Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "War"s
Il significato di "War" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa war raged uninterrupted in China for almost five years ?
There was war in China for 5 years with no pauses.
중단없이 5 년간 중국에서 전쟁이있었습니다.
(I don't know Korean, so that may sound strange 😅).
중단없이 5 년간 중국에서 전쟁이있었습니다.
(I don't know Korean, so that may sound strange 😅).
Che cosa significa beg for war?
It means you are acting in a way that will likely cause war. It does not necessarily mean that you WANT war.
Che cosa significa Suppose they gave a war and nobody came??
This slogan was indeed popular in the Vietnam War era. It came to represent anti-war sentiments or pacifism. Meaning there can't be a war, if people do not participate in it.
It's hard to track the origin of this quote, but people usually trace it to Bertolt Brecht who said something like:
"What if they give a war and nobody came?
Then, war would come to you!"
This actually has the opposite meaning of the Vietnam War era slogan. This one means that you have to show up to war because it will come to you anyways.
It's hard to track the origin of this quote, but people usually trace it to Bertolt Brecht who said something like:
"What if they give a war and nobody came?
Then, war would come to you!"
This actually has the opposite meaning of the Vietnam War era slogan. This one means that you have to show up to war because it will come to you anyways.
Che cosa significa "We waged wars on poverty, not poor people."?
Instead of attacking people who are poor, they worked to decrease the amount of poverty in the area.
In the US it's common for people to criticize others for not having money, and want to get rid of government programs that help poor people find better jobs or become more educated.
The article or speech you're reading is by someone who understands how removing those programs only creates more poverty, and is upset with the people trying to remove them.
In the US it's common for people to criticize others for not having money, and want to get rid of government programs that help poor people find better jobs or become more educated.
The article or speech you're reading is by someone who understands how removing those programs only creates more poverty, and is upset with the people trying to remove them.
Che cosa significa "We do not seek a cold, let alone a hot war with Russia . "?
It means no war with Russia. Hot, cold, none.
Frasi esempio "War"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con war
@gaeul21 I’ll go one by one. Also “with war” isn’t a common phrase but I’ll give you an example anyway.
With war, there are usually many people who die.
My favorite season is spring because the weather is usually warm.
I like holding your hand cause the warmth from it feels nice.
I tried to warn her not to jump in the pool because it was cold.
They put the wet floor warning sign there because someone spilled water.
When you shower, make sure you wash your hair because it looks greasy.
Don’t waste your time yelling at him, he’s not going to listen to you.
With war, there are usually many people who die.
My favorite season is spring because the weather is usually warm.
I like holding your hand cause the warmth from it feels nice.
I tried to warn her not to jump in the pool because it was cold.
They put the wet floor warning sign there because someone spilled water.
When you shower, make sure you wash your hair because it looks greasy.
Don’t waste your time yelling at him, he’s not going to listen to you.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con sing me up for the next war مالمقصود من هذي الجمله سجلوني بالحرب القادمه ؟؟.
sign me in in the next war
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con declare war.
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Mostrami delle frasi esempio con war.
"The Vietnamese were at war with America."
"The Japanese declared war on China."
"We cannot win this war."
"War is hell."
"The Japanese declared war on China."
"We cannot win this war."
"War is hell."
Parole simili a "War" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra A) After war Korea e B) Postwar Korea ?
Yes. It sounds unnatural.
Qual è la differenza tra war e warfare ?
Warefare is everything related to conducting war:
Qual è la differenza tra war e battle ?
>The Syrian war looks really serious right now.
>People say that Russia and the United States might go to war with each other.
>Richard and John had a sword battle.
>The two brothers battled each other in Pokemon.
"War" is political while "battle" is a fight, usually physical.
>The Syrian war looks really serious right now.
>People say that Russia and the United States might go to war with each other.
>Richard and John had a sword battle.
>The two brothers battled each other in Pokemon.
"War" is political while "battle" is a fight, usually physical.
Qual è la differenza tra war e warfare ?
they can be used interchangeably in my opinion. i think of war as being used more often, like a short version of warfare
Qual è la differenza tra war e warfare ?
A "war" is a situation of fighting between countries. "Warfare" is ways of fighting a war. For example, conventional warfare, biological, chemical, atomic warfare, and so on.
Traduzionde di "War"
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? Er war ängstlich, aber doch bereit.
I am not completely sure about "ängstlich", but something like this:
• Er war ängstlich, aber doch bereit.
→ He was anxious, yet ready.
I am not completely sure about "ängstlich", but something like this:
• Er war ängstlich, aber doch bereit.
