Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Nurse"s
Il significato di "Nurse" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa “either”? Who does it refer to?
“remained one of the nurses of the tough”? I don’t quite get this part
“remained one of the nurses of the tough”? I don’t quite get this part
ether, not either. it's an anesthetic. Диэтиловый эфир
he reminded one of the nurses of larch wood. Larch wood is tough and durable.
when we have two adjectives modifying the same noun ("wood") we sometimes separate them by commas ("tough, durable wood")
he reminded one of the nurses of larch wood. Larch wood is tough and durable.
when we have two adjectives modifying the same noun ("wood") we sometimes separate them by commas ("tough, durable wood")
Che cosa significa Yeah, being a nurse is hard, but it is what it is, i'm kind of committed right now haha?
It implies that even though its hard, she is happy to be a nurse
Che cosa significa She has held herself out as a registered nurse ?
It means that she represented herself as a registered nurse. She showed to others that she is a nurse
Che cosa significa It would not be possible to praise nurses too highly. ?
It means that one cannot compliment too much or give too much positive feedback to nurses because they are a essential part of health care.
Che cosa significa The nurses stiffened to attention as the D.H.C came in.?
Similar to when soldiers stand up straight when the Commander walks in.
In a less formal setting like a hospital, nurses would "stand at attention" to stop and listen to important information or show respect for someone in a high position that may be critical of your work.
In a less formal setting like a hospital, nurses would "stand at attention" to stop and listen to important information or show respect for someone in a high position that may be critical of your work.
Frasi esempio "Nurse"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con nurse something (verb).
He was sick so she nursed him back to health.
When I was a kid and I cut my leg, my mom would help me nurse it back to health.
When I was a kid and I cut my leg, my mom would help me nurse it back to health.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con nurse.
Nurse (noun): "She is a nurse in the hospital."
Nurse (verb): "She nursed me back to health when I was sick one time."
"They nursed smallpox patients."
"I have been nursing my sister from her cold."
Nurse (verb): "She nursed me back to health when I was sick one time."
"They nursed smallpox patients."
"I have been nursing my sister from her cold."
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con nurse.
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Parole simili a "Nurse" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra nurse a puppy e take care of a puppy ?
'Nursing' can mean 'breastfeeding.' In the context of a baby animal, that is what I would expect 'nurse' to mean.
Qual è la differenza tra I’m a nurse by profession. e I’m working as a nurse. ?
"I'm a nurse by profession" would imply that it's their full time job. Considering the qualifications required to become a nurse I would assume that all nurses are, though.
I'm working as a nurse simply said that's what they do, but it may not be what they do forever, and they could one day move onto something else.
I'm working as a nurse simply said that's what they do, but it may not be what they do forever, and they could one day move onto something else.
Qual è la differenza tra She is a nurse e She is nurse ?
You use -a and -an when you want to refer to a thing but not a *specific* thing. For example "I want the car" you're saying you want that specific car, "I want a car" you're saying a car but not a specific one.
Hope that helped
Hope that helped
Qual è la differenza tra I am working as a nurse e I work as a nurse ?
There really isn’t any difference.
“I am working as a nurse full time at the hospital”.
“I graduated from college and now I work as a nurse for disabled seniors”.
There really isn’t any difference.
“I am working as a nurse full time at the hospital”.
“I graduated from college and now I work as a nurse for disabled seniors”.
Qual è la differenza tra a nurse has confessed. e a nurse confessed. ?
Same meaning, but....
a nurse has confessed - sounds like they just confessed right now or not too long ago.
a nurse confessed - we don’t know when they confessed. An hour ago? A day ago? A week ago?
a nurse has confessed - sounds like they just confessed right now or not too long ago.
a nurse confessed - we don’t know when they confessed. An hour ago? A day ago? A week ago?
Traduzionde di "Nurse"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? nurses often work long hours for low pay or a low pay?
"for low pay" is correct!
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? assigned nurse
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Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? nurse!! l need listen it :((
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Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? nurse, nursing
Nurse, nursing, they both have same meaning but used for different things. Nurse is the actual person whereas nursing is the verb (action)
Altre domande riguardo "Nurse"
(I work as a nurse at the hospital)
I couldn't explain to the patient how urine test would be proceeded.
I couldn't explain to the patient how urinalysis would be proceeded.
I couldn't explain to the patient about the urine test process.
I couldn't explain to the patient about the urinalysis process. sembra naturale?
I couldn't explain to the patient how urine test would be proceeded.
I couldn't explain to the patient how urinalysis would be proceeded.
I couldn't explain to the patient about the urine test process.
I couldn't explain to the patient about the urinalysis process. sembra naturale?
× I couldn't explain to the patient how urine test would be proceeded.
✓ I couldn't explain to the patient how the urine test would be performed.
× I couldn't explain to the patient how urinalysis would be proceeded.
✓ I couldn't explain to the patient how the urinalysis would be performed.
× I couldn't explain to the patient about the urine test process.
✓ I couldn't explain the urine test process to the patient.
× I couldn't explain to the patient about the urinalysis process.
✓ I couldn't explain the urinalysis process to the patient.
*When using "explain" you don't use "about"
However you can use "about" with "talk" and "tell"
✓ I couldn't explain to the patient how the urine test would be performed.
× I couldn't explain to the patient how urinalysis would be proceeded.
✓ I couldn't explain to the patient how the urinalysis would be performed.
× I couldn't explain to the patient about the urine test process.
✓ I couldn't explain the urine test process to the patient.
× I couldn't explain to the patient about the urinalysis process.
✓ I couldn't explain the urinalysis process to the patient.
*When using "explain" you don't use "about"
However you can use "about" with "talk" and "tell"
"She will nurse a grudge like her life depended on it"
isn't it "She will nurse a grudge like her life depends on it"? plz, tell me the reason
isn't it "She will nurse a grudge like her life depends on it"? plz, tell me the reason
@hohograndfa You’re right, it’s the second. It’s because it is future tense.
You said “she will...” so the result is “depends on it”. If you said “she nursed...” then you would say “depended on it”.
Other examples:
“I will run like my life depends on it.”
“I ran like my life depended on it.”
I hope that helps!
You said “she will...” so the result is “depends on it”. If you said “she nursed...” then you would say “depended on it”.
Other examples:
“I will run like my life depends on it.”
“I ran like my life depended on it.”
I hope that helps!
She became a licensed nurse after having started going school for 2 years. sembra naturale?
I would say, “She became a licensed nurse after going to school for 2 years.”
Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia The nurse is taking care of an old patient..
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nurse "Hello.How have you been?"
patient "Thanks to you. It's getting better."
Is it natural?
patient "Thanks to you. It's getting better."
Is it natural?
It would say "It's getting better" first before "Thanks to you"
"It's getting better, thanks to you."
"It's getting better, thanks to you."
Significati ed usi per simili parole o frasi
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