Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Twitter"s
Il significato di "Twitter" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa "engaged in a Twitter rant" in "Last Tuesday you engaged in a Twitter rant that had some pretty inflammatory statements."?
"to be engaged in something" means taking part/to be involved in something.
a "rant" is comparable to a "complaint", usually delivered in an angry state of mind.
In this case, "you" in the sentence must have been actively complaining by writing harsh tweets about something on Twitter last Tuesday.
a "rant" is comparable to a "complaint", usually delivered in an angry state of mind.
In this case, "you" in the sentence must have been actively complaining by writing harsh tweets about something on Twitter last Tuesday.
Che cosa significa How did you find this?
Twitter introduced an "Arabic (feminine)" language setting enabling the social media site to speak to users using feminine grammar, part of what it said was an inclusion and diversity drive.?
Twitter introduced an "Arabic (feminine)" language setting enabling the social media site to speak to users using feminine grammar, part of what it said was an inclusion and diversity drive.?
Che cosa significa It took longer than I thought it would, but Twitter seems headed for the techie afterlife.
“Techie afterlife”??
“Techie afterlife”??
I believe it means something along the lines of 'future technology'. :)
Che cosa significa en Twitter usan mucho las palabras ‘issa’ y ‘period’ que significa?
issa == it’s + a > ‘es (un(a))
period(t) > punto en fin
period(t) > punto en fin
Che cosa significa follow Twitter accounts?
Check the question to view the answer
Frasi esempio "Twitter"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con Twitter .
I decided to go on Twitter to see what people had posted.
Parole simili a "Twitter" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra He followed me on Twitter. e I was followed by him on Twitter. ?
The meaning is the same.
The first one sounds much better and much more natural
The meaning is the same.
The first one sounds much better and much more natural
Qual è la differenza tra for as long as
(Twitter will allow employees to work from home for as long as they want.) e as long as
(Twitter will allow employees to work from home as long as they want.) ?
(Twitter will allow employees to work from home for as long as they want.) e as long as
(Twitter will allow employees to work from home as long as they want.) ?
The use of "for" in this sentence is to address that you are talking about the time frame they can do or will be doing the action of the sentence.
I would suggest using "for" just simply because it sounds better, as well as it is a good habit to get into.
In this sentence "for" is not necessary for the sentence to still make sense grammatically, but if you were to say "I am going to study an hour" instead of "I am going to study for an hour" we cannot tell if you are studying for an hour or if you are taking the hour as a time unit and just studying it.
"for" is used in the sentence to redirect the subject to how long the action will be done if that makes sense.
I would suggest using "for" just simply because it sounds better, as well as it is a good habit to get into.
In this sentence "for" is not necessary for the sentence to still make sense grammatically, but if you were to say "I am going to study an hour" instead of "I am going to study for an hour" we cannot tell if you are studying for an hour or if you are taking the hour as a time unit and just studying it.
"for" is used in the sentence to redirect the subject to how long the action will be done if that makes sense.
Traduzionde di "Twitter"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? こんな夜中に美味しそうな食事の写真をTwitterに載せないでください。
Please don’t put/post pictures of delicious looking food on Twitter at such a time in the middle of the night.
(You can add after that “You’re killing me!” if it makes you hungry 😊)
(You can add after that “You’re killing me!” if it makes you hungry 😊)
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Twitter
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? I want to be you have Twitter? let's exchange contacts!
A more informal way to say that, if you were speaking to a friend or someone of the same age would be, “Let’s be friends! Do you have Twitter? What’s your handle?” A “handle” is another way of saying “username”.
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Twitterでフォローお願いします
Please follow me on twitter
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Twitter であなたがフォローしている人のつぶやいたニュースなら、きっとあなたも興味を持つはずです
If it's news from the people you follow on twitter, then you should be interested in it.
Altre domande riguardo "Twitter"
I saw this on Twitter. There were 😂s in reply, but I don't get it. What is so funny?
It’s a play on words. To “put it up yourself” is understood as you are going to put the tree up on your own and not have someone else do it. But the joke is interpreting it in a more literal way—to put the tree up inside of yourself. So his reply is that it will be in the living room, not in himself.
Does that make sense?
Does that make sense?
I now rarely use Twitter. But since the notification is on, I can note your reply or DM. sembra naturale?
I now rarely use Twitter. But since (I still have notifications turned on), I [will know when you reply or DM].
I made a new Twitter account. Please check and correct my first tweet below.
"This is my new English account! Please ask me whatever you want to know about Japanese language!"
"This is my new English account! Please ask me whatever you want to know about Japanese language!"
“This is my new English account! Please ask me anything you want to know about the Japanese language!”
I follow Twitter on only the zoo where there are the polar bears. sembra naturale?
I use twitter and only follow the zoo page where polar bears are talked about
I deleted my Twitter account because of my stress.
I felt a bit lonely. But I am very refreshed now.
sembra naturale?
I felt a bit lonely. But I am very refreshed now.
sembra naturale?
Your grammar is fine, you're English level seems quite high! You can make it a little more natural though with the changes below:
->Because of the stress it caused me
-> At first, I felt a bit lonely, but now I feel very refreshed.
->Because of the stress it caused me
-> At first, I felt a bit lonely, but now I feel very refreshed.
Significati ed usi per simili parole o frasi
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