Coperta I: Băile castrului roman de la Călugăreni (jud. Mureș) -Vedere de ansamblu (foto Mihai Da... more Coperta I: Băile castrului roman de la Călugăreni (jud. Mureș) -Vedere de ansamblu (foto Mihai Daniel Cioată) Coperta IV: Statuetă de bronz cu reprezentarea lui Mercurius -Principia castrului roman de la Călugăreni (jud. Mureș) (foto Panczel Szilamer)
This epigraphic note analyses two Latin inscriptions on limestone plates which decorated statue b... more This epigraphic note analyses two Latin inscriptions on limestone plates which decorated statue bases. The two monuments were discovered during the last century at Samum (Cășeiu, Cluj County). Even if they are fragmentary, both can be dated during the reign of Septimius Severus, thus doubling the number of dedications addressed to this emperor in the area of the northern frontier of Roman Dacia.
The rearrangement and relocation of the Dej Municipal Museum, which took place in 2018, was an ex... more The rearrangement and relocation of the Dej Municipal Museum, which took place in 2018, was an excellent opportunity for a thorough reassessment and analysis of the heritage it holds. At the time of updating the inventories, a series of sculptural monuments from the Roman era were identified in the former deposit of the museum, and to our surprise some of them are unpublished. A votive altar, fragments of funerary stelae with or without inscription, fragments of funerary lions, as well as a series of architectural elements, such as column bases and a series of capitals, were included in the new museum repertory.
Consiliul științifi c Redacția Revista Bistriței nu își asumă responsabilitatea pentru opiniile e... more Consiliul științifi c Redacția Revista Bistriței nu își asumă responsabilitatea pentru opiniile exprimate de autori în articolele trimise spre publicare.
The Apaffi Castle in Dumbrăveni (Sibiu County) was adorned with Roman spoils, the preference for ... more The Apaffi Castle in Dumbrăveni (Sibiu County) was adorned with Roman spoils, the preference for the same type-the Roman funerary lion-being somewhat surprising. There were three such lions, whose location we know at the end of the nineteenth century: one lion was above the main entrance to the castle (but has since disappeared), another was embedded in a hole in the building's exterior masonry, on the northeast side, and the third, the most massive, was in the inner courtyard. Those three Roman funerary lions embedded in the walls of the castle, in visible areas, could be related to the heraldry of the family of Elisabeta Gerendi, the wife of Grigore Apaffi, in whose coat of arms we find the lion.
For decades the analysis of hoards was frequently focusing on
the moment of burial/hiding/deposit... more For decades the analysis of hoards was frequently focusing on the moment of burial/hiding/deposition. The latest coin has served either as an absolute index for dating or, more reasonable, as a terminus post quem. But what happens when the coin is misleading the dating of the hoard? The paper presents such a case when the time spam between the latest coin and the artefact found with them indicates that the burial took place a century(ies) later.
Tezaurul monetar descoperit la Herina, în punctul Tăuț, aduce o serie de noi și interesante infor... more Tezaurul monetar descoperit la Herina, în punctul Tăuț, aduce o serie de noi și interesante informații legate de acest areal geografic și ne oferă o serie de date noi privind istoricul zonei în perioada preromană. Compus din 20 de drahme de tip Dyrrhachium și o brățară de argint, de epocă La Téne, acesta sugerează o depunere cu caracter votiv, ce poate fi legată de așezarea dacică ce a funcționat în imediata apropiere. Însă lipsa unor date pe care nici cercetările arheologice nu le-au putut lămuri, existența unui recipient, nu elimină ideea unui tezaur ascuns în grabă. Cercetările arheologice efectuate în punctul respectiv, nu au identificate alte monede, însă au fost adunate o serie de noi artefacte și date de teren care conturează o zonă cu o bogată activitate umană de a lungul timpului, din perioada preistorică, antică, medievală până în cea modernă. Cuvinte cheie Tezaur monetar, Dyrrhachium, epocă dacică, situri arheologice, Herina.
În urma cercetărilor arheologice din anii 1957-1960 și anul 2019 efectuate în castrul roman de la... more În urma cercetărilor arheologice din anii 1957-1960 și anul 2019 efectuate în castrul roman de la Orheiu Bistriței, comuna Cetate, județul Bistrița-Năsăud, în depozitele Complexului Muzeal Bistrița-Năsăud a intrat o cantitate însemnată de material arheologic, predominând materialul ceramic. Acesta a fost inventariat și prelucrat recent, urmând a fi publicat ulterior. Dintre formele ceramice identificate în cercetări, se remarcă un număr de 23 de fragmente de vase de tip mortaria care au fost analizate în acest studiu. Deși fragmentare, la unele dintre piese s-a putut stabili o tipologie a acestora: a) mortaria de mici dimensiuni; b) mortaria cu buză arcuită, puternic profilată. O serie de fragmente prezintă și câteva caracteristici speciale, același context arheologic databil de descoperire, dimensiuni identice, același tip de pastă sau culoare identică, lucru ce ar putea atesta existența unor ateliere locale de producție ale acestora. Cuivinte cheie Ceramică, mortaria, castru, Orheiu Bistriței, epoca romană.
