This paper aims to investigate consumers' impulse buying behavior on the basis of retailer equity... more This paper aims to investigate consumers' impulse buying behavior on the basis of retailer equity, Islamic religiosity and food retailer preferences. Design/methodology/approach-Consumers aged 18 and over who live in Türkiye, who are assumed to have knowledge about their religious beliefs and will answer the questions asked in this context correctly, were reached by convenience sampling method. This study was conducted by using the online survey method with a sample size of 480 participants. The model in the research was tested with the regression analysing method by using scales arranged with explaratory analyses. Findings-The results of the study reveal that, the Islamic Religiosity Scale has a significant and negative effect on the Impulse Buying and the Retailer Equity Scale has a significant and positive effect on the Impulse Buying. It is seen that the Consumer Food Retailer Selection Scale does not have a significant effect on Impulse Buying. Discussion-Although the research findings, which show that consumers' religious beliefs do not have a significant effect on their grocery shopping, are not generalizable, they make the idea that the religious population, which constitutes two-thirds of Turkey's population, use their religious beliefs as a guide in their grocery choices debatable.
Bu çalışmada, siyaset ve pazarlama bilimlerinin kesişimi olarak tanımlanan siyasal pazarlama, sun... more Bu çalışmada, siyaset ve pazarlama bilimlerinin kesişimi olarak tanımlanan siyasal pazarlama, sunduğu yararlar ve olası zararları temelinde ele alınmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, çalışmanın amacı siyasal pazarlamaya yönelik eleştirilerin ve potansiyel faydaların tasnifl enip irdelenerek, kavramın teorik ve pratik düzlemlerde daha net anlaşılmasına katkı sağlamaktır. Sözü edilen amaca uygun olarak çalışmada, literatür taraması ile elde edilen eleştiriler ve yararlar sınıfl andırılmakta, her bir başlık karşıt görüşüne de yer verilmesine dikkat edilerek ele alınmaktadır.
The old understanding of service marketing focused on the differences between the product and the... more The old understanding of service marketing focused on the differences between the product and the service within the framework of product-dominant logic rather than defining the service. Service-dominant logic does not compare product and service. It says that the basis of exchange is service and draws a framework. According to the service-dominant logic, actors in the ecosystem create value by integrating their resources nd realizing service-for-service exchange in the light of the regulatory role of institutions. In this study, we tried to understand the extent to which professionals in health services adopt the service-dominant logic. Semi-structured interview technique, which is an in-depth interview technique, was used in the research. As a result of the study conducted with a total of 9 people, including 7 physicians and 2 non-physician hospital managers actively working in Istanbul, experts’ views on the actors, services, resources, value, and institutions in the healthcare ecosystem were obtained. Although the results are generally consistent with the literature, it is understood that patients, who are at the center of the service-dominant logic, are ignored by professionals and are considered as the service recipients rather than a part of the service.
Increasing intense competition has led freight forwarder companies, which have an important share... more Increasing intense competition has led freight forwarder companies, which have an important share in the logistics sector and operate as service provider organizations, to seek new methods to keep their interactions with their customers alive in order to continue their existence. The service quality offered by logistics service providers, which carry out similar activities in the market, is one of the factors that differentiate them from their competitors and increase their preferability. In this study, the impact of the flexibility and service quality offered by freight forwarders on customer trust, satisfaction and loyalty is analyzed with structural equation modeling. An online survey was applied to 427 people who were reached by convenience sampling method. As a result of the research, it was found that flexibility in freight forwarder companies has a significant effect on logistics service quality and trust; service quality in freight forwarder companies has a direct effect on customer satisfaction and an indirect but significant effect on customer loyalty; trust has a direct effect on customer loyalty and logistics flexibility has an indirect but significant effect on customer loyalty.
Market mavens are people who have general information about the market and share this information... more Market mavens are people who have general information about the market and share this information with other consumers even though they do not use the product or service. Market mavens are consumers who actively communicate with the market and every level of the product life cycle. In this study, it is aimed to define the demographic characteristics of health mavens who are a special type of market mavens. In the scope of the study, consumers that are aged 18 and above are included. 387 questionnaire forms are evaluated. People participated in the study are %52,4 female, %47,6 male; %49,8 single, %50,2 married and %35,9 18-28 aged, %26,1 29-39 aged, %22 40-50 aged and %16 51 and above. Employed people form %78,6, students %13,1, unemployed %8,3 of the sample. Lower income group %22,2, middle income group %60,5 and high income group %17,3 are classified on monthly basis. Besides, 387 people of the sample are high level %48,5, middle level %25,1 and low level %26,4 are health mavens. According to the correlation analysis, age, education and marital status are determining characteristics of health mavens. But, there is no meaningful relationship between gender, occupation and income levels of participants' health maven levels statistically.
