Proceedings of the First International Conference on Democracy and Social Transformation, ICON-DEMOST 2021, September 15, 2021, Semarang, Indonesia, 2022
The modernization has an impact on the Dayak Meratus Tribe. Traditions that are firmly held begin... more The modernization has an impact on the Dayak Meratus Tribe. Traditions that are firmly held begin to slowly falter due to the influence of capitalism and interactions with the outside world. This study aims to describe the cultural transformation in Dayak Meratus tribe in the novel Mawinei by Eva Liana, as well as to describe the supporting factors and challenges in the process of cultural transformation. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method using a literary anthropological approach. Koentjaraningrat's theory is used to find cultural elements to explore the cultural transformations. There are transformations of living equipment and technology systems, knowledge systems, livelihood systems, and religious systems. The internal factors are the willingness to overcome life's problems and rejection of tradition. Meanwhile, external factors are modernization and the influence of Islam. The cultural transformation is caused by the strength of traditions by some people and the rejection of new beliefs.
Papers by derri riana