Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Note"s

Frasi esempio "Note"

Q: Mostrami delle frasi esempio con "to lighten up"

note: pls tell me if you really use it or not .
A: "Lighten up" is used when someone is being too serious, too sad, too depressed, too pessimistic, expecting the worst, dwelling on negative possibilities. Taking things too seriously. When a person's mood is "down" or "dark" (depressed, sad, worried, etc) or "heavy" (very serious and even stressed a bit). Well, the opposite of that is "light" and "up". So "lighten up" is talking about bringing their mood and their thoughts upward, to something that is lighter (less serious) and brighter (happier, more hopeful, more optimistic, more relaxed). So telling someone to "lighten up" is to encourage them to cheer up, to be more hopeful, to relax a bit more and to stop dwelling on all the serious negative things. Too much worry doesn't help anything.

"Hey, relax, it is going to turn out fine. You need to lighten up. Stop expecting the worst. It'll be fine!"

"He was really sad that day. But after a lot of joking around, we got him to lighten up a bit. He was even smiling by the end of the day."

"Well that's depressing. Being so pessimistic is bad for your health. Lighten up already, it's not actually that bad!"

And yes, "lighten up" is very commonly used in everyday conversation. It is mostly used for a person's mood or attitude. Although something like paint or a room can be "lightened", it is more likely to say that they "lighten it" when talking about the color of paint or an object. And "lighten up" is the phrase for talking about bringing someone's mood up, to be more cheerful or relaxed. So not quite the same phrase.

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