Pazar kurtları, farklı ürün/hizmet kategorilerinde kapsamlı bilgiye sahip olan ve bu bilgiyi yaym... more Pazar kurtları, farklı ürün/hizmet kategorilerinde kapsamlı bilgiye sahip olan ve bu bilgiyi yayma motivasyonu yüksek özel bir tüketici grubudur. Ulusal yazında sık çalışılmayan bir konu olan pazar kurtları, pazardaki bilginin akışında önemli bir role sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, pazar kurtlarının demografik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, pazar kurtlarını tanımlamada; cinsiyet, eğitim ve gelir değişkenleri ayırt edici demografik özellikler olarak görülmektedir.
In a rapidly changing global competition environment regarding business management, professionals... more In a rapidly changing global competition environment regarding business management, professionals distinguished the importance of the question "how" as well as the question "why". This clarification provides the professionals with a point of view that ethics do not form a part of business but business itself has become a part of ethical issues. The main purpose of this study is to examine the employee's attitudes towards business ethics for exploring the diversities in the financial sector. Our results indicate that the significant diversities in financial sector depend on not only the demographics but also the employee's position, department and working experience.
The aim of this study determination of the order of priority of the factors that are effective in... more The aim of this study determination of the order of priority of the factors that are effective in the infertile patients’ decision to stop infertility treatment through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. 18 patients who stopped their infertility treatments after starting were asked to make binary comparisons among the reasons that caused them to quit IVF treatment using Saaty’s scale of 1 to 9. Using the Superdecisions package program, significance levels of 3 main criteria named “Individual Factors”, “Familial and Social Factors” and “Institutional Factors” and 30 sub-factors related to these main criteria were found out. The order of significance of the main criteria based on their local prevalence was determined as follows; “Institutional Factors” (0.667), “Individual Factors” (0.244) and “Familial and Social Factors” (0.088). Moreover, when the sub-factors were ranked in accordance with their global prevalence, the first five were determined as follows; “The low success rate of the hospital in pregnancy” (0.1809), “Not being able to continue treatment with the same physician” (0.1354), “Being informed insufficiently regarding the disease process” (0.1022), “Stress” (0.0775) and “Being dissatisfied with the physician” (0.0741). It was concluded that the most significant factor from the patients’ point of view causing the patients to stop IVF treatment was institutional factors (the hospital the patient applied to) and the most significant related sub-factor was the low success rate of the hospital in pregnancy.
Does a Cup of Coffee Commit One to Forty Years of Friendship? A Special Examination of Consumption Habits Based on Rituals, 2023
“Where are those old holidays?” In every story that starts with this sentence, many good memories... more “Where are those old holidays?” In every story that starts with this sentence, many good memories can be told, ranging from holiday shopping (consumption) to consumption habits within and outside the family, as well as the heroes. Rituals, which are defined as "a symbolic behavioral activity consisting of multiple behaviors that occur at regular intervals and tend to be repeated over time", have the potential to direct consumption today as they did in the past. It is known that consumption based on rituals both has the feature of arousing interest on consumers and contains different elements that can meet their psychological needs. Although ritualistic consumption habits (ritualistic consumption), which entered the field of marketing after the 1980s, differ from society to society; Although they differ in their material and spiritual foundations; have significant economic potential. It can be said that religious holidays could create an important economy in Türkiye. For example, it is thought that credit card expenditures on the eve and first day of Eid al-Adha in 2022 are higher than 6 billion TL, and total expenditures are higher than 50 billion TL. It is estimated that these figures will exceed 100 billion TL in total for 2023. With this study, it is planned to examine the ritualistic consumption title, which has a relatively small place in the national literature. For this purpose, it is aimed to conduct in-depth interviews to discover what individuals understand from ritual-based consumption and what kind of consumption they make. In this context, besides religious holidays, it will be possible to identify Turkey's rituals that contain a rich variety on a regional and cultural basis. It is foreseen that the findings obtained will form the basis of a quantitative structure in the second stage. Accordingly, the ultimate aim of the study is to examine whether ritualistic consumption involvement has an effect on purchase intention and consumer loyalty in terms of emotional, discretionary and operational dimensions. In the second stage of the research, it is planned to obtain the data with the help of online surveys. Although the generalizability of the data to be obtained as a natural result of online data collection cannot be mentioned; The research is likely to produce valuable clues to institutions and organizations operating in the Turkish market and preparing to show up. In addition, it is possible to identify alternative market segments and develop segment- based solutions by identifying rituals other than religious holidays.
