Papers by ekaterine Kobakhidze
![Research paper thumbnail of Tyrrhenian Pirates](
Notwithstanding the diversity in modern theories of myth research, almost every theory agrees tha... more Notwithstanding the diversity in modern theories of myth research, almost every theory agrees that often metaphorisation of the event, having taken place realistically, is characteristic to mythological thinking. In other words, concrete historical reality gives an impulse to each myth, whatever abstract and fantastic its plot might seem. Therefore it is quite possible to talk about chronological frames of myth development, which, naturally, serves as an important factor for scientific research of a myth. It is interesting that share of historical reality might be higher in the plot, full of fantastic elements, rather than in a story with concrete geographic names, because the latter might describe mythological reality and mythological peoples. Interesting synthesis of reality and fantasy can be observed in the myth about Dionysus and Tyrrhenian pirates-the scene of transforming pirates into dolphins co-exists with the concrete ethnonym-'Tyrrhenian'. The myth about Dionysus and Tyrrhenian Pirates is quite a popular plot in Ancient literature, as well as in fine arts. This episode is mentioned in Homeric Hymns at the first time, namely in the eighth dithyramb, which is fully dedicated to the meeting of Dionysus and Tyrrhenian Pirates: 1 Presently there came swiftly over the sparkling sea Tyrrhenian pirates on a well-decked ship-a miserable doom led them on.
![Research paper thumbnail of Latin Legal Terminology in the Monuments of Georgian Law](
The article focuses chiefly on the research of Latin legal terminology presented in written monum... more The article focuses chiefly on the research of Latin legal terminology presented in written monuments of Georgian Law in the 11th-21st centuries. It describes the long history of endeavors to establish the existence of Latin legal terms in Georgian legal sources, how they were received during different epochs, the regularities of forming these terms in the Georgian language, their initial meanings and other noteworthy details that are important not only from a philological perspective but from a legal point of view. Despite the fact that Georgia was never under the ruling of the Roman Empire, and hence, — Latin legal terms never entered Georgian law directly from Roman law or from the Latin language, from as early as the 11th century these terms made a significant impact on the creation of Georgian legal terminology. Overall, they greatly contributed to approximating Georgian law to Western legal culture.
![Research paper thumbnail of The Issue of Descent of the Deity Mars](
PHASIS, 2005
An attempt to identify the functions of Roman deity Mars has been made in many research works. 1 ... more An attempt to identify the functions of Roman deity Mars has been made in many research works. 1 Particular interest towards this god is motivated by his participation in so-called Roman genealogical myths. The father of Romulus and Remus, the main character of one of the earliest patterns of the surviving folk poetry, has for a long time remained in science in the shade of the Greek god of war Ares, and was perceived as his Roman interpretation. Now "justice is restored", and under the influence of Greek mythology, he re-acquired the role of the god of war for the second time, though his primary function has not been definitely identified. I believe that obtaining further insight into the essence of the problem is impossible without taking into consideration the "Italian context" of the Roman deity. In this case I mean the pantheon of the peoples living on the Apennines peninsula and participation of Mars" namesake gods in the formation of functions of the Roman deity. These mythological characters and gods are: of Marsians-Marsia, Marsos, of Auzons-Mares, and Etruscan-Maris. Let us consider the existing information on each of the deities, which in first two cases is fully based on literary sources.
![Research paper thumbnail of The Tradition of Foster Adoption in Ancient Mediterranean Area and Georgia](
PHASIS, 2011
One Etruscan mirror found in Volterra and dated 350-325 BC, shows Etruscan supreme goddess Uni, w... more One Etruscan mirror found in Volterra and dated 350-325 BC, shows Etruscan supreme goddess Uni, who is the equivalent of Roman Juno and Greek Hera, suckling adult bearded Hercle (Roman Hercules and Greek Heracles). The inscription on the picture says that Hercle is Uni's sonunial clan. 1 Two gods and two goddesses attend the scene. Such a scene is not the only one ever found. 2 Such a theme is unknown to Greek mythology. However, there is one myth about Hera and Heracles, which is somehow linked to this version depicted on the Etruscan mirror. The legend is preserved in works by Diodorus of Sicily and Pausanias. The story is as follows: Fearing jealous Hera, Alcmene left newborn Heracles in the field beyond the walls of Thebes. Instructed by Zeus, Athena called Hera to have a stroll there. The goddess of wisdom made Hera pity the crying and hungry baby abandoned by his mother and asked her to feed the child. Hera breastfed Heracles, but the latter sucked so hard that the embittered goddess flung him aside. Breastfeeding Heracles, Hera made him immortal and, as the myth says, the spilt milk was transformed into the Milky Way. 3 According to another version, Hermes took baby Heracles to Olympus and Zeus laid the newborn at Hera's breast while she was sleeping. The 1
![Research paper thumbnail of Tanaquil of Tarquinii](
PHASIS, 2009