In the collection of the Haáz Rezső museum from Odorheiul Secuiesc / Székelyudvarhely there are s... more In the collection of the Haáz Rezső museum from Odorheiul Secuiesc / Székelyudvarhely there are some Roman sculptural monuments that we discuss in this article. The first monument is a fragmentary marble statuette depicting a goddess (Pl. I, Fig. 1 a-c), most likely the goddess Victoria, with unknown provenance. The material from which it is carved is a very good quality marble. The statuette has been preserved fragmentarily, its arms, head, and the lower part of the legs missing. Ichnographically, it could be related to the Nike of Antioch type, the statuette being without wings and holding a shield with an inscription or a imago clipeata above its head. The second monument is a fragmentary funerary lion (Pl. II, Fig. 1), which comes from the area of the Roman fort from Sânpaul / Homoródszentpál, (Mărtiniș, Harghita county). It is preserved in two pieces: a fragment from the head’s area and a fragment from the back of the animal being the first known funerary lion from the military forts located in the central-eastern part of the province of Dacia. The third monument is a fragment of an entablature (Pl. II, Fig. 2 a-c), possibly from a Roman-era building, which was found reused during the Migrations period at Odorheiu Secuiesc. The upper part, which still has little of its frieze preserved, contains the edge of a concentric circular decoration, resembling a pulvinium, followed by a triangular decoration with some representation inside, possibly a ceramic vessel. The fourth monument is a fragment of a votive altar (Pl. II, Fig. 3), recently discovered in 2018, in Odorheiu Secuiesc, within archaeological research, reused during the medieval period. The inscription reads: Silvano/ Dom(estico) M(arcus?)/ Gem[---]/ [---]. It is the first epigraphic mention of the cult of Silvanus in this part of Dacia.
The increase of legislation flexibility with the opportunity to receive a fair amount of award fo... more The increase of legislation flexibility with the opportunity to receive a fair amount of award for reporting the discovery of ancient artefact, has led to the raise of hoards' number in the last decades in Romania. This paper is focusing on a small such discovery that consists of 20 drachms of Dyrrachium and one Latene silver bracelet. The combination of coins and silver bracelet in the vicinity of a Dacian settlement may suggest a symbolic value and a statue of the former owner. The lack of a container and a certain archaeological context does not allow, at the moment, to figure out whether the hoard was buried in an emergency situation or is result of a votive offering.
The iconographic lineage" of Toc-Chereluș coin-type. Relationship between Dacian scyphates and th... more The iconographic lineage" of Toc-Chereluș coin-type. Relationship between Dacian scyphates and the coins from the Scordisci territory 9
The article presents the preliminary results of the interdisciplinary research (geological and ge... more The article presents the preliminary results of the interdisciplinary research (geological and geospatial studies, archaeological excavations, salt production experiments, and ethnographic survey) carried out during 2016-2019, in the site and hybrid saltscape of Băile Figa, well known for its remarkable environmental, ancient and current salt exploitation evidence. Besides, the article aims to evaluate the contribution of recent research to a better understanding of the environmental context of the site and the Late Bronze Age salt production technology in the Inner Carpathian region. Also, it focuses on the hybrid character of the site and its potential to the transdisciplinary and holistic study. The paper presents some data on the environmental (geology, geomorphology, hydrology, pedology, biotop) components of the site and its surroundings, and integrate them into the regional context. Then, it describes the excavation carried out in the central-southern sector of the site, more specifically in Trench S.XV. This excavation has revealed well-preserved remains of some timber-built structures and that dug in the rock salt massif, as well as about 100 artefacts. Most of these are part of the same complex and production system, and date from ca. 1000-900 cal BC. Their correlation with synchronous evidence found in the northern sector of the site shows that during the 10th century BC at least two mutually complementary production areas were used. To better understanding of the Late Bronze Age `trough` salt production system, a series of experiments have been done. These suggest that the `trough` salt production technique could be used for both rock salt mining and brine decantation. The paper also describes various methods of the present-day non-industrial exploitation of the saline matters - brine, mud, rock salt, halophytes - of the Băile Figa site, for food preserving, health care and animal feeding. In conclusion, the paper claims a hybrid nature of the Băile Figa site and landscape, which necessitates the holistic approach to it both for academic and socio-economic goals.
The geographic limits of the Roman frontier in Dacia are not clearly established, rather often pr... more The geographic limits of the Roman frontier in Dacia are not clearly established, rather often presumed and connected to archaeological sites, especially with the forts. The structure of the Limes here comprises a complex system of watchtowers, turf walls, smallish forts and fortlets, as well as legionary fortresses placed behind the frontier line. It is now obvious that the Dacian defensive system was established in several stages, but we know a few other details. The layout and visibility characteristics of several sites prove different construction stages. The Limes network was established as a monitoring system for strict control of traffic, without a real defensive use. Towers with visibility outside the province are rather the exception than the rule.
The reading of the seventh line of the inscription on a funerary monument from Potaissa (CIL III ... more The reading of the seventh line of the inscription on a funerary monument from Potaissa (CIL III 908) has not been cleared up to this moment. Taking into account the changes in the designation process of the legionary cohorts and centuriae in the 3rd century AD, we propose here a new reading of the abbreviated text. It seems therefore that the soldier, who set the funerary stone for his father and uncle, had served in the first cohort of the legion in the centuria headed by the primus pilus.
