recent modernization and optimization of the coastal radar network for the Croatian Navy and Croatian Ministry of the Interior.
Predmet ekspertize je izrada studije osnovne mreže geomagnetske deklinacije na teritoriju Republi... more Predmet ekspertize je izrada studije osnovne mreže geomagnetske deklinacije na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske pod nadležnosti MORH-a te priprema pravilnika s metodama i postupcima izmjere geomagnetske deklinacije za potrebe vojne kartografije. Sadrži povijesni pregled određivanja Zemljinog magnetskog polja na podrucju Hrvatske, teoriju Zemljinog magnetskog polja, zahtjeve kod geomagnetske izmjere, geoloski opis podrucja geomagnetskih anomalija, kartografske i GIS zahtjeve, definiciju podrucja civilizacijskog suma te projekt osnovne mreže geomagnetske deklinacije.
Teorija igara, proučavanje matematičkih modela strateških interakcija između racionalnih donosite... more Teorija igara, proučavanje matematičkih modela strateških interakcija između racionalnih donositelja odluka, često je osnova istraživanja u nizu fundamentalnih i primijenjenih znanosti: matematici, biologiji, računalnim znanostima, logici, kibernetici, ekonomiji i poslovanju, sociologiji, politologiji, vojnom umijeću, filozofiji… Optimalno društveno ponašanje odavno je zaokupljalo mislioce, spomenimo samo Hobbesa, Waldegravea, Cournota…, koji su naslućivali logiku ponašanja individualaca i društva, no nedostajao im je matematički formalizam kojim bi se izrazili. Povijesno gledano, suvremena matematička teorija igara nastala je 1944. godine objavom knjige "Teorija igara i ekonomsko ophođenje" (izv. Theory of Games and Economic Behavior) Johna von Neumanna i Oskara Morgensterna, kao poopćenje ranijega von Neumannova rada iz 1928. godine pod naslovom "On the Theory of Games of Strategy". Od tog je trenutka
The „Convention on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of environmental modifica... more The „Convention on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of environmental modification technique“ (referred lately in this paper as “Convention”), effective since 5 October 1978, strictly forbade military usage of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD). The Convention protects signatory nations more broadly; against any other hostile use of the ENMOD technologies, and to advocate cooperation, trust and scientific knowledge exchange between the signatory nations. The Convention also offers UN role in consultation, protection and the determined protocol for a possible issue caused by the application of the ENMOD technologies. Since the dissolution of Yugoslavia, in the early nineties, only one country; the Republic of Slovenia, ratified the Convention. Due to this fact, a large area in Southeast Europe has no proper international regulation of this matter. Regardless of the minor possibility of military ENMOD application in the region, there is an increasing expe...
Using regular balloon data at the aerological station Zagreb-Maksimir (WMO# 14240) a continuous, ... more Using regular balloon data at the aerological station Zagreb-Maksimir (WMO# 14240) a continuous, seven years long record containing modified refraction index vertical profiles in the troposphere was produced. These profiles enable detection of the non-standard radio wave refraction phenomena. The vertical profiles of radio duct, superrefraction and subrefraction phenomena occurrences were obtained and the characteristic heights for all nonstandard phenomena were determined. The time series show an annual variation with a maximum frequency during summer and minimum during winter and the first half of spring.
The mean annual and daily measured wind speed as well as the distribution of wind speed and direc... more The mean annual and daily measured wind speed as well as the distribution of wind speed and direction in the mountain area of Croatia have been analysed. The month-by-month relative deviations from the mean speed are shown, too. The WAsP model, a model for calculation of the wind energy potential, has also been applied by wind data for Gospi}; and Ogulin stations in the period 1981-1990. These stations are situated in the mountain area of Croatia. The results show that the utilization of energy at the considered stations could not be economically justified.
Using NOAA/VHRR satellite images during one year period and monitoring changes of Normalized Diff... more Using NOAA/VHRR satellite images during one year period and monitoring changes of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)and variations in multispectral feature space, occurrences of phenological phases for the oak-wood (Quercus robur) in five lowland locations in the Republic of Croatia was noticed. Average annual variation of NDVI was computed along with criteria for detection of the most distnct phenological phases. Changes in the multispectral feature space were noticed and using of dynamic clustering was suggested for determination of time-dependent features. This method could be used for monitoring oak-wood, which are not included in agrometeorological network in Croatia and even in neighhbouring countries.
