Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Grandfather"s
Il significato di "Grandfather" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa Even though my grandfather had less money than Jeff Bezos, he had enough. That’s a psychological statement.
*Psychology* is the science of mind and behavior.
Psychology includes the study of conscious and unconscious phenomena, as well as feelings and thought.
*a psychological statement* ... is making a statement about how something affected a person's life (as per your sentence above)
The grandfather was not rich like Bezos but he had enough ... the psychology behind that statement is that the grandfather was content with what he had.
I do hope this helps to explain the actual meaning of "psychological statement"
*Psychology* is the science of mind and behavior.
Psychology includes the study of conscious and unconscious phenomena, as well as feelings and thought.
*a psychological statement* ... is making a statement about how something affected a person's life (as per your sentence above)
The grandfather was not rich like Bezos but he had enough ... the psychology behind that statement is that the grandfather was content with what he had.
I do hope this helps to explain the actual meaning of "psychological statement"
Che cosa significa grandfather had been promised land?
Someone had promised to give land to my grandfather
Che cosa significa His grandfather never backed down from someting he believed was right.?
Never backed down= never gave up on a challenge or never turned down a challenge
Che cosa significa the aged grandfather clock "stuttered" its announcement of the hour.
What is "stuttered" ??
What is "stuttered" ??
You're welcome! It's poetic because a clock cannot actually stutter, so it describes the way the large grandfather clock strikes the next hour. Think of maybe an echo, or just a very strong tick.
Che cosa significa Your grandfather did not marry me for my mind. ?
It means, "Because I am smart."
So in other words, "Your grandfather did not marry me because I am smart. He married me for other reasons."
So in other words, "Your grandfather did not marry me because I am smart. He married me for other reasons."
Frasi esempio "Grandfather"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con grandfather..
How is your grandfather?
My grandfather is 85 year old.
My grandfather died last year.
My grandfather likes learning French.
My grandfather is 85 year old.
My grandfather died last year.
My grandfather likes learning French.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con grandfather clock.
I have a grandfather clock in my living room
Parole simili a "Grandfather" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra then I was told that we going to see My grandfather e then they told me that we going to see My grandfather ?
They mean the same thing, but in the first, “I” received the action, and in the second, “they” acted. When the subject acts it is active voice and I think most languages have some sort of structure like this.
I would love to explain how the voices are constructed in español but I am still learning the difference between ser and estar and it makes me so confused! 😂
If you would like me to, I can help with other parts of the grammar so the sentences are correct. There are some small changes.
They mean the same thing, but in the first, “I” received the action, and in the second, “they” acted. When the subject acts it is active voice and I think most languages have some sort of structure like this.
I would love to explain how the voices are constructed in español but I am still learning the difference between ser and estar and it makes me so confused! 😂
If you would like me to, I can help with other parts of the grammar so the sentences are correct. There are some small changes.
Qual è la differenza tra I believe that my grandfather will get well soon. e I believe that my grandfather will get better soon. ?
They are the same in my opinion
Qual è la differenza tra my grandfather died of lung cancer e my grandfather died by lung cancer ?
There is no difference, both of them have the same meaning.
Qual è la differenza tra They are proud that their grandfather was a Novel prize winner e They are proud that their grandfather having a Novel prize winner ?
@malefy They are proud their grandfather was a Nobel prize winner is a good sentence. this sentence makes sense and sounds natural. the other sentence doesn't really make sense and it doesn't sound natural.
Traduzionde di "Grandfather"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? When my grandfather passed away, he left a sealed letter for me.
My grandfather left a sealed letter for me just before he passed away.
Which one sounds more natural in English?
My grandfather left a sealed letter for me just before he passed away.
Which one sounds more natural in English?
Both are good
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? I passed a grandfather on the road.
He threw cigarette butts down on the road.
He is crazy. He is stupid. He is an idiot.
These sentences sounds natural?
He threw cigarette butts down on the road.
He is crazy. He is stupid. He is an idiot.
These sentences sounds natural?
A bit unnatural. It should be:
“I passed by a grandfather on the road. He threw cigarette butts and I thought he was crazy and stupid.”
“I passed by a grandfather on the road. He threw cigarette butts and I thought he was crazy and stupid.”
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? "thank you great-grandfather for grandfather" this is a dumb quote ... did i write it right?
It makes sense if you are glad your great-grandfather had a son and are telling him so haha
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? じぃじ、ばぁば (grandfather, grandmother)
Check the question to view the answer
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? which one is correct?? my grandfather suffers from diabetes. my grandfather is suffering from diabetes.
#1 sounds better to me.
Altre domande riguardo "Grandfather"
I was surprised to learn from my grandfather that when my father was about my age people in the neighborhood did not lock their doors when they went out. sembra naturale?
Sounds natural, but I'm going to add a comma just because it bothers me lol
I was surprised to learn from my grandfather that when my father was about my age, people in the neighborhood did not lock their doors when they went out.
I was surprised to learn from my grandfather that when my father was about my age, people in the neighborhood did not lock their doors when they went out.
If my grandfather didn't passed away five years ago, he would be ninety years old now. sembra naturale?
honestly both sound very correct in my opinion
He looks my grandfather. sembra naturale?
He looks like my grandfather.
How did the grandfather clock get it's name?
Ah. It got it's name from a song called Grandfather's clock.
I like so much my grandfather. May he live long. sembra naturale?
You could try saying: I like my grandfather very much, may he live long. So much usually goes at then end, like: I loved it so much.
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