Ekaterine Kobakhidze (Tbilisi) TANAQUIL OF TARQUINII It is impossible to give a full account of t... more Ekaterine Kobakhidze (Tbilisi) TANAQUIL OF TARQUINII It is impossible to give a full account of the mythological events of the epoch of the ancient Roman kings without giving due attention to the personality of Gaia Caecilia Tanaquil, the wife of Tarquinius Priscus, the fifth king of Rome. It is for this reason that numerous authors of the ancient period, including Livy, Dionysus of Halicarnassus, Plutarch, Pliny the Elder, Pontius Paulinus, Ausonius and Claudianus provide information about Tanaquil. According to Livy, Tanaquil belonged to the highest strata of society (summo loco nata) 1 of the city of Tarquinii, Etruria. By contrast, her husband, Lucumo (later Lucius Tarquinius Priscus) was the son of Demaratus, who had emigrated from Corinth to Tarquinii. By marrying him, Tanaquil moved down the social hierarchy. The reason for this is perhaps to be sought in the distinctly conservative nature of the Etruscan society-foreigners never became equal with the indigenous population. It may be that had it not been for Tanaquil's ambition, Lucumo, a rather wealthy person, would have ended his life in Tarquinii in tranquility and contentment but Tanaquil 'could not reconcile herself to the idea that with this marriage her status fell to a level lower than what was her birthright 2. Apart from this, she could not reconcile herself to humiliation. Therefore, disowning her natural love for her homeland, she decided to leave Tarquinii to make sure her husband gained glory.' 3
![Research paper thumbnail of Hegeleus the Tyrsenian in Corinth and Demaratus the Corinthian in Tyrsenia](
PHASIS, 2011
In Book II of his Description of Greece, Pausanias describes the temple of Athena in Temenus, whi... more In Book II of his Description of Greece, Pausanias describes the temple of Athena in Temenus, which he visited, telling a legend about how it was founded: "A sanctuary of Athena Trumpet (S£lpigx) they say was founded by Hegeleus. This Hegeleus, according to the story, was the son of Tyrsenus (Tyrrhenus), and Tyrsenus was the son of Heracles and the Lydian woman [Omphale]; Tyrsenus invented the trumpet, and Hegeleus, the son of Tyrsenus, taught the Dorians from Temenus how to play the instrument and for this reason gave Athena the surname Trumpet." 1 The information in this passage requires special comments and analysis. We will focus on several important issues: I. Tyrsenus. Herodotus was the first to mention Hegeleus' father Tyrsenus. Believing that Tyrsenians (Lat. Etruscans) came from Lydia, the Greek historian says that because of famine caused by a harvest failure, a group of Lydians led by Tyrsenus, the son of their King Atys, "went down to Smyrna, and built themselves ships, in which, after they had put on board all needful stores, they sailed away in search of new homes and better sustenance. After sailing past many countries they came to Umbria, where they built cities for themselves, and fixed their residence. Their former name of Lydians they laid aside, and called themselves after the name of the king's son, who led the colony, Tyrsenians [Tyrrhenians]." 2 The format of this paper provides no possibility to discuss in more detail the opinions on Etruscans' origin in Antiquity and modern science.
![Research paper thumbnail of Metaia](
ΣΧΟΛΗ. Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition
It could be said with some precision, that in Antiquity the myth of the Argonauts and especially ... more It could be said with some precision, that in Antiquity the myth of the Argonauts and especially of Medea herself as a personage of this myth, has enjoyed popularity not only in Greece but also outside its territories. The first among the Italic tribes to be introduced to the personage of Medea no doubt were the Etruscans, who were the first to establish intensive contacts with the Greeks from Euboea founding a colony in Cumae, Italy. It is noteworthy that the first image of Medea in the World Art is seen on Etruscan ceramics. The paper gives detailed analyses of Etruscan olpe and other artefacts on which Medea early appears, providing a solid precondition for substantive conclusions. Some new versions of an interpretation expressed in relation to each of the artefacts on the basis of critical analysis of Etruscan archeological material, of classical texts and of previously undertaken modern research, are provided. Images of Medea in Etruscan art confirmed from the Orientalist era t...
![Research paper thumbnail of Schole -Metaia](
Metaia, 2022
It could be said with some precision, that in Antiquity the myth of the Argonauts and especially ... more It could be said with some precision, that in Antiquity the myth of the Argonauts and especially of Medea herself as a personage of this myth, has enjoyed popularity not only in Greece but also outside its territories. The first among the Italic tribes to be introduced to the personage of Medea no doubt were the Etruscans, who were the first to establish intensive contacts with the Greeks from Euboea founding a colony in Cumae, Italy. It is noteworthy that the first image of Medea in the World Art is seen on Etruscan ceramics. The paper gives detailed analyses of Etruscan olpe and other artefacts on which Medea early appears, providing a solid precondition for substantive conclusions. Some new versions of an interpretation expressed in relation to each of the artefacts on the basis of critical analysis of Etruscan archeological material, of classical texts and of previously undertaken modern research, are provided. Images of Medea in Etruscan art confirmed from the Orientalist era to the Hellenization period represent an original, local interpretation of Medea's image. Medea's magical art turned out to be familiar to the Etruscans, who were well known all throughout the Mediterranean for divination and being experts of magic. In contrast to the Greeks, they turned Medea into an object of cult worship, identifying her with the Etruscan sun god Cavatha.