In this short numismatic note, we try to notice two Dacian coins, that were found in the area of ... more In this short numismatic note, we try to notice two Dacian coins, that were found in the area of the Dacian fortress, on the hill Bileag, from the town Beclean (Beclenuţ neighborhood). The first coin (Pl. I 1-b) is a silver drachma, type Medieşu Aurit, easily scyphate. Dimensions: diameter – 21 mm, weight – 6.4 g. It is particularly damaged on the front. On the obverse (Pl. I–1a) we have a human head pointing to the right, highly stylized. The reverse (Pl. I–1b) shows a horse that has an oval-shaped body, legs incomplete, tightened, with triangular hooves and the head decorated as a bird beak open. The second coin is extremely damaged and fragmentary preserved (Pl. I 2-b). It is probably also a scyphated drachma, of the same type Medieşu Aurit, but in an extremely poor state of preservation.
The region comprising northern Transylvania and the north-eastern part of the Tisa Plain (corresp... more The region comprising northern Transylvania and the north-eastern part of the Tisa Plain (corresponding to the north-eastern part of the Alföld) was marked by a flow of commercial trade, which according to the recent archaeological findings maintained a high degree of intensity for three millennia. The intensity of this economic flow is such that its major component, i.e. the salt commerce determined the historical names of numerous settlements situated near the northern limit of Transylvania (e.g. Satu Mare, Zalnoc, Sălacea), as well as of some administrative districts such as the former counties of Middle Solnoc and Sătmar.
Coperta I: Băile castrului roman de la Călugăreni (jud. Mureș) -Vedere de ansamblu (foto Mihai Da... more Coperta I: Băile castrului roman de la Călugăreni (jud. Mureș) -Vedere de ansamblu (foto Mihai Daniel Cioată) Coperta IV: Statuetă de bronz cu reprezentarea lui Mercurius -Principia castrului roman de la Călugăreni (jud. Mureș) (foto Panczel Szilamer)
This epigraphic note analyses two Latin inscriptions on limestone plates which decorated statue b... more This epigraphic note analyses two Latin inscriptions on limestone plates which decorated statue bases. The two monuments were discovered during the last century at Samum (Cășeiu, Cluj County). Even if they are fragmentary, both can be dated during the reign of Septimius Severus, thus doubling the number of dedications addressed to this emperor in the area of the northern frontier of Roman Dacia.
The rearrangement and relocation of the Dej Municipal Museum, which took place in 2018, was an ex... more The rearrangement and relocation of the Dej Municipal Museum, which took place in 2018, was an excellent opportunity for a thorough reassessment and analysis of the heritage it holds. At the time of updating the inventories, a series of sculptural monuments from the Roman era were identified in the former deposit of the museum, and to our surprise some of them are unpublished. A votive altar, fragments of funerary stelae with or without inscription, fragments of funerary lions, as well as a series of architectural elements, such as column bases and a series of capitals, were included in the new museum repertory.
Consiliul științifi c Redacția Revista Bistriței nu își asumă responsabilitatea pentru opiniile e... more Consiliul științifi c Redacția Revista Bistriței nu își asumă responsabilitatea pentru opiniile exprimate de autori în articolele trimise spre publicare.
The Apaffi Castle in Dumbrăveni (Sibiu County) was adorned with Roman spoils, the preference for ... more The Apaffi Castle in Dumbrăveni (Sibiu County) was adorned with Roman spoils, the preference for the same type-the Roman funerary lion-being somewhat surprising. There were three such lions, whose location we know at the end of the nineteenth century: one lion was above the main entrance to the castle (but has since disappeared), another was embedded in a hole in the building's exterior masonry, on the northeast side, and the third, the most massive, was in the inner courtyard. Those three Roman funerary lions embedded in the walls of the castle, in visible areas, could be related to the heraldry of the family of Elisabeta Gerendi, the wife of Grigore Apaffi, in whose coat of arms we find the lion.
For decades the analysis of hoards was frequently focusing on
the moment of burial/hiding/deposit... more For decades the analysis of hoards was frequently focusing on the moment of burial/hiding/deposition. The latest coin has served either as an absolute index for dating or, more reasonable, as a terminus post quem. But what happens when the coin is misleading the dating of the hoard? The paper presents such a case when the time spam between the latest coin and the artefact found with them indicates that the burial took place a century(ies) later.
Tezaurul monetar descoperit la Herina, în punctul Tăuț, aduce o serie de noi și interesante infor... more Tezaurul monetar descoperit la Herina, în punctul Tăuț, aduce o serie de noi și interesante informații legate de acest areal geografic și ne oferă o serie de date noi privind istoricul zonei în perioada preromană. Compus din 20 de drahme de tip Dyrrhachium și o brățară de argint, de epocă La Téne, acesta sugerează o depunere cu caracter votiv, ce poate fi legată de așezarea dacică ce a funcționat în imediata apropiere. Însă lipsa unor date pe care nici cercetările arheologice nu le-au putut lămuri, existența unui recipient, nu elimină ideea unui tezaur ascuns în grabă. Cercetările arheologice efectuate în punctul respectiv, nu au identificate alte monede, însă au fost adunate o serie de noi artefacte și date de teren care conturează o zonă cu o bogată activitate umană de a lungul timpului, din perioada preistorică, antică, medievală până în cea modernă. Cuvinte cheie Tezaur monetar, Dyrrhachium, epocă dacică, situri arheologice, Herina.
