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Аннотация Лексический пласт любого языка представлен исконными словами и заимствованиями из других языков. В настоящей статье рассматриваются арабизмы и история их появле ния в русском языке. Материалом для исследования послужили... more
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      HistoryArabicRussian LanguageEthymology
В статье рассматривается диалектная лексика, связанная с традициями собирательства на Русском Севере: наименования грибов и ягод, отражающие особенности их приготовления и кулинарные свойства, а также названия блюд из лесных продуктов.... more
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«Հայերեն արմատական բառարանը» վեց հատորից է բաղկացած (Երևան, 1926-1932, յոթերորդ հատորն է հավելվածը, որ լույս է տեսել 1935 թվին): «Հայերեն արմատական բառարանը» վերահրատարակվել է նույնությամբ՝սեղմ քառահատոր ծավալով: «Արմատական բառարանը»... more
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      Armenian StudiesApplied LinguisticsLexicographyEthymology
This article deals with the dictionary, Kleines Lexikon deutscher Wörter arabischer Herkunft" (Small Dictionary of German Words of Arabic Origin), published in German by Nabil Othman in 1982, in which he etymologically analyzes about five... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsGermanic linguisticsEthymology
Praca magisterska obroniona w Katedrze Slawistyki Południowej Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego w 2006 roku. Autor przedstawia neologizmy pojawiające się w "Kongresie futurologicznym" S. Lema oraz ich ekwiwalenty pojawiające się w bułgarskim... more
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      Translation StudiesEtymologyStylisticsPolish Literature
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      Ottoman HistoryTurkish and Middle East StudiesOttoman LiteratureTurkish Literature
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    • Ethymology
Lucrarea de faţă încercă să stabilească raporturile între principalele trei tipuri de cuvinte (disfemisme, eufemisme şi ortoepisme), modurile în care acestea se fomează şi îşi modifică valenţele, în funcţie de contexul social în care sunt... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsRomanian LanguageEuphemismEthymology
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      Ottoman TurkishOttoman LiteratureOld Turkish LiteratureOld Turkic
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      Languages and LinguisticsTurkish and Middle East StudiesLinguisticsOld Turkish Literature
У науковій літературі не існує однозначного трактування явища популізму, що повною мірою відповідає основним етапам розвитку цього поняття. У повсякденному розумінні популізм набув негативного значення і сприймається як щось тотожне... more
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      Political TheoryPopulismEthymologyHistory of Political Theory
Vi{egodi{nji rad na temi Epski gradovi u Balkanolo{kom institutu SANU omogu}io je -izme|u ostalog 1 -i da se prvi put u punoj meri i na osnovu vi{estruko proveravanih podataka, sagledaju predstave o broju, vrstama i na~inu prostiranja... more
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      FolkloreLinguisticsEpic poetryThe City in Literature and Culture
Το ελληνικό λέξημα ριζικό έχει πολλές σημασίες, ανάμεσα στις οποίες είναι μοίρα, τύχη, προέλευση, καταγωγή, γένος, η ρίζα ενός δέντρου κ.α. Με αυτή τη λέξη έχουν σχέση και άλλα παράγωγα όπως ριζικάρης, ριζικάρι, καλορίζικος – κακορίζικος... more
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      Balkan StudiesModern Greek LanguageEthymology
Опубликовано как глава в кн.:
Очерки истории уголовно-исполнительной системы: монография / [под ред. С.С. Выхоря, А.В. Сумина]. Иваново: Издательско-полиграфический комплекс «ПресСто», 2019. С. 138–174.
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      Eurasian NomadsTurkic Speaking PeoplesOld TurkicNomadic Peoples
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      Historical LinguisticsDialectologyIranian LanguagesEthymology
Heralds and heraldry are generally thought to have a close, even essential relationship, dating back to their origins. However, recent research on the office of heralds has demonstrated that this close connection between ‘heralds’ and... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistorical LinguisticsEarly Modern HistoryHeraldry
Öz Türk dilinin çeşitli kaynaklarına baktığımızda ala sözcüğünün geniş bir şekilde kullanıldığını görüyoruz. Tarihî ve çağdaş Türk lehçererinde ala sözcüğü renk bildirmenin yanı sıra canlı türlerini, bitki ve ağaç çeşitlerini, kumaş ve... more
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      EthymologyAnlam Değişmeleri
Rozprawa doktorska obroniona na Wydziale Filologii Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego w 2011 roku. Praca poświęcona jest szeroko pojętej stylizacji leksykalnej w utworach groteskowo-ludycznych S. Lema i ich przekładach na język bułgarski. Autor... more
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      Translation StudiesEtymologyStylisticsPolish Literature
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Esej oparty na greckiej mitologii. Poszukiwanie etymologii słowa "europe."
