Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Ingredien"s

Altre domande riguardo "Ingredien"

Q: Ingredien:
5 bitter gourds
150g meat pork
100g grilled chopped fish but it hasn't cook nice.
3 minced glove of shallot
Spring onion
Step1: mince meat pork with shallot and add 1 teaspoon of chilli, 1 table spoon of seasoning power, 1 /2 teaspoon of salt, 1 table spoon of sugar.
Step2: add grilled chopped pork into minced meat and mix together
Step3: wash bitter gourd and cut one line on every bitter gourd . Scoop seed out of the bitter gourd. Add mixture of meat and grilled chopped pork into the bitter gourd.
Step4: heat 1,5 lit water with 1 table of seasoning power, 1 table spoon of sugar, 1 table spoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of chilli.
Step5: add the biter gourd from step3 into the pot from step4 to boil simmery gentle in 30 minutes until the bitter gourd is nice.
Finally, turn off the heat. Cut coriander and spring onion into slices and add into the pot from step5. Take some soup in th bowl and have with rice. I hope you do well thank you for reading .

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