Comunicações e Apresentações by Thaís Guerra
Publicação em Anais, 2008
In: Anais do XVII Congresso Nacional do CONPEDI (Brasília). Florianópolis: Fundação Boiteux, 2008... more In: Anais do XVII Congresso Nacional do CONPEDI (Brasília). Florianópolis: Fundação Boiteux, 2008. p.4074 - 4088. Co-authored with GUERRA, Thaís Oliveira.
The contract society`s bureaucracy and the docile bodies - Teresa Caldeira and James Holston argue in their works that Brazil has a disjunctive democracy. This country lives a political democratization since de 1980`s, but in this process there are many contradictory aspects against the proposes of democratization. Although there is a political democracy with free and fair elections, the authors argue that this aspect is not sufficient for the consolidation of democracy, who requires social and cultural changes, because one of the main problem of that disjunction is the non respect to the civil rights. That is what Caldeira is going to denominate in her book City of Walls by the expression unbounded body. This essay intend to research exactly about this problem, analized by Caldeira throughout the Michel Foucault`s philosophy, mainly your docility of bodies`s theory, that in Brazilian democratization the bodies are not protect by the law. The liberal rights, as freedom and equality, wrote on the Constitution of 1988, are just formally protect. And by this, the citizens can have the “feeling” that they are real guarantied and it is a democratic government. The aim of this essay is to show the power relations that exist among the Brazilian society, that make unbounded bodies, disturbe the develop of civil rights and shape the disjunction in the Brazilian`s politic process of democratization. The society and law theories are still focused on the modernity paradigm, characterized by bureaucratic instruments that blind the citizens to criticize this traditional model and hinder them to see the alternatives to this “crisis”, as Boaventura de Sousa Santos says.
Comunicações e Apresentações by Thaís Guerra
The contract society`s bureaucracy and the docile bodies - Teresa Caldeira and James Holston argue in their works that Brazil has a disjunctive democracy. This country lives a political democratization since de 1980`s, but in this process there are many contradictory aspects against the proposes of democratization. Although there is a political democracy with free and fair elections, the authors argue that this aspect is not sufficient for the consolidation of democracy, who requires social and cultural changes, because one of the main problem of that disjunction is the non respect to the civil rights. That is what Caldeira is going to denominate in her book City of Walls by the expression unbounded body. This essay intend to research exactly about this problem, analized by Caldeira throughout the Michel Foucault`s philosophy, mainly your docility of bodies`s theory, that in Brazilian democratization the bodies are not protect by the law. The liberal rights, as freedom and equality, wrote on the Constitution of 1988, are just formally protect. And by this, the citizens can have the “feeling” that they are real guarantied and it is a democratic government. The aim of this essay is to show the power relations that exist among the Brazilian society, that make unbounded bodies, disturbe the develop of civil rights and shape the disjunction in the Brazilian`s politic process of democratization. The society and law theories are still focused on the modernity paradigm, characterized by bureaucratic instruments that blind the citizens to criticize this traditional model and hinder them to see the alternatives to this “crisis”, as Boaventura de Sousa Santos says.
The contract society`s bureaucracy and the docile bodies - Teresa Caldeira and James Holston argue in their works that Brazil has a disjunctive democracy. This country lives a political democratization since de 1980`s, but in this process there are many contradictory aspects against the proposes of democratization. Although there is a political democracy with free and fair elections, the authors argue that this aspect is not sufficient for the consolidation of democracy, who requires social and cultural changes, because one of the main problem of that disjunction is the non respect to the civil rights. That is what Caldeira is going to denominate in her book City of Walls by the expression unbounded body. This essay intend to research exactly about this problem, analized by Caldeira throughout the Michel Foucault`s philosophy, mainly your docility of bodies`s theory, that in Brazilian democratization the bodies are not protect by the law. The liberal rights, as freedom and equality, wrote on the Constitution of 1988, are just formally protect. And by this, the citizens can have the “feeling” that they are real guarantied and it is a democratic government. The aim of this essay is to show the power relations that exist among the Brazilian society, that make unbounded bodies, disturbe the develop of civil rights and shape the disjunction in the Brazilian`s politic process of democratization. The society and law theories are still focused on the modernity paradigm, characterized by bureaucratic instruments that blind the citizens to criticize this traditional model and hinder them to see the alternatives to this “crisis”, as Boaventura de Sousa Santos says.