În urma cercetărilor arheologice din anii 1957-1960 și anul 2019 efectuate în castrul roman de la... more În urma cercetărilor arheologice din anii 1957-1960 și anul 2019 efectuate în castrul roman de la Orheiu Bistriței, comuna Cetate, județul Bistrița-Năsăud, în depozitele Complexului Muzeal Bistrița-Năsăud a intrat o cantitate însemnată de material arheologic, predominând materialul ceramic. Acesta a fost inventariat și prelucrat recent, urmând a fi publicat ulterior. Dintre formele ceramice identificate în cercetări, se remarcă un număr de 23 de fragmente de vase de tip mortaria care au fost analizate în acest studiu. Deși fragmentare, la unele dintre piese s-a putut stabili o tipologie a acestora: a) mortaria de mici dimensiuni; b) mortaria cu buză arcuită, puternic profilată. O serie de fragmente prezintă și câteva caracteristici speciale, același context arheologic databil de descoperire, dimensiuni identice, același tip de pastă sau culoare identică, lucru ce ar putea atesta existența unor ateliere locale de producție ale acestora. Cuivinte cheie Ceramică, mortaria, castru, Orheiu Bistriței, epoca romană.
In the collection of the Haáz Rezső museum from Odorheiul Secuiesc / Székelyudvarhely there are s... more In the collection of the Haáz Rezső museum from Odorheiul Secuiesc / Székelyudvarhely there are some Roman sculptural monuments that we discuss in this article. The first monument is a fragmentary marble statuette depicting a goddess (Pl. I, Fig. 1 a-c), most likely the goddess Victoria, with unknown provenance. The material from which it is carved is a very good quality marble. The statuette has been preserved fragmentarily, its arms, head, and the lower part of the legs missing. Ichnographically, it could be related to the Nike of Antioch type, the statuette being without wings and holding a shield with an inscription or a imago clipeata above its head. The second monument is a fragmentary funerary lion (Pl. II, Fig. 1), which comes from the area of the Roman fort from Sânpaul / Homoródszentpál, (Mărtiniș, Harghita county). It is preserved in two pieces: a fragment from the head’s area and a fragment from the back of the animal being the first known funerary lion from the military forts located in the central-eastern part of the province of Dacia. The third monument is a fragment of an entablature (Pl. II, Fig. 2 a-c), possibly from a Roman-era building, which was found reused during the Migrations period at Odorheiu Secuiesc. The upper part, which still has little of its frieze preserved, contains the edge of a concentric circular decoration, resembling a pulvinium, followed by a triangular decoration with some representation inside, possibly a ceramic vessel. The fourth monument is a fragment of a votive altar (Pl. II, Fig. 3), recently discovered in 2018, in Odorheiu Secuiesc, within archaeological research, reused during the medieval period. The inscription reads: Silvano/ Dom(estico) M(arcus?)/ Gem[---]/ [---]. It is the first epigraphic mention of the cult of Silvanus in this part of Dacia.
The increase of legislation flexibility with the opportunity to receive a fair amount of award fo... more The increase of legislation flexibility with the opportunity to receive a fair amount of award for reporting the discovery of ancient artefact, has led to the raise of hoards' number in the last decades in Romania. This paper is focusing on a small such discovery that consists of 20 drachms of Dyrrachium and one Latene silver bracelet. The combination of coins and silver bracelet in the vicinity of a Dacian settlement may suggest a symbolic value and a statue of the former owner. The lack of a container and a certain archaeological context does not allow, at the moment, to figure out whether the hoard was buried in an emergency situation or is result of a votive offering.
The iconographic lineage" of Toc-Chereluș coin-type. Relationship between Dacian scyphates and th... more The iconographic lineage" of Toc-Chereluș coin-type. Relationship between Dacian scyphates and the coins from the Scordisci territory 9
The article presents the preliminary results of the interdisciplinary research (geological and ge... more The article presents the preliminary results of the interdisciplinary research (geological and geospatial studies, archaeological excavations, salt production experiments, and ethnographic survey) carried out during 2016-2019, in the site and hybrid saltscape of Băile Figa, well known for its remarkable environmental, ancient and current salt exploitation evidence. Besides, the article aims to evaluate the contribution of recent research to a better understanding of the environmental context of the site and the Late Bronze Age salt production technology in the Inner Carpathian region. Also, it focuses on the hybrid character of the site and its potential to the transdisciplinary and holistic study. The paper presents some data on the environmental (geology, geomorphology, hydrology, pedology, biotop) components of the site and its surroundings, and integrate them into the regional context. Then, it describes the excavation carried out in the central-southern sector of the site, more specifically in Trench S.XV. This excavation has revealed well-preserved remains of some timber-built structures and that dug in the rock salt massif, as well as about 100 artefacts. Most of these are part of the same complex and production system, and date from ca. 1000-900 cal BC. Their correlation with synchronous evidence found in the northern sector of the site shows that during the 10th century BC at least two mutually complementary production areas were used. To better understanding of the Late Bronze Age `trough` salt production system, a series of experiments have been done. These suggest that the `trough` salt production technique could be used for both rock salt mining and brine decantation. The paper also describes various methods of the present-day non-industrial exploitation of the saline matters - brine, mud, rock salt, halophytes - of the Băile Figa site, for food preserving, health care and animal feeding. In conclusion, the paper claims a hybrid nature of the Băile Figa site and landscape, which necessitates the holistic approach to it both for academic and socio-economic goals.
