ISG Institut Supérieur de Gestion
Worldwide, innovation ecosystems have been used as a framework to promote socioeconomic development. Brazil has been conducting several efforts to foster innovation ecosystems as a strategic option for its socioeconomic development and as... more
Globally distributed teams (GDTs) have become essential tools for organisations to expand, quickly adapt and restructure to remain competitive in the current economic climate. The theoretical literature has been discussing the advantages,... more
The current complexity of economic, social, technological and business environments in which modern organizations are inserted have determined new forms of working relationships and configurations. This has in turn triggered numerous... more
La théorie du sensemaking de K.E. Weick est une des approches les plus fécondes pour rendre compte des réactions des organisations aux situations de crise. Or cette théorie ne concède à la décision qu'une place restreinte par rapport à... more
Prior resilience research typically focuses on either the individual or the organisational level of analysis, emphasises resilience in relation to day-to-day stressors rather than extreme events and is empirically under-developed. In... more
Trust is a key ingredient of business activities. Scams are spectacular betrayals of trust. When the victim is a powerful organization that does not look vulnerable at first sight, we can suspect that this organization has developed an... more
Distribution électronique pour AIMS. © AIMS. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales... more
La responsabilité contractuelle à l'hôpital Un modèle fonctionnel malgré tout ? Cet article examine le modèle formel de reddition de comptes qui est désormais appliqué à l'hôpital : celui de la responsabilité contractuelle. En décrivant... more
Once considered potential sources of danger, generating industrial risks, companies are now viewed as indispensable partners in preparing risk responses. However, this shift raises the crucial question of the coordination between the... more
It was reclaimed loud and clear. In March 2020, it became a symbol of our efforts to protect those on the front lines. From April, it has become the companion for our outings. It has been displayed as the mark that our... more
En avril 2009, les premieres manifestations d’un nouveau virus grippal humain sont reperees au Mexique. Rapidement, les grandes agences de presse relayent les inquietudes suscitees dans le public et la mobilisation s’opere diversement au... more
Les théories du sensemaking, ou fabrication de sens, analysent la manière dont ceux qui participent à une action, et qui sont confrontés à une interruption, répondent à deux questions: Que se passe-t-il? Que faut-il faire maintenant? Les... more
Talk at the Brink. Deliberation and Decision during the Cuban Missile Crisis M@n@gement, 16(2), 195-203. Copies of this article can be made free of charge and without securing permission, for purposes of teaching, research, or library... more
Institutional scholars focus on practices and behaviors of actors permanently belonging to an organizational field - but what about organizations that are new and only temporary in such a field? How do they react to the field‟s... more