Journal Phasis - Greek and Roman Studies, 2016
It is impossible to give a full account of the mythological events of the epoch of the ancient Ro... more It is impossible to give a full account of the mythological events of the epoch of the ancient Roman kings without giving due attention to the personality of Gaia Caecilia Tanaquil, the wife of Tarquinius Priscus , the fifth king of Rome.
Journal Phasis - Greek and Roman Studies, 2007
The popularity of Greek mythology spread to the Apennines in the 8th-7th centuries B.C. Scholars ... more The popularity of Greek mythology spread to the Apennines in the 8th-7th centuries B.C. Scholars attribute this fact to the establishment of the first Greek colony by Euboeans on the opposite side of the island of Schia. The population of Pithecusa started intensive economic, trade and cultural relations with the peoples of Italy. Owing to these relations, Greek artifacts, lavishly decorated with mythological plots, very soon became the items for daily use among the population of the Apennines.
Journal Phasis - Greek and Roman Studies, 2016
The so-called cultural factor has a decisive role in European identity. It is common knowledge th... more The so-called cultural factor has a decisive role in European identity. It is common knowledge that the legacy of Antiquity made a significant contribution to shape it. Numerous fundamental studies have been devoted to the role of the ancient civilisation in the formation of European culture. However, the importance of the cultures, which made their contributions to the process of shaping European identity by making an impact on the ancient Greek and Roman world directly or via Graeca or via Roma, have not been given sufficient attention.
During the last decades the research of the old universe civilizations was carried out with spec... more During the last decades the research of the old universe civilizations was carried out with special intensity, thank to important discoveries, which were made in the spheres of archeology, linguistics, art history and culture. These discoveries touched so to speak the already “discovered”, traditionally studied phenomena as the Greek culture, also insufficiently investigated heritage, partly represented by mysteries and instated facts, such as the Etruscan civilization.
As it is well-known, Virgil’s Aeneid and its importance sufficiently surpass the limits of belles... more As it is well-known, Virgil’s Aeneid and its importance sufficiently surpass the limits of belles-lettres.The poem provides various information which attracts a special attention of the scientists working in literature, history, mythology, linguistics, politics etc.
![Research paper thumbnail of Medea in Etruscan Art](
It could be said with some precision, that in Antiquity the myth of the Argonauts and especially ... more It could be said with some precision, that in Antiquity the myth of the Argonauts and especially of Medea herself as a personage of this myth, has enjoyed popularity not only in Greece but also outside its territories. The first among the Italic tribes to be introduced to the personage of Medea no doubt were the Etruscans, who were the first to establish intensive contacts with the Greeks from Euboea founding a colony in Cumae, Italy. It is noteworthy that the first image of Medea in the World Art is seen on Etruscan ceramics. The paper gives detailed analyses of Etruscan artefacts on which Medea appears, providing a solid precondition for substantive conclusions. Some new versions of an interpretation expressed in relation to each of the artefacts on the basis of critical analysis of Etruscan archeological material, of classical texts and of previously undertaken modern research, are provided. Images of Medea in Etruscan art confirmed from the Orientalist era to the Hellenization period represent an original, local interpretation of Medea's image. Medea's magical art turned out to be familiar to the Etruscans, who were well known all throughout the Mediterranean for divination and being experts of magic. In contrast to the Greeks, they turned Medea into an object of cult worship, identifying her with the Etruscan sun god Cavatha.
![Research paper thumbnail of ახალი ბერძნული წარწერა სოხუმის ციხიდან](
ახალი ბერძნული წარწერა სოხუმის ციხიდან, 2020
A fragment of a limestone with Greek inscription was unearthed during the excavations of Sokhumi ... more A fragment of a limestone with Greek inscription was unearthed during the excavations of Sokhumi fortress. It was first published by V. V. Vetrogradova. Her reconstruction of the text and the scholarly commentaries need some refinement and additional treatment. The first line of the inscription might mention the name of the Sanigi king – Spadagas not ―decree of the people‖, however the second line is adequately translated by Vetrogradova as ―admiring‖, as for the the third line, it is extremely difficult to reconstruct and even several possible readings does not give us an exact clue about the content, still the existence of some form of the verb ―to give‖ can be tentatively argued. The fourth line is also correctly reconstructed by Vetrogradova as ―equip/prepare‖ and the last line should be the part of the word νέμονηαι rather than the word ἂνεμος. The major meaning of the word νέμονηαι is ―to deal out, dispense‖ which can also be related with the activity of Arrian in this region. Topography of the discovery and the chronology of Arrian’s travel all correspond to this assumption however poor conditions of the fragment do not give us the opportunity to argue more.
Etruscans in the Context of European Identity, 2012
Papers by ekaterine Kobakhidze