The geographic limits of the Roman frontier in Dacia are not clearly established, rather often pr... more The geographic limits of the Roman frontier in Dacia are not clearly established, rather often presumed and connected to archaeological sites, especially with the forts. The structure of the Limes here comprises a complex system of watchtowers, turf walls, smallish forts and fortlets, as well as legionary fortresses placed behind the frontier line. It is now obvious that the Dacian defensive system was established in several stages, but we know a few other details. The layout and visibility characteristics of several sites prove different construction stages. The Limes network was established as a monitoring system for strict control of traffic, without a real defensive use. Towers with visibility outside the province are rather the exception than the rule.
The reading of the seventh line of the inscription on a funerary monument from Potaissa (CIL III ... more The reading of the seventh line of the inscription on a funerary monument from Potaissa (CIL III 908) has not been cleared up to this moment. Taking into account the changes in the designation process of the legionary cohorts and centuriae in the 3rd century AD, we propose here a new reading of the abbreviated text. It seems therefore that the soldier, who set the funerary stone for his father and uncle, had served in the first cohort of the legion in the centuria headed by the primus pilus.
In this short numismatic note, we try to notice two Dacian coins, that were found in the area of ... more In this short numismatic note, we try to notice two Dacian coins, that were found in the area of the Dacian fortress, on the hill Bileag, from the town Beclean (Beclenuţ neighborhood). The first coin (Pl. I 1-b) is a silver drachma, type Medieşu Aurit, easily scyphate. Dimensions: diameter – 21 mm, weight – 6.4 g. It is particularly damaged on the front. On the obverse (Pl. I–1a) we have a human head pointing to the right, highly stylized. The reverse (Pl. I–1b) shows a horse that has an oval-shaped body, legs incomplete, tightened, with triangular hooves and the head decorated as a bird beak open. The second coin is extremely damaged and fragmentary preserved (Pl. I 2-b). It is probably also a scyphated drachma, of the same type Medieşu Aurit, but in an extremely poor state of preservation.
The region comprising northern Transylvania and the north-eastern part of the Tisa Plain (corresp... more The region comprising northern Transylvania and the north-eastern part of the Tisa Plain (corresponding to the north-eastern part of the Alföld) was marked by a flow of commercial trade, which according to the recent archaeological findings maintained a high degree of intensity for three millennia. The intensity of this economic flow is such that its major component, i.e. the salt commerce determined the historical names of numerous settlements situated near the northern limit of Transylvania (e.g. Satu Mare, Zalnoc, Sălacea), as well as of some administrative districts such as the former counties of Middle Solnoc and Sătmar.
In the present paper the authors deal with 25 epigraphic artifacts previously unpublished or publ... more In the present paper the authors deal with 25 epigraphic artifacts previously unpublished or published in a summarized manner. The artifacts come from Porolissum, Romita, Buciumi and Zalău. Out of the 25 inscriptions analyzed in the following pages, eleven come from Porolissum (no. 1-11), one grinder` bottom made out of andesite and inscribed on the sides comes from Buciumi (no 23) together with a fragment of a large statue base of an Imperial statue (no 24). Finally, a fragment of Roman pottery with a partial graffito inscribed comes from a settlement from Zalău (no 25) which was next to the frontier. The artifact in question altough previously published was never read satisfactory.
7 Sunt menţionate: un relief cu reprezentarea lui Attis, în faţa căruia era un elefant sau alt an... more 7 Sunt menţionate: un relief cu reprezentarea lui Attis, în faţa căruia era un elefant sau alt animal; un perete de aediculă cu două registre, jos reprezentat un personaj feminin care ţine în mâna stângă un ulcior iar cu dreapta ridică o cupă, sus un bărbat călare; o stelă funerară care are pe latura din faţă reprezentat un cap cu două aripi, iar pe părţile laterale, în nişe, grifoni; un al patrulea relief înfăţişa un personaj feminin; iar pe malul drept al văii, în hotarul localităţii Uriu a fost găsit un sarcofag. Ibidem, nr. 16-19, 23. 8 Torma 1864 9 cules mai multe monumente 9 . În punctul M a găsit trei altare căzute unul peste altul, unul dedicat lui Apollo, unu lui Jupiter şi cel de al treilea lui Liber Pater şi Libera. În apropiere, în punctul N, a dezvelit un alt zid, lângă care erau aşezate alte două altare dedicate lui Mars şi Epona, dispuse lângă o placă din tuf vulcanic cu laturile de 2,2 x 1,6 m.
