Asian journal of medical sciences, Mar 1, 2024
Platelet-rich plasma injection (PRP) for hair loss is a widely accepted treatment modality at pre... more Platelet-rich plasma injection (PRP) for hair loss is a widely accepted treatment modality at present. The most common problem with PRP is the pain that is associated with the procedure. The type of anesthesia is decided mostly based on preference rather than protocol. Aims and Objectives: The current study was undertaken to establish a standardized anesthetic protocol for PRP based on the response of the patients undergoing the treatment plan. Materials and Methods: The study included 60 patients who underwent four sittings of PRP at 1-month intervals for hair loss treatment. The modality of anesthesia was different during each of the sessions -topical anesthesia, vibration anesthesia, nerve block, and ring block. The order of anesthetic modality was different in each patient, to avoid bias. Responses by the patients for the following questions related to anesthetic pain during the procedure was recorded and analyzed based on the type of anesthetic procedure adopted. Results: Vibration anesthesia had the highest mean intra procedure numerical pain scale value. Nerve block was the least acceptable modality with maximal problems including the pain of the local anesthetic injection and the unsightly visible bulge in the supra orbital region. Post procedural pain was highest for vibration anesthesia and least for ring block. Highest acceptance was seen with the ring block technique. Conclusion: This is a preliminary study aimed at standardizing the anesthetic protocol for PRP. This modality of treatment involves multiple sittings with long total duration. Improving patient comfort with adequate anesthesia will improve compliance to a great extent.
Pathology, 2016
Introduction: Ganglioneuroma is a benign neurogenic tumor composed of ganglion cells, nerve fiber... more Introduction: Ganglioneuroma is a benign neurogenic tumor composed of ganglion cells, nerve fibers and Schwann cells.
More than half of the fingertip injuries in children are due to door jamming injuries.1)2) There ... more More than half of the fingertip injuries in children are due to door jamming injuries.1)2) There have been several studies on door crush injuries (DCI) but they pertain to either the paediatric age group or form a part of study of fingertip injuries in a large population. This article caters solely to studying the epidemiology, mechanism of injury, associated risk factors and suggests few simple techniques to avoid DCI.MaterialsComparative analysis of the epidemiological data of all the patients with door crush injuries who presented to the Emergencies and the Out Patient Department in the Tertiary care centre was obtained from the MRD. This is a retrospective cohort study between January 2021 to December 2021. Patients with serious concomitant injuries, machine crush injury, heavy falling objects, window crush injury were excluded from the study.ResultsOf the 34 patients, 27 were male and 7 females. In 33 patients DCI was in the hinge side while only 1 had lock-side, entrance door ...
O Essencial da Arquitetura e Urbanismo 3, 2019
O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilida... more O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade exclusiva dos autores. 2019 Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, mas sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais.
Formosan Journal of Surgery
Nigerian Journal of Surgery, 2019