→ He was anxious, yet ready.
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? We prepare to many wars
“We are preparing to fight many wars.”
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? the war made her using people and don't trust anyone (is it natural?)
The war made her use people, and become distrustful (of others).
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? what's the different between "war" and "warfare"? Could you please give me some sentences?
War is like verb(打战) or a noun (战争),
The two countries are at war
World War 2 was over 60 years ago.
Warfare is more
describing how someone is fighting:
游击战 guerrilla warfare
生物战 biological warfare
化学战 chemical warfare
The two countries are at war
World War 2 was over 60 years ago.
Warfare is more
describing how someone is fighting:
游击战 guerrilla warfare
生物战 biological warfare
化学战 chemical warfare
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? 戦争が起これば、多くの国が被害を受けることになる。If a war occurs, Many countries would have unvenefits.
Literally, a word by word translation of the Japanese is "If war occurs, it is decided that many countries will receive damage." I could probably express "ことになる" as "will end up" in English because it has that meaning that someone else decided/agreed on it. "被害を受ける" I would say as "get damaged". This expression is funny to use for countries, so I used "devastated" instead. I could also say, "If a war occurs, many countries will end up being damaged," but it's not the way I would express it naturally.
Altre domande riguardo "War"
This was the Korean War. At the beginning of the war, the Soviet Union had not succeeded in developing nuclear weapons and was reluctant to enter the war because it feared that American troops would use them, but after the USSR finally succeeded in developing atomic bombs, it changed its policy and sent weapons and troops. The war thus became a stalemate. sembra naturale?
× This was the Korean War.
✓ This is the Korean War.
× At the beginning of the war, the Soviet Union had not succeeded in developing nuclear weapons and was reluctant to enter the war because it feared that American troops would use them, but after the USSR finally succeeded in developing atomic bombs, it changed its policy and sent weapons and troops.
✓ At the beginning of the war, the Soviet Union had not succeeded in developing nuclear weapons and was reluctant to enter the war because they feared that American troops would use them After the USSR finally succeeded in developing atomic bombs, they had changed their policy and had sent weapons and troops.
✓ This is the Korean War.
× At the beginning of the war, the Soviet Union had not succeeded in developing nuclear weapons and was reluctant to enter the war because it feared that American troops would use them, but after the USSR finally succeeded in developing atomic bombs, it changed its policy and sent weapons and troops.
✓ At the beginning of the war, the Soviet Union had not succeeded in developing nuclear weapons and was reluctant to enter the war because they feared that American troops would use them After the USSR finally succeeded in developing atomic bombs, they had changed their policy and had sent weapons and troops.
After winning the war in 1945, the United States and its allies sent troops to occupy Japan. Their Supreme Commander was Douglas MacArthur. He embarked on a radical reform of all previous Japanese social institutions, laws and practices. sembra naturale?
Looks great! The only thing I would change, is remove “previous”:)
Why "The war is started" is wrong, and "The war started" is correct?
"The war is started" is not incorrect, but it is an example of archaic grammar in English. At one point, perfective tenses were formed using the verb to be ("I am come", etc.), but nowadays this is not the case. Now we form perfective tenses with the verb "to have", although some constructions like "I'm done" or "I'm finished" still exist (grammarians would probably analyze the words "done" and "finished" as adjectives, not participles). So there are two "canonical" variants:
The war started.
The war has started.
I hope that clears up any questions you had.
Recommended viewing:
The war started.
The war has started.
I hope that clears up any questions you had.
Recommended viewing:
Why not? After the war, some had criticized that the pre-war government's "guidance" of children's books in the run-up to the war had worked as the first step toward the suppression of free speech and Japan's entry into the war. Many felt that the censorship of children's comics could be a repeat of the pre-war suppression of free speech, and in response, the movement calling for a system of censorship of children's comics somehow died out. sembra naturale?
× Many felt that the censorship of children's comics could be a repeat of the pre-war suppression of free speech, and in response, the movement calling for a system of censorship of children's comics somehow died out.
✓ Many felt that the censorship of children's comics could be a repeat of the pre-war suppression of free speech. In response, the movement calling for a system of censorship for children's comics somehow died out.
I always wondered how things like Crayon Shin-chan aired in Japan, Interesting!!
✓ Many felt that the censorship of children's comics could be a repeat of the pre-war suppression of free speech. In response, the movement calling for a system of censorship for children's comics somehow died out.
I always wondered how things like Crayon Shin-chan aired in Japan, Interesting!!
Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia very. vary. were. war. wore. bend. band. .
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