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Авестанско (други миленијум пне) ŠRAVAS = ZRAVAS = SLAVA истиче из корена ШАР и није исто што и Sarbat, Širwun(um) (18. век пне-Аморитски облици) = Šerabeli (11. век пне) и вероватно Sarrabanu (8. vek pne, оба Асирски облици) и истичу из... more
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      HistoryEthnic StudiesSerbian historyEthymology
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    • Ethymology
This article explores how nine specific words used in Kaqchikel have changed through time, since the seventeenth century to our days. It discusses semantic changes, shifts in part of speech and contextual use. Some reasons explaining... more
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      AnthropologySemanticsLinguisticsMayan Linguistics
В статье рассматриваются проблемы восприятия и презентации того этимологического наследия, которое накопилось в отечественной исторической русистике с момента вхождения в исследовательскую практику сравнительно-исторического метода.... more
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      Russian LanguageSchoolEthymologyDictionaries
History in the name of Oswiecim (Auschwitz) town
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All the terminology related to hair dressing in the Croatian language is derived from a galicism friseur, for two reasons: (1) the concept of hair dressing didn't exist in widely spoken language, thus there was no need for related... more
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      SlavisticsLingustics, Slavistics, LiteraturePhylologyEtimology
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      Languages and LinguisticsTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish LinguisticsTurkish Literature
Szeretnék köszönetet mondani ZolTán andrásnak és Vásáry isTVánnak cikkem megírá sához nyújtott segítségükért, továbbá két névtelen lektoromnak értékes észrevételeikért.
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      Slavic LanguagesSlavic Historical LinguisticsSlavic LinguisticsHungarian language
Etimologija reči vitez i ko je zapravo bio Miloš Kobilić
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      Serbian historyMedieval SerbiaEthymology
Abstract. The article presents a retrospective analysis of the Old Slavic form of the ethnonym slovĕnje (Slavs). The oldest desemantized roots slo- and skla- (from sklaviny) are found in the hydronyms Vi-sla, Vi-stla, Vor-skla, all of... more
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      EthymologyHistory of the Slavic languages
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      Old Turkish LiteratureTurkish LiteratureTurco-Iranian WorldIranian Languages
ХОРС је древно словенско соларно божанство. Помиње се у више писаних споменика, претежно источнословенских (Велесова књига, Несторова Хроника, Слово о полку Игорову, Повест времених лет), али и у оним насталим на Балканском полуострву... more
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      MythologyComparative mythologyEthymologyEgyptian Mythology
Тезисы доклада о Боге
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The General estoria contains the first translations of fragments from the Metamorphoses and the Heroides. This allows the entry in Castilian language of words that only existed in Latin until then. When explaining the original Latin term,... more
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      PhilologySpanish LiteratureHistoriographySpanish Linguistics
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      Roman HistoryNumismaticsArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyAncient numismatics (Archaeology)
The article addresses the problem of Medieval Novgorod colonization of the Russian North and NorthEast and examines it in light of historical, archaeological, and dialectal data. Many Northern Russian lexical units are interpreted as... more
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      DialectologyOnomasticsHistory of Russian NorthColonization
In the article was analyzed the Lorenzo Valla’s attempt to apply the methods of the philological criticism to the juridical texts. I am showing that the humanist method used by Valla was inadequate for this purpose and that the famous... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRoman LawArgumentation
Abstract Vernacular translations of Latin texts in the Middle Ages are intimately permeated with the gloss that comes with the original works in the manuscripts. The gloss can be inserted at the heart of the translation, which... more
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      PhilologyTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsMedieval Literature
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      Roman LawClassical LiteratureEthymology
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      OnomasticsFinno-Ugric languagesToponymyEthymology
Boarding an aircraft, a passenger immediately enters into a different world and encounters a different culture. For this reason, airlines are often viewed as national symbols, which is oftentimes strengthened by their names (e.g.... more
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      SemanticsMorphologyLanguage and CultureAviation
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyComparative Linguistics
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      Islamic EconomicsIslamic ArtLinguisticsIslamic History
INTRODUÇÃO A questão pesquisada neste projeto de doutorado "Problemas de Equivalência em Terminologia e Dicionários - Termos Técnicos da Estética Médica em Alemão, Polonês, Francês e Ucraniano” tem como base a seguinte reflexão: como... more
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      SemanticsTerminologyCorpus LinguisticsLexicography
What is the origin of Polish names of colours The article attempts to explain the origin of some Polish names of non-basic colours. Lexemes that serve as bases for forming the names of colours in Polish have been divided into four... more
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      Polish StudiesSlavic StudiesColorsEthymology
RESUMO Este artigo tem por objetivo fazer um levantamento das informações disponíveis sobre a palavra xícara, com o intuito de conhecer sua origem e o caminho que o vocábulo percorreu até ser adotado, pelo português do Brasil, para... more
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      Historical LinguisticsEthymology
This article sheds new light on the history of the Italian word CRUMIRI "strikebreakers, scabs". It seems that the use of this word (originally the name of a Tunisian tribe) originated during some strikes in Marseilles and Genoa in the... more
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      Social HistoryTunisiaItalian LinguisticsLinguistica italiana
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      Islamic EconomicsIslamic ArtLinguisticsIslamic History