Papers by agustina fitriani
Biological Trace Element Research
Fluoride is frequently added to drinking water supplies, various food products, toothpaste, and m... more Fluoride is frequently added to drinking water supplies, various food products, toothpaste, and mouth rinses to prevent tooth damage. However, at high concentrations, fluoride can cause fluorosis and damage to the brain tissue due to its excitotoxicity and oxidative stress effects. The damage of the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum can lead to motor coordination disorders. The present study aimed at investigating the effects of sodium fluoride on the motor coordination and the number of Purkinje cells of the cerebellum of rats. Adult male Wistar rats were divided into four groups, namely a control group which received reverse osmosis distilled water and three treated groups which received sodium fluoride at doses of 5, 10, or 20 mg/kg bw. The treatment lasted for 30 days. The motor coordination of the rats was examined using a rotarod prior and subsequent to the treatments. The number of Purkinje cells was estimated using physical fractionator design. The numbers of Purkinje cells of the F10 and F20 groups were significantly lower than that of the control group. No significant differences in the results of the motor coordination test were found. The administration of sodium fluoride at doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg bw caused a decrease in the number of Purkinje cells of the cerebellum in rats.
International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, 2021
Background: Socioeconomic status is a grouping of people based on the similarity of work, educati... more Background: Socioeconomic status is a grouping of people based on the similarity of work, education and economic characteristics. Socioeconomic status indicates certain inequalities. Child development is all changes that occur in the child seen from various aspects including physical (motor), emotional, cognitive and psychosocial aspects (how children interact with the environment). A study conducted in philippines showed that out of 2000 children who were malnourished, 2/3 of them experienced a decrease in Intelligence Quotient (IQ) (1). Nutrition consumed by toddlers will affect the developmental status of toddlers. Differences in nutritional status of toddlers have different influences on each child's development, where if the nutrition consumed is not met properly then the development of toddlers will be able to inhibit their development which includes cognitive, motor, language, and personal-social skills compared to toddlers who have good nutritional status (2). The economic level of the family affects the ability of parents in providing infrastructure to stimulate the development of children (3). Method: This research is an analytical survey research, with cross sectional design where the population of this research is sampled in this study as many as 54 students / I (4). This research discusses Result: the research obtained is showing that the statistical test results obtained that the value of P Value 0.013 (< 0.05) means that there is a meaningful relationship between the socioeconomic status of parents to the age of development of the child. This study used a statistic test (hypothesis) conducted with Chi-square testing. Conclusion: By understanding parents' socioeconomic status has a positive influence on the child's development process, parents who tend to have low socioeconomic status must be able to support and fulfill balanced nutrition in the child's development process.
Background: Implantable contraception is a method of contraception that is placed under the skin ... more Background: Implantable contraception is a method of contraception that is placed under the skin of the arm in the upper part. This method is very effective to prevent pregnancy and does not interfere with daily activities. Birth control pills are one of the hormonal contraceptives that aims to prevent pregnancy from being added to a woman's body by being taken by mouth (pills). The purpose of taking birth control pills is to prevent, inhibit and prevent pregnancy. The advantages of implant contraception are high usability, long-term protection (5 years), rapid return of fertility after revocation, no need for internal examination, does not interfere with breast milk, can be revoked at any time as needed (Saifuddin, 2003). Side effects of implant contraception are irregular bleeding, amenorrhea, spotting bleeding, weight gain, acne, headache, cramps, depression, premenstrual tension, hair loss, headaches., Knowledge of KB Needs Acceptors in choosing a contraceptive device. The pupose of contraception is to prevent pregnancy in women. This type of research is analytic survey with cross sectional. The population in this study is the Acceptor of contraceptive pills in the Village Building Work Area UPTD Puskesmas Kemalaraja East Baturaja OKU District Subdistrict from July-August 2019 as many as 73 people Instruments in this study using a questionnaire. Results obtained no knowledge of the relationship, age and parity with mothers reason to change the contraceptive pill contraceptive implants and there is no relationship between maternal side effects by reason of replacing pills with a contraceptive implant.