The present study presents five artifacts coming
from ancient Porolissum. The first artifact (no.... more The present study presents five artifacts coming from ancient Porolissum. The first artifact (no. 5) is the only one known so far to the scientific community. The authors demonstrate that the fragment of the feminine statue presents an iconographic depiction of Nemesis-Fortuna. This statue was most likely the central cult piece in the sanctuary dedicated to Nemesis attached to the amphitheater of Porolissum. The other artifacts are the head of a limestone statue of Hercules (no. 6), a fragment of a high-relief panel representing Liber Pater (no. 7), a bronze statuette depicting Victoria (no. 8) from the sanctuary of Iupiter Dolichenus, and an inlaid applique on the blade of a weapon with a representation of Mars (no. 9), also discovered in the amphitheater of Porolissum.
A Roman age terracotta statuette from Budești (Bistrița-Năsăud county)
In the collectio... more A Roman age terracotta statuette from Budești (Bistrița-Năsăud county) (Summary) In the collection of the school museum from Budeşti (Budeşti commune, Bistriţa-Năsăud county) we have identified a terracotta statuette with the representation of a Roman deity. Thus, the artifact was discovered in 1965 by student Filip Olimpia during a hike with the school, at the point “Țigla lui Mândru Ionaș”, in the plowed field. The dimensions of the statuette are as follows: height – 14.5 cm, base width – 4.5 cm. The statuette is made of a fine, orange-brownish paste. The artifact presents a male character wearing a bardocuccullus that covers the entire body to the knees. The face of the character is a distinctive one, looking like a teenager, his eyes are distinctive, with marked eyeballs, his nose is large, slightly damaged on the left, the lips are sketched out briefly, and under his hood one distinguishes slightly his curly hair that falls on his shoulders, the straight, rigid neck giving the feeling of stiffness. The pointy hood (cucullus) is slightly inclined to the left, and its top is flattened. The cloak descends and covers the entire body, except the genital area. The hood and the cloak are held by two fibulae (?) rendered in the form of well-shaped protrusions that hold one side and the other of the garment. From there starts a separating channel suggesting the two sides of the cloak, which opens in the hip area so that the phallic member of the character is shown very suggestively. The sexual organ of the deity is exaggerated, reaching to the level of the foot. Underneath his cloak, the feet are distinguished, without clear details of the type of footwear worn, they seem to be simple calcei. The back of the statuette is finished, but it has a transversal break that existed when the artifact has been discovered, and inside it, there are either ceramic fragments fallen inside or possibly seeds that cause the statuette to emit a rattling sound, like Risi type statuettes. The divinity is posted on a 4.5 x 3 cm quadrangular base, rendered by a bottom channel, with a concave fixing hole of 3 x 2.5 cm underneath. Because of the lack of certain attributes, it is difficult to clearly determine what deity it is. We tend to identify the statuette as a representation of a Genius Cucullatus, based on the clear presence of bardocucullus. As for the ithyphallic-type representations of the god Telesphorus, it should be emphasized that this attribute is a secondary one. The most eloquent analogies for the analyzed statuette are two anthropomorphic oil lamps from Ampelum. Regarding the place of discovery of the statuette, monetary and ceramic discoveries converge to the idea of the existence of at least one Roman archaeological site in the area, most likely a rural settlement. The functionality of the statuette must be related to the religious pantheon of the rural world of the province Dacia. A. Antal considers the cult of these divinities as a cult of personal valences, rather than an official cult. It is also considered to be related to the idea of protecting children, marking a stage of their passage from childhood to adolescence, statuettes of this type being extremely rare in Dacia, all coming from domestic environments. However, the presence of the ithyphallic representation also suggests certain connotations related to the cult of fecundity and fertility.
In this short numismatic note, we try to notice two Dacian coins, that were found in the area of ... more In this short numismatic note, we try to notice two Dacian coins, that were found in the area of the Dacian fortress, on the hill Bileag, from the town Beclean (Beclenuţ neighborhood). The first coin (Pl. I 1-b) is a silver drachma, type Medieşu Aurit, easilyscyphate. Dimensions: diameter – 21 mm, weight – 6.4 g. It is particularly damaged on the front. On the obverse (Pl. I–1a) we have a human head pointing to the right, highly stylized. The reverse (Pl. I–1b) shows a horse that has an oval-shaped body, legs incomplete, tightened, with triangular hooves and the head decorated as a bird beak open. The second coin is extremely damaged and fragmentary preserved (Pl. I 2-b). It is probably also a scyphated drachma, of the same type Medieşu Aurit, but in an extremely poor state of preservation.