This paper aims to investigate consumers' impulse buying behavior on the basis of retailer equity... more This paper aims to investigate consumers' impulse buying behavior on the basis of retailer equity, Islamic religiosity and food retailer preferences. Design/methodology/approach-Consumers aged 18 and over who live in Türkiye, who are assumed to have knowledge about their religious beliefs and will answer the questions asked in this context correctly, were reached by convenience sampling method. This study was conducted by using the online survey method with a sample size of 480 participants. The model in the research was tested with the regression analysing method by using scales arranged with explaratory analyses. Findings-The results of the study reveal that, the Islamic Religiosity Scale has a significant and negative effect on the Impulse Buying and the Retailer Equity Scale has a significant and positive effect on the Impulse Buying. It is seen that the Consumer Food Retailer Selection Scale does not have a significant effect on Impulse Buying. Discussion-Although the research findings, which show that consumers' religious beliefs do not have a significant effect on their grocery shopping, are not generalizable, they make the idea that the religious population, which constitutes two-thirds of Turkey's population, use their religious beliefs as a guide in their grocery choices debatable.
Bu çalışmada, siyaset ve pazarlama bilimlerinin kesişimi olarak tanımlanan siyasal pazarlama, sun... more Bu çalışmada, siyaset ve pazarlama bilimlerinin kesişimi olarak tanımlanan siyasal pazarlama, sunduğu yararlar ve olası zararları temelinde ele alınmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, çalışmanın amacı siyasal pazarlamaya yönelik eleştirilerin ve potansiyel faydaların tasnifl enip irdelenerek, kavramın teorik ve pratik düzlemlerde daha net anlaşılmasına katkı sağlamaktır. Sözü edilen amaca uygun olarak çalışmada, literatür taraması ile elde edilen eleştiriler ve yararlar sınıfl andırılmakta, her bir başlık karşıt görüşüne de yer verilmesine dikkat edilerek ele alınmaktadır.
The old understanding of service marketing focused on the differences between the product and the... more The old understanding of service marketing focused on the differences between the product and the service within the framework of product-dominant logic rather than defining the service. Service-dominant logic does not compare product and service. It says that the basis of exchange is service and draws a framework. According to the service-dominant logic, actors in the ecosystem create value by integrating their resources nd realizing service-for-service exchange in the light of the regulatory role of institutions. In this study, we tried to understand the extent to which professionals in health services adopt the service-dominant logic. Semi-structured interview technique, which is an in-depth interview technique, was used in the research. As a result of the study conducted with a total of 9 people, including 7 physicians and 2 non-physician hospital managers actively working in Istanbul, experts’ views on the actors, services, resources, value, and institutions in the healthcare ecosystem were obtained. Although the results are generally consistent with the literature, it is understood that patients, who are at the center of the service-dominant logic, are ignored by professionals and are considered as the service recipients rather than a part of the service.
Increasing intense competition has led freight forwarder companies, which have an important share... more Increasing intense competition has led freight forwarder companies, which have an important share in the logistics sector and operate as service provider organizations, to seek new methods to keep their interactions with their customers alive in order to continue their existence. The service quality offered by logistics service providers, which carry out similar activities in the market, is one of the factors that differentiate them from their competitors and increase their preferability. In this study, the impact of the flexibility and service quality offered by freight forwarders on customer trust, satisfaction and loyalty is analyzed with structural equation modeling. An online survey was applied to 427 people who were reached by convenience sampling method. As a result of the research, it was found that flexibility in freight forwarder companies has a significant effect on logistics service quality and trust; service quality in freight forwarder companies has a direct effect on customer satisfaction and an indirect but significant effect on customer loyalty; trust has a direct effect on customer loyalty and logistics flexibility has an indirect but significant effect on customer loyalty.