International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences , 2020
abstract— Background: The peatlands fire produce particles and gasses component such as sulfur di... more abstract— Background: The peatlands fire produce particles and gasses component such as sulfur dioxide (SO 22 4), carbon monoxide (CO), nytrogen oxide (Nox) and ozone (O) that caused health problems. The expose of the smoke will activate CD4+ and mast cell on respiratory system. The CD4+ will differentiated into Th2, while in the differentiated proses, it will produce IL-4 and IL-5. Th2 that merge with IL-5 could activate and increase the eosinophil production. Eosinophil is an inflammation cell that have a main role in chronic inflammation proses of respiratory system. One effort to prevent the effects of smoke is by consuming antioxidants. This study aims to determine the analysis of antioxidant consumption to count the number of blood eosinophils in white male Swiss Webster strains exposed to peat smoke. This research is laboratory experimental research and the design used is Post Test Only Control Group Design. The research was carried out at the FK Unsri animal house for 30 days in July 2019. The samples were 33 male white Swiss Webster mice divided into 2 treatment groups and 1 control group. Data were analyzed by the Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests which were processed using SPSS version 22 for windows. Research results prove that exposure to peat smoke increases eosinophil levels. Consumption of antioxidants can reduce the count of blood eosinophils in
white male Swiss Webster strains exposed to peat smoke (p Value = 0.037 <α 0.05).
International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, 2020
Background: The family is the unity of the people involved in the marriage, blood relationship an... more Background: The family is the unity of the people involved in the marriage, blood relationship and living in one house. The presence of significant events such as family members who have elderly in a home creates stress for families who care for them so that the demands are forcing the family to be able to adapt to the in terms of allocating their time to care for the elderly. This study aims to describe the level of stress in families with elderly. This study used a descriptive exploratory method, the total 30 respondents. This research was carried out in the island stage island of Semende sub-district in the sea of Muara Enim district 2019. Using the depress in anxiety stress scales questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that most families experience mild stress 20 respondents (66.7%), whereas moderate stress there 5 respondents (16.75), who experience normal stress 4 respondents (13.3%) respondents who experience severe stress 1 respondents (3.3%). This research is expected for elderly families to further maximize their partipation in providing support to families, which in turn can create a better mental life for families in increasing their knowledge and skills in providing care and activities in daily life.
International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, 2020
Background: Implantable contraception is a method of contraception that is placed under the skin ... more Background: Implantable contraception is a method of contraception that is placed under the skin of the arm in the upper part. This method is very effective to prevent pregnancy and does not interfere with daily activities. Birth control pills are one of the hormonal contraceptives that aims to prevent pregnancy from being added to a woman's body by being taken by mouth (pills). The purpose of taking birth control pills is to prevent, inhibit and prevent pregnancy. The advantages of implant contraception are high usability, long-term protection (5 years), rapid return of fertility after revocation, no need for internal examination, does not interfere with breast milk, can be revoked at any time as needed (Saifuddin, 2003). Side effects of implant contraception are irregular bleeding, amenorrhea, spotting bleeding, weight gain, acne, headache, cramps, depression, premenstrual tension, hair loss, headaches., Knowledge of KB Needs Acceptors in choosing a contraceptive device. The pupose of contraception is to prevent pregnancy in women. This type of research is analytic survey with cross sectional. The population in this study is the Acceptor of contraceptive pills in the Village Building Work Area UPTD Puskesmas Kemalaraja East Baturaja OKU District Subdistrict from July-August 2019 as many as 73 people Instruments in this study using a questionnaire. Results obtained no knowledge of the relationship, age and parity with mothers reason to change the contraceptive pill contraceptive implants and there is no relationship between maternal side effects by reason of replacing pills with a contraceptive implant.
Biological Trace Element Research, 2018
Fluoride is frequently added to drinking water supplies, various food products, toothpaste, and m... more Fluoride is frequently added to drinking water supplies, various food products, toothpaste, and mouth rinses to prevent tooth damage. However, at high concentrations, fluoride can cause fluorosis and damage to the brain tissue due to its excitotoxicity and oxidative stress effects. The damage of the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum can lead to motor coordination disorders. The present study aimed at investigating the effects of sodium fluoride on the motor coordination and the number of Purkinje cells of the cerebellum of rats. Adult male Wistar rats were divided into four groups, namely a control group which received reverse osmosis distilled water and three treated groups which received sodium fluoride at doses of 5, 10, or 20 mg/kg bw. The treatment lasted for 30 days. The motor coordination of the rats was examined using a rotarod prior and subsequent to the treatments. The number of Purkinje cells was estimated using physical fractionator design. The numbers of Purkinje cells of the F10 and F20 groups were significantly lower than that of the control group. No significant differences in the results of the motor coordination test were found. The administration of sodium fluoride at doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg bw caused a decrease in the number of Purkinje cells of the cerebellum in rats.
Papers by agustina fitriani
white male Swiss Webster strains exposed to peat smoke (p Value = 0.037 <α 0.05).
white male Swiss Webster strains exposed to peat smoke (p Value = 0.037 <α 0.05).