Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Montenegro"s
Altre domande riguardo "Montenegro"
Correct me please
I've heard of Montenegro in life, but never have I heard of it and have no idea where it is, while during the World War 1940-45, it was an important side in the fronts of the war
I've heard of Montenegro in life, but never have I heard of it and have no idea where it is, while during the World War 1940-45, it was an important side in the fronts of the war
I've heard of Montenegro before, but I have no idea where it is. During the World War (1940-45), it played a significant role.
I've heard of Montenegro in life, but never have I heard of it and have no idea where it is, while during the World War 1940-45, it was an important side in the fronts of the war
Is this sentence sounds natural?
Is this sentence sounds natural?
no :( estás diciendo que has escuchado hablar de Montenegro pero después dices que nunca lo has escuchado. si quieres decirme que quieres decir en español te ayudo a traducirlo :)
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