Borec, LXI/2009, št. 657-661, ZAK, Ljubljana, 2009
"Pričujoči esej se vidika feminističnih teorij, umeščenih v postsocializem, odpravi na dolgo pot ... more "Pričujoči esej se vidika feminističnih teorij, umeščenih v postsocializem, odpravi na dolgo pot z »vzhoda« na »zahod« (Evrope). Najprej se zadrži pri žgoče neenakem razmerju moči, ki imaginarija obenem ločuje in povezuje, zatem se ustavi pri diskurzivni kolonizaciji (orientalizmu, balkanizmu) ali etnocentričnem univerzalizmu, ki ne glede na mesto izjavljanja (Vzhod ali Zahod) neti nove nesporazume ali celo sovraštvo. Teorije o enosmernem potovanju idej (vplivu zahodnih teorij na vzhodne) izziva s konceptom transkulturacije, ki raje govori o večplastnem procesu hkratne prisotnosti, prepletanja, spreminjanja in kroženja feminističnih idej ter praks. Ob tretjem in zadnjem postanku predlaga, da je zaradi podobnosti med ekonomskimi (neoliberalizem, »kriza«) in političnimi razmerami (etnocentrizem, revizionizem, kulturni relativizem) Vzhod in Zahod danes smiselno misliti skupaj, obenem pa na izbranih primerih (revizionizem, antifeminizem in demografska politika v Sloveniji) pokaže, da feministična teorija njune in njihove povezanosti ne more opaziti, če v svoje vrste ne vključi intersekcionalnosti (metode), zahteve po redistribuciji bogastva (politike) in premisleka o tem, kako zanetiti kak bučen kres (taktike).
Papers by Tea Hvala
Prva objava: Borec, LIX/2007, št. 644-647.
Razdelek "Horizonti zgodovine" vsebuje:
Tea Hvala: Uvod (str. 104-107)
Veronica Schild: Razkroj drugega vala feminizma v Čilu in izzivi neoliberalne sodobnosti (str. 108-125)
Tea Hvala: Najpomembnejši upor: pogovor z Veronico Schild (str. 126-139)
Originally published at the City of Women festival blog by Mesto žensk – association for the promotion of women in culture, Ljubljana.
PDF (str. 95-114):
A shorter version ("only" 100 pages) was published in ISH Monitor, vol.12, nr. 1 (2010). PDF:
The first (2008) version of the essay is online:
The revised and updated version, entitled "Streetwise Politics: Feminist and Lesbian Grassroots Activism in Ljubljana" is attached below. It was published in: Elke Zobl, Ricarda Drüeke (eds.): Feminist Media: Participatory Spaces, Networks and Cultural Citizenship, transcript, Bielefeld, 2012, pp. 123-135.
More about the book at:
In Serbian.
Published in: Izgubljeno u tranziciji: Kritička analiza procesa društvene transformacije, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Beograd, 2011, pp. 144-162. PDF:
First published in: Katja Kobolt, Lana Zdravković (eds.): Performative Gestures Political Moves, City of Women / Red Athena Press, Ljubljana / Zagreb, 2014.
Introduction to the book (PDF):
Books by Tea Hvala
Interviewees: Anna Ehrlemark, Mirjana Frank, Danaja Grešak, Ana Grobler, Jasmina Jerant, Ana Jereb, Anja Kocman, Jadranka Ljubičič, Urška Merc, Slađana Mitrović, Lidija Radojević, Nataša Serec, Tanja Škander, Suzana Tratnik, Daša Tepina and Vesna Vravnik. Interviews with Anna Ehrlemark and Jasmina Jerant are in English, the rest of the book is in Slovene. Cover by Anna Ehrlemark.
Originally released by KUD Mreža, Ljubljana, 2010.
The book does not (only) represent the research on performance art and performativity in a region denoted as “East European”, but also produces positions that go beyond the representation(s) of what performance art, performativity in/and “Post-Socialist Europe” are.