Market mavens are people who have general information about the market and share this information... more Market mavens are people who have general information about the market and share this information with other consumers even though they do not use the product or service. Market mavens are consumers who actively communicate with the market and every level of the product life cycle. In this study, it is aimed to define the demographic characteristics of health mavens who are a special type of market mavens. In the scope of the study, consumers that are aged 18 and above are included. 387 questionnaire forms are evaluated. People participated in the study are %52,4 female, %47,6 male; %49,8 single, %50,2 married and %35,9 18-28 aged, %26,1 29-39 aged, %22 40-50 aged and %16 51 and above. Employed people form %78,6, students %13,1, unemployed %8,3 of the sample. Lower income group %22,2, middle income group %60,5 and high income group %17,3 are classified on monthly basis. Besides, 387 people of the sample are high level %48,5, middle level %25,1 and low level %26,4 are health mavens. According to the correlation analysis, age, education and marital status are determining characteristics of health mavens. But, there is no meaningful relationship between gender, occupation and income levels of participants' health maven levels statistically.
Pazar kurtları, farklı ürün/hizmet kategorilerinde kapsamlı bilgiye sahip olan ve bu bilgiyi yaym... more Pazar kurtları, farklı ürün/hizmet kategorilerinde kapsamlı bilgiye sahip olan ve bu bilgiyi yayma motivasyonu yüksek özel bir tüketici grubudur. Ulusal yazında sık çalışılmayan bir konu olan pazar kurtları, pazardaki bilginin akışında önemli bir role sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, pazar kurtlarının demografik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, pazar kurtlarını tanımlamada; cinsiyet, eğitim ve gelir değişkenleri ayırt edici demografik özellikler olarak görülmektedir.
In a rapidly changing global competition environment regarding business management, professionals... more In a rapidly changing global competition environment regarding business management, professionals distinguished the importance of the question "how" as well as the question "why". This clarification provides the professionals with a point of view that ethics do not form a part of business but business itself has become a part of ethical issues. The main purpose of this study is to examine the employee's attitudes towards business ethics for exploring the diversities in the financial sector. Our results indicate that the significant diversities in financial sector depend on not only the demographics but also the employee's position, department and working experience.
The aim of this study determination of the order of priority of the factors that are effective in... more The aim of this study determination of the order of priority of the factors that are effective in the infertile patients’ decision to stop infertility treatment through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. 18 patients who stopped their infertility treatments after starting were asked to make binary comparisons among the reasons that caused them to quit IVF treatment using Saaty’s scale of 1 to 9. Using the Superdecisions package program, significance levels of 3 main criteria named “Individual Factors”, “Familial and Social Factors” and “Institutional Factors” and 30 sub-factors related to these main criteria were found out. The order of significance of the main criteria based on their local prevalence was determined as follows; “Institutional Factors” (0.667), “Individual Factors” (0.244) and “Familial and Social Factors” (0.088). Moreover, when the sub-factors were ranked in accordance with their global prevalence, the first five were determined as follows; “The low success rate of the hospital in pregnancy” (0.1809), “Not being able to continue treatment with the same physician” (0.1354), “Being informed insufficiently regarding the disease process” (0.1022), “Stress” (0.0775) and “Being dissatisfied with the physician” (0.0741). It was concluded that the most significant factor from the patients’ point of view causing the patients to stop IVF treatment was institutional factors (the hospital the patient applied to) and the most significant related sub-factor was the low success rate of the hospital in pregnancy.
Does a Cup of Coffee Commit One to Forty Years of Friendship? A Special Examination of Consumption Habits Based on Rituals, 2023
“Where are those old holidays?” In every story that starts with this sentence, many good memories... more “Where are those old holidays?” In every story that starts with this sentence, many good memories can be told, ranging from holiday shopping (consumption) to consumption habits within and outside the family, as well as the heroes. Rituals, which are defined as "a symbolic behavioral activity consisting of multiple behaviors that occur at regular intervals and tend to be repeated over time", have the potential to direct consumption today as they did in the past. It is known that consumption based on rituals both has the feature of arousing interest on consumers and contains different elements that can meet their psychological needs. Although ritualistic consumption habits (ritualistic consumption), which entered the field of marketing after the 1980s, differ from society to society; Although they differ in their material and spiritual foundations; have significant economic potential. It can be said that religious holidays could create an important economy in Türkiye. For example, it is thought that credit card expenditures on the eve and first day of Eid al-Adha in 2022 are higher than 6 billion TL, and total expenditures are higher than 50 billion TL. It is estimated that these figures will exceed 100 billion TL in total for 2023. With this study, it is planned to examine the ritualistic consumption title, which has a relatively small place in the national literature. For this purpose, it is aimed to conduct in-depth interviews to discover what individuals understand from ritual-based consumption and what kind of consumption they make. In this context, besides religious holidays, it will be possible to identify Turkey's rituals that contain a rich variety on a regional and cultural basis. It is foreseen that the findings obtained will form the basis of a quantitative structure in the second stage. Accordingly, the ultimate aim of the study is to examine whether ritualistic consumption involvement has an effect on purchase intention and consumer loyalty in terms of emotional, discretionary and operational dimensions. In the second stage of the research, it is planned to obtain the data with the help of online surveys. Although the generalizability of the data to be obtained as a natural result of online data collection cannot be mentioned; The research is likely to produce valuable clues to institutions and organizations operating in the Turkish market and preparing to show up. In addition, it is possible to identify alternative market segments and develop segment- based solutions by identifying rituals other than religious holidays.
