Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Manchester"s
Il significato di "Manchester" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa Manchester was rejected in favor of Liverpool as the site for the new stadium.?
Yes you understood it perfectly. They chose Liverpool instead of Manchester as the site to build the new stadium.
Che cosa significa Manchester city made to wait for the title.
Is it the same as:
Manchester city is waiting for the title. ?
Is it the same as:
Manchester city is waiting for the title. ?
No, and it's wrong. It could be "Manchester City was made to wait for the title". It is similar to "is waiting for" but it implies that somebody else forced them to wait.
Che cosa significa e.g. Manchester is not a beautiful city like Leeds. In this sentence, does Leeds mean beautiful or not??
It means Manchester is not as beautiful as Leeds. Author says Leeds is much beautiful.
Che cosa significa Manchester City lead through a Stones header. Spurs lead with a Son stunner, but Liverpool trail after errors aplenty.?
This is sports speak which is not a good model for good English! Stones scored a header for MC; Son scored a stunning goal to put Spurs in the lead; Liverpool are losing because of a lot of mistakes.
Traduzionde di "Manchester"
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? “I like Manchester accent” or “I like the Manchester accent”
I like the Manchester accent.
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? Manchester
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Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Manchester
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Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? how are you informally (I am living in Manchester)
How's it goin'?
Altre domande riguardo "Manchester"
If I played Manchester City, I would’ve lost any goals “내가 만약 맨체스터시티로 게임을 했으면 한 골도 먹히지 않았을거야” sembra naturale?
× If I played Manchester City, I would’ve lost any goals “내가 만약 맨체스터시티로 게임을 했으면 한 골도 먹히지 않았을거야”
✓ If I played for Manchester City, I wouldn't have lost a single goal “내가 만약 맨체스터시티로 게임을 했으면 한 골도 먹히지 않았을거야”
I had to edit cause I misunderstood the Korean ^^;
✓ If I played for Manchester City, I wouldn't have lost a single goal “내가 만약 맨체스터시티로 게임을 했으면 한 골도 먹히지 않았을거야”
I had to edit cause I misunderstood the Korean ^^;
How can there is no Manchester city uniform at puma store?
"어떻게 퓨마매장에 맨체스터시티 유니폼이 없을 수가 있지?" sembra naturale?
"어떻게 퓨마매장에 맨체스터시티 유니폼이 없을 수가 있지?" sembra naturale?
How can there not be a Manchester city uniform at the puma store?
Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia Manchester. .
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Manchester college is good?? As much to brag about?
Hmm I would say Manchester’s college is good but in my experience I would say Coventry’s colleges are slightly better
You will be in Manchester tomorrow? sembra naturale?
Will you be in Manchester tomorrow?
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