Performative Gestures Political Moves therefore also raises questions of historisation(s) and their ideological positioning. Especially within feminist art history but also in feminist curating, the question of labelling art production as feminist has been till today a burning subject. How, what, when, why, where, by whom and for whom is (performance) art feminist, obviously does not have an unambiguous answer. The same is true for art and feminism as such. Therefore, the publication has aimed to foster a reflection on research positions and theoretical considerations of performativity, performance art, feminism, historisation and, above all, their political implications in/and/for the “continental Post-Socialist” condition.
With contributions by Angela Dimitrakaki, Ana Peraica, Barbara Orel, Dunja Kukovec, Grupa Spomenik and DeLVe, Marija Ratković, Marina Gržinić, Martina Pachmanová, Milijana Babić, Suzana Milevska, Tea Hvala, Waldemar Tatarczuk
Edited by Katja Kobolt and Lana Zdravković
Prva objava: Borec, LIX/2007, št. 644-647.
Razdelek "Horizonti zgodovine" vsebuje:
Tea Hvala: Uvod (str. 104-107)
Veronica Schild: Razkroj drugega vala feminizma v Čilu in izzivi neoliberalne sodobnosti (str. 108-125)
Tea Hvala: Najpomembnejši upor: pogovor z Veronico Schild (str. 126-139)
Originally published at the City of Women festival blog by Mesto žensk – association for the promotion of women in culture, Ljubljana.
PDF (str. 95-114):
A shorter version ("only" 100 pages) was published in ISH Monitor, vol.12, nr. 1 (2010). PDF:
The first (2008) version of the essay is online:
The revised and updated version, entitled "Streetwise Politics: Feminist and Lesbian Grassroots Activism in Ljubljana" is attached below. It was published in: Elke Zobl, Ricarda Drüeke (eds.): Feminist Media: Participatory Spaces, Networks and Cultural Citizenship, transcript, Bielefeld, 2012, pp. 123-135.
More about the book at:
In Serbian.
Published in: Izgubljeno u tranziciji: Kritička analiza procesa društvene transformacije, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Beograd, 2011, pp. 144-162. PDF:
First published in: Katja Kobolt, Lana Zdravković (eds.): Performative Gestures Political Moves, City of Women / Red Athena Press, Ljubljana / Zagreb, 2014.
Introduction to the book (PDF):
Interviewees: Anna Ehrlemark, Mirjana Frank, Danaja Grešak, Ana Grobler, Jasmina Jerant, Ana Jereb, Anja Kocman, Jadranka Ljubičič, Urška Merc, Slađana Mitrović, Lidija Radojević, Nataša Serec, Tanja Škander, Suzana Tratnik, Daša Tepina and Vesna Vravnik. Interviews with Anna Ehrlemark and Jasmina Jerant are in English, the rest of the book is in Slovene. Cover by Anna Ehrlemark.
Originally released by KUD Mreža, Ljubljana, 2010.
The book does not (only) represent the research on performance art and performativity in a region denoted as “East European”, but also produces positions that go beyond the representation(s) of what performance art, performativity in/and “Post-Socialist Europe” are.
Performative Gestures Political Moves therefore also raises questions of historisation(s) and their ideological positioning. Especially within feminist art history but also in feminist curating, the question of labelling art production as feminist has been till today a burning subject. How, what, when, why, where, by whom and for whom is (performance) art feminist, obviously does not have an unambiguous answer. The same is true for art and feminism as such. Therefore, the publication has aimed to foster a reflection on research positions and theoretical considerations of performativity, performance art, feminism, historisation and, above all, their political implications in/and/for the “continental Post-Socialist” condition.
With contributions by Angela Dimitrakaki, Ana Peraica, Barbara Orel, Dunja Kukovec, Grupa Spomenik and DeLVe, Marija Ratković, Marina Gržinić, Martina Pachmanová, Milijana Babić, Suzana Milevska, Tea Hvala, Waldemar Tatarczuk
Edited by Katja Kobolt and Lana Zdravković