2020 3rd International Colloquium on Intelligent Grid Metrology (SMAGRIMET), 2020
The practical application of satellite interferometric SAR images for determining the vertical di... more The practical application of satellite interferometric SAR images for determining the vertical displacement of the soil after a strong earthquake in Zagreb in 2020 is presented. The area affected by the terrain displacements was compared with the tracks of transmission lines for a rapid assessment of their endangering and placing them properly on the list of priorities for in-situ damage checking. In addition to the possibility of using open source satellite imagery, such as ESA Copernicus, it is proposed to use dedicated commercial fine time resolution satellite imagery that can be used operationally during earthquake rescue and remediation actions.
Polazeii od modela potencijalne radarske vidljivosti (Baji6, Viher 1993) ispitivala se valjanost ... more Polazeii od modela potencijalne radarske vidljivosti (Baji6, Viher 1993) ispitivala se valjanost pretpostavke standardne refrakcije primjenjene u modelu. Ostvaren je i praktiEni postupak za othivanje pojave radio kanala u atmosferi. U radu je pokazano znatno odstupanje prirodnih od standardnih vrijednosti vertikalnog gradijenta indeksa loma 5to upu6uje na poffebu modeliranja Sirenja mikrovalnog zralenja u neslandardnoj atmosferi. Izveden je skup jednadZbi koje predstavljaju osnovu za GIS radara u nestandardno shatificiranoj atmosferi.
The differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) method is based on phase varia... more The differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) method is based on phase variation between the complex value of pixels of timely separated scenes in interferometric SAR pairs. This phase variation has five components: surface topography, curvature of planet’s surface, terrain displacement, volume scatterers, and atmospheric propagation effects. The terrain displacement is the main product of the DInSAR method, while the last two effects are unpredictable and bring inaccuracy into the terrain displacement measurements. In this work, the propagation conditions in the troposphere and ionosphere were studied during two DInSAR measurements examining the Zagreb 22 March 2020 earthquake, with terrain raising of up to +3 cm at the epicenter. For the troposphere, the vertical profile of the modified refraction index, which incorporates local curvature change with height, was reconstructed using aerological balloon probing data. Ionospheric conditions were determined based ...
Strategos : Znanstveni časopis Hrvatskog vojnog učilišta "Dr. Franjo Tuđman", Dec 30, 2020
Osvrt brg doc. dr. sc. Mladen viher robert J. bunker (2020) Mission Command and Armed robotic Sys... more Osvrt brg doc. dr. sc. Mladen viher robert J. bunker (2020) Mission Command and Armed robotic Systems Command and Control-A Human and Machine Assessment, Land Warfare Paper 132 / May 2020, The Association of the United States Army, Arlington, 23 stranice, otvoreni izvor dostupan na stranici: https://www. U ovom osvrtu željeli bismo skrenuti pozornost na monografiju dr. Roberta J. Bunkera, docenta na Strategic Studies Institute, koji se nalazi u sastavu U. S. Army War Collegea, i predavača na Safe Communities Institute, University of Southern California. Njegova područja znanstvenog rada obuhvaćaju: povijest, politologiju i antropologiju, u kojima je objavio više od pet stotina publikacija. Značaj je ove monografije u tome što povezuje dva ključna dokumenta: "Third Offset Strategy" (Ellman et al., 2017), konkretno "Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DOD" (Emanuel et al., 2019) i doktrine neizravnog zapovijedanja "ADP 6-0 Mission Command-Command and Control of Army Forces" (Department of the U. S. Army, 2019). Strategije protuteže (engl. offset strategy) podrazumijevaju asimetrični strategijski pomak prema alternativnim sposobnostima kako bi se brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at
Defence capabilities have always been heavily dependent on technological capabilities. This depen... more Defence capabilities have always been heavily dependent on technological capabilities. This dependence is significantly emphasized nowadays due to the very rapid advancement of science and technology relevant to defence, and especially due to the emergence of disruptive technologies. However, emerging and disruptive technologies are well known throughout human history (fire, wheel, metals, gunpowder, external and internal combustion engines, etc.). Today, the cycle of emergence, application and response to the EDT is much faster, due to globalisation and maturation of information technologies. Smaller countries, because of their modest industrial and technological base at the national level, have problems to follow the emerging and disruptive technologies. In modern civilization, the military is losing its traditional centuries-old role as a privileged customer for purchasing new, technologically advanced products and must face competition in the open market. In this case, defence m...
