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      Agrarian StudiesPeasant StudiesRural DevelopmentBolivia
La protesta potosina exigiendo desarrollo regional tiene por trasfondo económico el modelo de desarrollo extractivista que Bolivia ha adoptado de forma más agresiva en los últimos años. La proporción de ingresos provenientes por este... more
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      Post Extractivismo Y Derechos De La NaturalezaExtractivismo
Aunque la brecha entre el Si y el No es estrecha, tiene enormes implicaciones para el futuro de Bolivia. La gran interrogante es ¿Qué sucederá en adelante? ¿Qué rumbo tomará el “proceso de cambio”? En este breve texto, ensayaré una... more
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      Agrarian StudiesBolivian studiesBoliviaEvo Morales
Sin haber pasado por escrutinios sistemáticos y una validación empírica, el “Vivir Bien” capturó la atención de movimientos indigenistas, ambientalistas, ONG, académicos, políticos y hasta de funcionarios públicos encargados de formular... more
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    • Bolivian studies
Decir que la globalización ha caído como doctrina neoliberal que ideologiza el mercado autorregulado no es algo nuevo; constatar que vivimos en tiempos de crisis extendido es algo que debería quitarnos el sueño.
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      BoliviaGlobalizaciónDesglobalización, localización, regionalización
Este trabajo aborda los alcances y limitaciones del extractivismo que se propone desde el gobierno del MAS y que se implementa sin grandes preocupaciones por los impactos ambientales. El tema central es si la extracción intensificada de... more
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      Bolivian studiesBoliviaExtractive industriesEvo Morales
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The commodification of nature through environmental conservation always requires appropriate institutional frameworks to be put in place. Such frameworks often entail making market-conservation practices the only viable choice for... more
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      Marine Protected AreasNeoliberalismCosta RicaTerritorialization
El presente estudio se avoca a estudiar las causas y las dinámicas de conflicto por el agua en Guanacaste y su relación con las características del estilo de desarrollo allí implantado. El estudio concluye advirtiendo una problemática... more
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      WaterNeoliberalismCosta RicaGuanacaste
Although food supply chains are global, and urban populations have ballooned, human beings nonetheless remain inextricably linked to the land by the food they eat. However, the ways in which links between land and human nutrition are... more
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      Food SystemsFood and NutritionFood SecurityFood regimes
As food sovereignty spreads to new realms that dramatically diverge from the agrarian context in which it was originally conceived, this raises new challenges, as well as opportunities, for already complex transnational agrarian... more
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      Food SovereigntyFood JusticeAgrarian justiceImmigrant labour justice
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      SociologyAnthropologyPeasant StudiesHistorical Studies
The article analyzes the scaling up of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) agenda in the regional integration processes of Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and MERCOSUR. We ask how the SSE is being used in processes of... more
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      Latin American StudiesSustainable DevelopmentCommunity Based Natural Resources ManagementInternational Political Economy
The food and agriculture sector is both a major contributor to climate change and especially vulnerable to its worst impacts. This means that much is at stake in what is a complex set of contested political dynamics as new governance... more
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      Climate ChangeAgricultureClimate smart agriculture
The rise of China has provoked changes in global geopolitics, deeply influencing the global economy and trade relations. Of particular importance for agrarian change is China’s increased demand for (agro) commodities which has led to new... more
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    • Resource extractivism
The current configuration of global land politics – who gets what land, how, how much, why and with what implications in urban and rural spaces in the Global South and North – brings disparate social groups, governments and social... more
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      Social MovementsGovernance of Natural ResourcesLand Politics
We argue that the multiple contemporary converging crises have significantly altered the context for and object of political contestations around agrarian, climate, environmental and food justice issues. These shifts affect alliances,... more
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      Social JusticeEnvironmental JusticeClimate JusticeAgrarian justice
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      AgroecologyFood SovereigntySmall scale fisheriesFood Justice
In 2004, 2005 and 2007, The government of Rwanda respectively implemented the land law , policy and Crop Intensification Program (CIP) so as to ensure efficient land use across the country as more than 70 percent of its population depends... more
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      Food SecurityClimate Change and Its Impact on Food Security and AgricultureClimate Change and Food SecurityFood Sovereignty & Food Security
The paper depicts some of the social and cultural differences between the United States of America (USA) and Rwandan societies. The paper is entirely produced based on the author‟s experience in the countries.
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    • Social Studies