Medieval Heraldry
Recent papers in Medieval Heraldry
En heráldica existe una amplio repertorio de figuras propias que pueden representarse si bien, a diferencia de la gran variedad de estilos con que los pintores y dibujantes pueden reproducir o colorear una cierta figura, los heraldistas... more
Intervento di presentazione del mio contributo al n. 31 della rivista "Nuovi Studi Fanesi". L'articolo illustra la ricerca svolta per la riscoperta degli affreschi trecenteschi presenti nella controfacciata dell'antico Palazzo del Podestà... more
Estudio del origen y desarrollo del emblema heráldico del reino de Navarra, desde el siglo XIII hasta nuestros días.
Spätmittelalterliche Wappenbücher, die teilweise über 1000 Wappen umfassen, werden oft als Ausdruck eines spezifisch (land-)adeligen Selbstbewusstseins verstanden. Soweit die Auftraggeber nachweislich dem Stadtadel angehörten, oder... more
The County branch of the National Archives in Sibiu holds an impressive collection of medieval documents. Amongst them, there is a high number with hanging seal. The latter are hanging either from... more
Si les lambris peints de la chapelle de Merléac (22) font depuis longtemps déjà parler d’eux, de même que les splendides vitraux qui ornent encore l’édifice, l’impressionnant décor héraldique des intrados des grandes arcades de la nef est... more
Като повод за настоящата статия послужи публикацията на И. Лазаренко "Средновековна хералдична апликация от Варна". [1] Според нас натрупаният археологически материал, макар и относително ограничен като количество, позволява да се направи... more
Reviews: Jacek Adamczyk, in: Acta Poloniae Historica 91 (2005), 228; Antoni Gąsiorowski, in: Zapiski Historyczne 70, 1 (2005), 153–156; Mark Mersiowsky, in: Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 62 (2006), 255; Rimvydas... more
La nobleza austriaca (Österreichischer Adel) presenta en su formación similitudes con la nobleza germánica del Sacro Romano Imperio, al que Austria perteneció durante largos siglos (1273/1806). Sin embargo, se diferencia esencialmente de... more
El Reino de Nápoles
This is a synopsis of my 2 volume work. It provides a new perspective on the origins of many Scottish Clans - identifying many of the lies fabricated to suit the necessity of the times and since believed and consistent with a sensible... more
Experto en archivos públicos y, sobre todo, privados y en historia familiar, social y cultural del Pais Vasco y europea. Publicaciones principales: f. borJA de AGuinAGALde 276 nology of... more
René d’Anjou’s Livre des tournois is famous as the most substantial account of the organisation of a medieval tournament that has come down to us. It survives in eight manuscripts, most of which have an almost identical layout; the best... more
Гречило А. Українська територіальна геральдика. — Львів, 2010. — 280 с. (ISBN 978-966-02-5259-2);
Grechylo A. Ukrainian Territorial Heraldry. Lviv, 2010. 280 pgs. ISBN 978-966-02-5259-2
Grechylo A. Ukrainian Territorial Heraldry. Lviv, 2010. 280 pgs. ISBN 978-966-02-5259-2
Pojam " impreza " danas je gotovo nepoznat u hrvatskoj heraldici, odnosno literaturi koja se time bavi. Razlog tome je što do danas nije otkrivena njezina upotreba među hrvatskim plemstvom. Impreza (u literaturi na engleskome jeziku... more
Although this is primarily meant for a boardgame that covers the Wars of the Roses (Bella Rosarum v2), this map has been thoroughly researched from a variety of medieval and modern sources and contains a wealth of information about the... more
Гречило А. Українська міська геральдика. – Київ, Львів, 1998. – 192 с.
Grechylo A. Ukrainian municipal heraldry. – Kyiv, Lviv, 1998. – 192 pgs.
(ISBN 966-02-0406-Х)
Grechylo A. Ukrainian municipal heraldry. – Kyiv, Lviv, 1998. – 192 pgs.
(ISBN 966-02-0406-Х)
Rassegna delle principali varianti dello stemma Challant, con particolare attenzione agli esemplari presenti nel castello di Issogne (Val d’Aosta) e circa 40 blasoni, anche di stemmi collegati alla dinastia, con cenni agli usi italiani... more
The Armiger's News 29:1, 2007, 11-13
The Aspremont-Kievraing Psalter (Bodleian Library, MS Douce 118) was created in Artois, France circa 1290-1310 for Joffroy d’Aspremont and Isabelle de Kievraing. The Psalter is the first half of a ‘hybrid text’, consisting of both the... more
Article de la rubrique : "Les mammifères dans la littérature, l'histoire et les arts", de la revue de la SFEPM (Société Française pour l'Etude et la Protection des Mammifères).
In 1538, Cromwell from the court of Henry VIII, ordered that every wedding, baptism and burial was to be recorded. Genealogists owe that guy a depth of gratitude because thanks to him we are able to research our English family trees with... more
Una copia di questo volume, autografata dall’autore del presente saggio, è in vendita (A copy of this book, autographed by the author of the present essay, is for sale): rivolgersi a (please contact) oppure (or)... more
El Antiguo Reino de Valencia se encontraba inmerso en la denominada Corona de Aragón en la que se incluían cuatro territorios históricos españoles: Aragón, Valencia, Cataluña y Baleares, cuyas heráldicas guardan ciertas similitudes, tanto... more
As with all my works they are all open to revision. I have added illustrations of the family crests of the Ortiz and I have added a small glossary of definitions of related symbols that are contained within family crests so the... more
A menudo en las descripciones de escudos que encontramos, realizadas por personas con buena intención pero sin los conocimientos heráldicos suficientes, se cometen incorrecciones que dificultan en conocimiento del blasón descrito. SE dan... more
Гречило А. (текст), Завітій Б. (заг. ред.) Наш герб. Українські символи від княжих часів до сьогодення. — К., 2018. — 400 с. Grechylo A. (text), Zavitiy B. (ed.) Our Coat of Arms. Kyiv, 2018. 400 pgs. ISBN 978-617-7482-20-7... more