Ova studija izvodljivosti bavi se razvojem modela refrakcije radio-valova u atmosferi koja je zna... more Ova studija izvodljivosti bavi se razvojem modela refrakcije radio-valova u atmosferi koja je znacajna za rad elektronickih obrambenih sustava: radara, sustava veza i elektronickog djelovanja. Oružane snage Republike Hrvatske (OS RH) su jos 1991. pocele s vlastitim modeliranjem radio vidljivosti (program PRV). Novi elektronicki sustavi koji su uvedeni u OS RH i nemogucnost daljeg razvoja programa PRV namecu potrebu za osuvremenjivanjem ove problematike. U ovoj studiji, koja se nastavlja na prethodnu studiju, predlaže se novi model koji kao matematicku podlogu ima najsuvremeniji i najsloženiji model refrakcije nazvan Advanced Propagation Model (APM) i koji je standard u Oružanim snagama SAD-a i NATO-u. U ovoj studiji izvodljivosti provedeni su svi koraci lokalizacije modela za podrucje Republike Hrvatske i okolnih država, identificirane su i iskoristene potrebne podloge za rad (digitalni modeli terena i aerosondažna mjerenja) te je razvijen plan i program skolovanja buducih korisnika...
Potrebe i prilike-Obrana, znanost i gospodarstvo Mladen Viher U organizaciji Centra za obrambene ... more Potrebe i prilike-Obrana, znanost i gospodarstvo Mladen Viher U organizaciji Centra za obrambene i strateške studije "Janko Bobetko" Hrvatskog vojnog učilišta "Dr. Franjo Tuđman" (HVU) održan je 29. ožujka 2018. godine u Zagrebu okrugli stol pod nazivom "Potrebe i prilike-Obrana, znanost i gospodarstvo". Povod je održavanja ovoga Okruglog stola identificirana potreba snažnijeg povezivanja ključnih čimbenika razvoja sposobnosti nacionalne obrane: Vlade RH (MORH-a), sveučilišne i znanstvene zajednice te hrvatske obrambene industrije.
This work will present a project proposal that represents the national complement of NATO-Science... more This work will present a project proposal that represents the national complement of NATO-Science and Technology Organization activity SET-279 "Satellite sensor with synthetic aperture and big data technology in support of NATO operations". There is a possibility to use the acquired knowledge and experience in automatic processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images for civilian support tasks of the Croatian Armed Forces (CAF) in cases of natural and technical disasters (floods, earthquakes, large fires, landslides, avalanches, contamination with oil and chemicals at sea, lakes and rivers, illegal excavations and illegal logging). The use of commercial satellites with a high time resolution (6 hours) will enable the rapid production of thematic maps for the CAF Command and Operations Center and field intervention units. Algorithms developed through the SET-279 activity will be adapted to national needs. Through this activity, the operational units in charge of Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) and Imagery intelligence (IMINT) will be trained and qualified to independently process satellite images, according to current NATO standard operating procedures and doctrines, and to distribute them through existing command and control channels. The concept of the future system includes expert support at the inter-ministerial level; transfer of resources of the CAF (acquired images and processing of satellite images) to other ministries; e.g. application in spatial planning and environmental protection, forestry, agriculture and fishing, energy, border protection, transport, hazard estimation etc. A solid and well-defined framework will be created for scientific and development activities, definition of operational procedures and specialist training.
Radar site acceptance testing is a demanding and costly task and requires good planning of the ro... more Radar site acceptance testing is a demanding and costly task and requires good planning of the routes for probing aircraft and ships. In this work a preparation for radar site acceptance is presented with use of Advanced Refractive Effects Prediction System (AREPS) propagation model and ArcGIS charting of interesting points detected by the model. This approach enables prediction of radar coverage and significant cost reduction in actual aircraft and ship probing due to optimal route planning. This methodology was applied during recent modernization and optimization of the coastal radar network for the Croatian Navy and Croatian Ministry of the Interior.
Predmet ekspertize je izrada studije osnovne mreže geomagnetske deklinacije na teritoriju Republi... more Predmet ekspertize je izrada studije osnovne mreže geomagnetske deklinacije na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske pod nadležnosti MORH-a te priprema pravilnika s metodama i postupcima izmjere geomagnetske deklinacije za potrebe vojne kartografije. Sadrži povijesni pregled određivanja Zemljinog magnetskog polja na podrucju Hrvatske, teoriju Zemljinog magnetskog polja, zahtjeve kod geomagnetske izmjere, geoloski opis podrucja geomagnetskih anomalija, kartografske i GIS zahtjeve, definiciju podrucja civilizacijskog suma te projekt osnovne mreže geomagnetske deklinacije.