În anul 2018 au fost efectuate primele cercetări arheologice invazive în castrul roman de la Ungr... more În anul 2018 au fost efectuate primele cercetări arheologice invazive în castrul roman de la Ungra-Rupea 6 (Pe Hill). Ele au avut ca obiective: verificarea elementelor de fortificare, determinarea fazelor de construcţie, determinarea unităţii/unităţilor militare care au construit şi folosit acest castru, precum şi durata de funcţionare a castrului. Castrul a fost identificat în anul 2015 iar primele informaţii despre existenţa lui au fost publicate în anul 2016. Cercetările non-invazive efectuate în anul 2017 au stabilit o serie de detalii (cum ar fi dimensiunile acestuia - 110x130 m) imposibil de determinat prin metodele arheologice clasice într-un interval atât de scurt de timp şi cu resursele materiale precare pe care colectivul de cercetare le-a avut la dispoziţie (rezultatele acestor cerceătri au fost publicate în anul 2017). Primele detalii ale cercetărilor din anul 2018 au fost prezentate în cadrul Simpozionului Internaţional "Arheovest" VI (Timişoara, 24.11.2018), iar rezultatele acestor cercetări vor fi publicate în curând.
Cronica Cercetarilor Arheologice din Romania. Campania 2016 , 2017
The Băile Figa site is situated in northeast Transylvania in the
Someșul Mare River Basin. It cov... more The Băile Figa site is situated in northeast Transylvania in the Someșul Mare River Basin. It covers the valley of a salty brook (Pârâul Sărat) which flows into Sărata stream which in its turn flows into the Meleș river – a major tributary of the Someșul Mare river (which is the main river of the region). The site overlaps a rock salt deposit that occurs at the depth of 1.5 to 10 m from the present-day terrain surface. A consistent layer of salty mud rich in Bronze Age, Iron Age and medieval timber overlaps this deposit.
New invasive archaeological investigations from the inner
areas of the Roman fort from Orheiu Bis... more New invasive archaeological investigations from the inner areas of the Roman fort from Orheiu Bistriţei conducted in the summer of 2019 have yielded thirteen pottery vessels with graffiti. The inscribed texts discovered at Orheiu Bistriţei are, without exception, written in Latin and were incised after the pots were fired (post cocturam). Generally, these depict the name of the owner with one exception, which might depict a number.
Papers by Zagreanu Radu
the moment of burial/hiding/deposition. The latest coin has served either as an absolute index for dating or, more reasonable, as a terminus post quem. But what happens when the coin is misleading the dating of the hoard? The paper presents such a case when the time spam between the latest coin and the artefact found with them indicates that the burial took place a century(ies) later.
statuette being without wings and holding a shield with an inscription or a imago clipeata above its head. The second monument is a fragmentary funerary lion (Pl. II, Fig. 1), which comes from the area of the Roman fort
from Sânpaul / Homoródszentpál, (Mărtiniș, Harghita county). It is preserved in two pieces: a fragment from the head’s area and a fragment from the back of the animal being the first known funerary lion from the military forts located in the central-eastern part of the province of Dacia. The third monument is a fragment of an entablature
(Pl. II, Fig. 2 a-c), possibly from a Roman-era building, which was found reused during the Migrations period at Odorheiu Secuiesc. The upper part, which still has little of its frieze preserved, contains the edge of a concentric circular decoration, resembling a pulvinium, followed by a triangular decoration with some representation inside, possibly a ceramic vessel. The fourth monument is a fragment of a votive altar (Pl. II, Fig. 3), recently discovered in 2018, in Odorheiu Secuiesc, within archaeological research, reused during the medieval period. The inscription reads: Silvano/ Dom(estico) M(arcus?)/ Gem[---]/ [---]. It is the first epigraphic mention of the cult of Silvanus in this part of Dacia.
line. It is now obvious that the Dacian defensive system was established
in several stages, but we know a few other details. The layout and visibility characteristics of several sites prove different construction stages. The Limes network was established as a monitoring system for strict control of traffic, without a real defensive use. Towers with visibility
outside the province are rather the exception than the rule.
the moment of burial/hiding/deposition. The latest coin has served either as an absolute index for dating or, more reasonable, as a terminus post quem. But what happens when the coin is misleading the dating of the hoard? The paper presents such a case when the time spam between the latest coin and the artefact found with them indicates that the burial took place a century(ies) later.
statuette being without wings and holding a shield with an inscription or a imago clipeata above its head. The second monument is a fragmentary funerary lion (Pl. II, Fig. 1), which comes from the area of the Roman fort
from Sânpaul / Homoródszentpál, (Mărtiniș, Harghita county). It is preserved in two pieces: a fragment from the head’s area and a fragment from the back of the animal being the first known funerary lion from the military forts located in the central-eastern part of the province of Dacia. The third monument is a fragment of an entablature
(Pl. II, Fig. 2 a-c), possibly from a Roman-era building, which was found reused during the Migrations period at Odorheiu Secuiesc. The upper part, which still has little of its frieze preserved, contains the edge of a concentric circular decoration, resembling a pulvinium, followed by a triangular decoration with some representation inside, possibly a ceramic vessel. The fourth monument is a fragment of a votive altar (Pl. II, Fig. 3), recently discovered in 2018, in Odorheiu Secuiesc, within archaeological research, reused during the medieval period. The inscription reads: Silvano/ Dom(estico) M(arcus?)/ Gem[---]/ [---]. It is the first epigraphic mention of the cult of Silvanus in this part of Dacia.