Papers by İrfan Akyüz
Factors”, “Familial and Social Factors” and “Institutional Factors” and 30 sub-factors related to these main criteria were found out. The order of significance of the main criteria based on their local prevalence was determined as follows; “Institutional Factors” (0.667), “Individual Factors” (0.244) and “Familial and Social Factors” (0.088). Moreover, when the sub-factors were ranked in accordance with their global prevalence, the first five were determined as follows; “The low success rate of the hospital in
pregnancy” (0.1809), “Not being able to continue treatment with the same physician” (0.1354), “Being informed insufficiently regarding the disease process” (0.1022), “Stress” (0.0775) and “Being dissatisfied with the physician” (0.0741). It was concluded that the most significant factor from the patients’ point of view causing the patients to stop IVF treatment was institutional factors (the hospital the patient applied to) and the most significant related sub-factor was the low success rate of the hospital
in pregnancy.
With this study, it is planned to examine the ritualistic consumption title, which has a relatively small place in the national literature. For this purpose, it is aimed to conduct in-depth interviews to discover what individuals understand from ritual-based consumption and what kind of consumption they make. In this context, besides religious holidays, it will be possible to identify Turkey's rituals that contain a rich variety on a regional and cultural basis. It is foreseen that the findings obtained will form the basis of a quantitative structure in the second stage. Accordingly, the ultimate aim of the study is to examine whether ritualistic consumption involvement has an effect on purchase intention and consumer loyalty in terms of emotional, discretionary and operational dimensions. In the second stage of the research, it is planned to obtain the data with the help of online surveys. Although the generalizability of the data to be obtained as a natural result of online data collection cannot be mentioned; The research is likely to produce valuable clues to institutions and organizations operating in the Turkish market and preparing to show up. In addition, it is possible to identify alternative market segments and develop segment- based solutions by identifying rituals other than religious holidays.
Factors”, “Familial and Social Factors” and “Institutional Factors” and 30 sub-factors related to these main criteria were found out. The order of significance of the main criteria based on their local prevalence was determined as follows; “Institutional Factors” (0.667), “Individual Factors” (0.244) and “Familial and Social Factors” (0.088). Moreover, when the sub-factors were ranked in accordance with their global prevalence, the first five were determined as follows; “The low success rate of the hospital in
pregnancy” (0.1809), “Not being able to continue treatment with the same physician” (0.1354), “Being informed insufficiently regarding the disease process” (0.1022), “Stress” (0.0775) and “Being dissatisfied with the physician” (0.0741). It was concluded that the most significant factor from the patients’ point of view causing the patients to stop IVF treatment was institutional factors (the hospital the patient applied to) and the most significant related sub-factor was the low success rate of the hospital
in pregnancy.
With this study, it is planned to examine the ritualistic consumption title, which has a relatively small place in the national literature. For this purpose, it is aimed to conduct in-depth interviews to discover what individuals understand from ritual-based consumption and what kind of consumption they make. In this context, besides religious holidays, it will be possible to identify Turkey's rituals that contain a rich variety on a regional and cultural basis. It is foreseen that the findings obtained will form the basis of a quantitative structure in the second stage. Accordingly, the ultimate aim of the study is to examine whether ritualistic consumption involvement has an effect on purchase intention and consumer loyalty in terms of emotional, discretionary and operational dimensions. In the second stage of the research, it is planned to obtain the data with the help of online surveys. Although the generalizability of the data to be obtained as a natural result of online data collection cannot be mentioned; The research is likely to produce valuable clues to institutions and organizations operating in the Turkish market and preparing to show up. In addition, it is possible to identify alternative market segments and develop segment- based solutions by identifying rituals other than religious holidays.