Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Puma"s
Il significato di "Puma" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa 'A puma was spotted 45 miles south of London. '
My first question is : Is the puma in the London?
My second question is :Does the sentence have the same meaning if there is a 'to the' before ' south of London' ??
My first question is : Is the puma in the London?
My second question is :Does the sentence have the same meaning if there is a 'to the' before ' south of London' ??
The puma was 45 miles away from London in the south direction.
No different if there is a 'to the'. It is usually omitted in reporting.
No different if there is a 'to the'. It is usually omitted in reporting.
Che cosa significa She is a puma woman?
I'm not 100% sure.
it would make sense if you called an older woman who goes after younger men a "cougar."
she is a cougar.
not sure if that was what your sentence meant or not
it would make sense if you called an older woman who goes after younger men a "cougar."
she is a cougar.
not sure if that was what your sentence meant or not
Altre domande riguardo "Puma"
The puma that escaped from the zoo last night was five times bigger than my cat.
sembra naturale?
sembra naturale?
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Puma was a large,cat-like animal which are found in America. When the report came in to London zoo that a wild puma has been spotted forty-five miles south of London,they were not taken seriously.
What about my pronunciation and speed? sembra naturale?
What about my pronunciation and speed? sembra naturale?
English is usually spoken a lot slower. Usually when learners speak slower, their pronunciation gets better too!
No missing puma was reported from zoos over the country. sembra naturale?
Sorry meant to say a little unnatural 'no missing pumas were reported by zoos throughout the country'
it must have been a puma who was privately possessed by a collector and somehow managed to escape. sembra naturale?
@Xiaochun: perfect :D
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