line. It is now obvious that the Dacian defensive system was established
in several stages, but we know a few other details. The layout and visibility characteristics of several sites prove different construction stages. The Limes network was established as a monitoring system for strict control of traffic, without a real defensive use. Towers with visibility
outside the province are rather the exception than the rule.
from ancient Porolissum. The first artifact (no. 5) is
the only one known so far to the scientific community. The authors demonstrate that the fragment of the feminine statue presents an iconographic depiction of Nemesis-Fortuna. This statue was most likely the central cult piece in the sanctuary dedicated to Nemesis attached to the amphitheater of Porolissum. The other artifacts are the head of a limestone statue of Hercules (no. 6), a fragment of a high-relief panel representing Liber Pater (no. 7), a bronze statuette depicting Victoria (no. 8) from the sanctuary of Iupiter Dolichenus, and an inlaid applique on the blade of a weapon with a representation of Mars (no. 9), also discovered in the amphitheater of Porolissum.
In the collection of the school museum from Budeşti (Budeşti commune, Bistriţa-Năsăud county) we have identified a terracotta statuette with the
representation of a Roman deity. Thus, the artifact was discovered in 1965 by student Filip Olimpia during a hike with the school, at the point “Țigla lui Mândru Ionaș”, in the plowed field. The dimensions of the statuette are as follows: height – 14.5 cm, base width – 4.5 cm.
The statuette is made of a fine, orange-brownish paste. The artifact presents a male character wearing a bardocuccullus that covers the entire body to the knees. The face of the character is a distinctive one, looking like a teenager, his eyes are distinctive, with marked eyeballs, his nose is large, slightly damaged on the left, the lips are sketched out briefly, and under his hood one distinguishes slightly his curly hair that falls on his shoulders, the straight, rigid neck giving the feeling of stiffness. The pointy hood (cucullus) is slightly inclined to the left, and its top is flattened. The cloak descends and covers the entire body, except the genital area. The hood and the cloak are held by two fibulae (?) rendered in the form of well-shaped protrusions that hold one side and the other of the garment. From there starts a separating channel suggesting the two sides of the cloak, which opens in the hip area so that the phallic member of the character is shown very suggestively. The sexual organ of the deity is exaggerated, reaching to the level of the foot. Underneath his cloak, the feet are distinguished, without clear details of the type of footwear worn, they seem to be simple calcei. The back of the statuette is finished, but it has a transversal break that existed when the artifact has been discovered, and inside it, there are either ceramic fragments fallen inside or possibly seeds that cause the statuette to emit a rattling sound, like Risi type statuettes. The divinity is posted
on a 4.5 x 3 cm quadrangular base, rendered by a bottom channel, with a concave fixing hole of 3 x 2.5 cm underneath. Because of the lack of certain attributes, it is difficult to clearly determine what deity it is. We tend to identify the statuette as a representation of a Genius Cucullatus, based on the clear presence of bardocucullus. As for the ithyphallic-type representations of the god Telesphorus, it should be emphasized that this attribute is a secondary one. The most eloquent analogies for the analyzed statuette are two anthropomorphic oil lamps from
Ampelum. Regarding the place of discovery of the statuette, monetary and ceramic discoveries converge to the idea of the existence of at least one Roman archaeological site in the area, most likely a rural settlement.
The functionality of the statuette must be related to the religious pantheon of the rural world of the province Dacia. A. Antal considers the cult of these divinities as a cult of personal valences, rather than an official cult. It is also considered to be related to the idea of protecting children, marking a stage of their passage from childhood to adolescence, statuettes of this type being extremely rare in Dacia, all coming from domestic environments. However, the presence of the ithyphallic representation also suggests certain connotations related to the cult of fecundity and fertility.
state of preservation.
Castrul a fost identificat în anul 2015 iar primele informaţii despre existenţa lui au fost publicate în anul 2016. Cercetările non-invazive efectuate în anul 2017 au stabilit o serie de detalii (cum ar fi dimensiunile acestuia - 110x130 m) imposibil de determinat prin metodele arheologice clasice într-un interval atât de scurt de timp şi cu resursele materiale precare pe care colectivul de cercetare le-a avut la dispoziţie (rezultatele acestor cerceătri au fost publicate în anul 2017).
Primele detalii ale cercetărilor din anul 2018 au fost prezentate în cadrul Simpozionului Internaţional "Arheovest" VI (Timişoara, 24.11.2018), iar rezultatele acestor cercetări vor fi publicate în curând.
Someșul Mare River Basin. It covers the valley of a salty brook (Pârâul
Sărat) which flows into Sărata stream which in its turn flows into the
Meleș river – a major tributary of the Someșul Mare river (which
is the main river of the region). The site overlaps a rock salt deposit
that occurs at the depth of 1.5 to 10 m from the present-day terrain
surface. A consistent layer of salty mud rich in Bronze Age, Iron Age
and medieval timber overlaps this deposit.
areas of the Roman fort from Orheiu Bistriţei conducted in the
summer of 2019 have yielded thirteen pottery vessels with graffiti.
The inscribed texts discovered at Orheiu Bistriţei are, without
exception, written in Latin and were incised after the pots were fired
(post cocturam). Generally, these depict the name of the owner with
one exception, which might depict a number.