Teorija igara, proučavanje matematičkih modela strateških interakcija između racionalnih donosite... more Teorija igara, proučavanje matematičkih modela strateških interakcija između racionalnih donositelja odluka, često je osnova istraživanja u nizu fundamentalnih i primijenjenih znanosti: matematici, biologiji, računalnim znanostima, logici, kibernetici, ekonomiji i poslovanju, sociologiji, politologiji, vojnom umijeću, filozofiji… Optimalno društveno ponašanje odavno je zaokupljalo mislioce, spomenimo samo Hobbesa, Waldegravea, Cournota…, koji su naslućivali logiku ponašanja individualaca i društva, no nedostajao im je matematički formalizam kojim bi se izrazili. Povijesno gledano, suvremena matematička teorija igara nastala je 1944. godine objavom knjige "Teorija igara i ekonomsko ophođenje" (izv. Theory of Games and Economic Behavior) Johna von Neumanna i Oskara Morgensterna, kao poopćenje ranijega von Neumannova rada iz 1928. godine pod naslovom "On the Theory of Games of Strategy". Od tog je trenutka
The „Convention on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of environmental modifica... more The „Convention on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of environmental modification technique“ (referred lately in this paper as “Convention”), effective since 5 October 1978, strictly forbade military usage of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD). The Convention protects signatory nations more broadly; against any other hostile use of the ENMOD technologies, and to advocate cooperation, trust and scientific knowledge exchange between the signatory nations. The Convention also offers UN role in consultation, protection and the determined protocol for a possible issue caused by the application of the ENMOD technologies. Since the dissolution of Yugoslavia, in the early nineties, only one country; the Republic of Slovenia, ratified the Convention. Due to this fact, a large area in Southeast Europe has no proper international regulation of this matter. Regardless of the minor possibility of military ENMOD application in the region, there is an increasing expe...
Using regular balloon data at the aerological station Zagreb-Maksimir (WMO# 14240) a continuous, ... more Using regular balloon data at the aerological station Zagreb-Maksimir (WMO# 14240) a continuous, seven years long record containing modified refraction index vertical profiles in the troposphere was produced. These profiles enable detection of the non-standard radio wave refraction phenomena. The vertical profiles of radio duct, superrefraction and subrefraction phenomena occurrences were obtained and the characteristic heights for all nonstandard phenomena were determined. The time series show an annual variation with a maximum frequency during summer and minimum during winter and the first half of spring.
The mean annual and daily measured wind speed as well as the distribution of wind speed and direc... more The mean annual and daily measured wind speed as well as the distribution of wind speed and direction in the mountain area of Croatia have been analysed. The month-by-month relative deviations from the mean speed are shown, too. The WAsP model, a model for calculation of the wind energy potential, has also been applied by wind data for Gospi}; and Ogulin stations in the period 1981-1990. These stations are situated in the mountain area of Croatia. The results show that the utilization of energy at the considered stations could not be economically justified.
Using NOAA/VHRR satellite images during one year period and monitoring changes of Normalized Diff... more Using NOAA/VHRR satellite images during one year period and monitoring changes of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)and variations in multispectral feature space, occurrences of phenological phases for the oak-wood (Quercus robur) in five lowland locations in the Republic of Croatia was noticed. Average annual variation of NDVI was computed along with criteria for detection of the most distnct phenological phases. Changes in the multispectral feature space were noticed and using of dynamic clustering was suggested for determination of time-dependent features. This method could be used for monitoring oak-wood, which are not included in agrometeorological network in Croatia and even in neighhbouring countries.
2020 3rd International Colloquium on Intelligent Grid Metrology (SMAGRIMET), 2020
The practical application of satellite interferometric SAR images for determining the vertical di... more The practical application of satellite interferometric SAR images for determining the vertical displacement of the soil after a strong earthquake in Zagreb in 2020 is presented. The area affected by the terrain displacements was compared with the tracks of transmission lines for a rapid assessment of their endangering and placing them properly on the list of priorities for in-situ damage checking. In addition to the possibility of using open source satellite imagery, such as ESA Copernicus, it is proposed to use dedicated commercial fine time resolution satellite imagery that can be used operationally during earthquake rescue and remediation actions.
Polazeii od modela potencijalne radarske vidljivosti (Baji6, Viher 1993) ispitivala se valjanost ... more Polazeii od modela potencijalne radarske vidljivosti (Baji6, Viher 1993) ispitivala se valjanost pretpostavke standardne refrakcije primjenjene u modelu. Ostvaren je i praktiEni postupak za othivanje pojave radio kanala u atmosferi. U radu je pokazano znatno odstupanje prirodnih od standardnih vrijednosti vertikalnog gradijenta indeksa loma 5to upu6uje na poffebu modeliranja Sirenja mikrovalnog zralenja u neslandardnoj atmosferi. Izveden je skup jednadZbi koje predstavljaju osnovu za GIS radara u nestandardno shatificiranoj atmosferi.
Papers by Mladen Viher