Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Prince"s
Il significato di "Prince" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa "cracked up to be" in "The prince began to notice that this life of suffering wasn't all that it was cracked up to be."?
It means that the something was less than you expected, based on reputation. If you hear that a certain singer is excellent in concert, so you buy a ticket and go to the concert, but you are unimpressed with his talent and performance, then that person wasn't all that he was cracked up to be.
It is the same for situations. For some reason, the prince believed that a life of suffering would be good for him, but it wasn't. What the prince got from a life of suffering was less than he expected. (I suspect that the comment is being sarcastic)
It is the same for situations. For some reason, the prince believed that a life of suffering would be good for him, but it wasn't. What the prince got from a life of suffering was less than he expected. (I suspect that the comment is being sarcastic)
Che cosa significa "Why can't you be like the Happy prince?"?
I haven't heard that one before, but I think it means that the person speaking wants you to act happy like the prince they are referring to.
Che cosa significa imagine an exiled prince who is unaware of the Golconda in his cuff links?
I see. I assume it means he doesn’t realize how wealthy he is or doesn’t appreciate it. That’s how I would interpret it, anyway.
Che cosa significa Bless me,' says the young prince, `what will we do? If we return without the steed we will lose our heads, so I see we are ill fixed on both sides.'
fixed on both sides-?
What does it mean??
fixed on both sides-?
What does it mean??
"On both sides" = either way, no matter which course of action they take. "Fixed" here means something like "situated" or "placed": that either way they face unpleasant consequences, are in a bad position/spot, etc.
Parole simili a "Prince" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra A prince saw the witch visit Rapunzel e A prince saw the witch visited Rapunzel ?
She saw him visiting the couple means she witnessed his visit to the couple
She saw him visit means the same thing but it’s not as well said. The first one is more descriptive.
She saw him visit means the same thing but it’s not as well said. The first one is more descriptive.
Qual è la differenza tra It deeply saddened the little prince. e It deeply made the little prince sad. ?
“It made the little prince deeply sad” sounds right! “Sadden” and “make sad” have the same meaning; the only difference is they are grammatically different. For example, I could say “That movie made me very sad,” with “sad” being an adjective to describe how the movie made me feel. In this sentence, the verb/action is “made.” If I said “That movie saddened me,” the verb would be “saddened,” and there is no adjective. Hope this helps!
Qual è la differenza tra prince e princeling e princely ?
Prince is the son of a king. (The prince waved at the people.)
Princeling is an uncommon word for a young prince -- probably used in a teasing or offensive manner. (The princeling's toys were spread around the floor.)
Princely is a way of describing something as opulent or grand -- something worthy of a prince. (His manner was princely despite his ragged clothes.)
Princeling is an uncommon word for a young prince -- probably used in a teasing or offensive manner. (The princeling's toys were spread around the floor.)
Princely is a way of describing something as opulent or grand -- something worthy of a prince. (His manner was princely despite his ragged clothes.)
Qual è la differenza tra prince e monarch e sovereign ?
A prince is a male ruler ranked below a king and above a duke or member of a monarch's or former monarch's family. Prince is also a title of nobility, often hereditary, in some European states
A monarch is a sovereign head of state in a monarchy. A monarch may exercise the highest authority and power in the state, or others may wield that power on behalf of the monarch.
Sovereign is defined as ruler with unlimited power, the chief or greatest, or independent. A king is an example of someone with sovereignpowers. The value that is most important to a company is an example of something sovereign. A country that has become independent is an example of something sovereign.
A monarch is a sovereign head of state in a monarchy. A monarch may exercise the highest authority and power in the state, or others may wield that power on behalf of the monarch.
Sovereign is defined as ruler with unlimited power, the chief or greatest, or independent. A king is an example of someone with sovereignpowers. The value that is most important to a company is an example of something sovereign. A country that has become independent is an example of something sovereign.
Traduzionde di "Prince"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Supposed prince
ごめんなさいわかりません。Supposed Prince would mean, the person that is believed to be the next King, or the person that is believed to be the son of the King. "彼は王の子息が思います。”
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? the prince of iraq
Check the question to view the answer
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? prince Charles where are you
obviously after spending a long life he must have to b budhhhhh
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? prince
Check the question to view the answer
Altre domande riguardo "Prince"
Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia prince's, princess.
A prince decided to go out of the palace and had a look at how people lived outside of the palace and whether they felt true joy. He went out of the palace and walked down the streets. He saw vendors working busily and making a hubbub of noise and they didn’t appear joyful. Then he passed by a field and saw some people working there, covered in sweat, with their faces to the soil, and their backs to the sun. They had no joy at all. He continued walking, and then he heard joyful singing from distance. He felt surprised. Following the singing, he walked into a cottage, where he saw a cobbler working while humming a ditty. sembra naturale?
A prince decided to go out of the palace to have a look at how people lived outside of the palace and whether they felt true joy. He went out of the palace and walked down the streets. He saw that vendors didn't appear joyful as they were working busily, making a hubbub of noise. Then, he passed by a field and saw some people working there, covered in sweat, with their faces to the soil, and their backs to the sun. They had no joy at all. He continued walking, and then he heard joyful singing from a distance. He felt surprised. Following the direction of the singing, he walked into a cottage, where he saw a cobbler working while humming a ditty.
Just a quick tip:
instead of "to go out...and had a look...", you should be using "to go out...and have a look..." because verbs after "to" have to be in their simplest form of tense.
Just a quick tip:
instead of "to go out...and had a look...", you should be using "to go out...and have a look..." because verbs after "to" have to be in their simplest form of tense.
I was dubbed the prince of the stage, at then. sembra naturale?
if your speaking about a past event you would say, "I was dubbed The Prince of the Stage, back then." or "At that time, I was dubbed The Prince of the Stage."
When a prince looks me into my eyes I feel weak and my knees are shaking. sembra naturale?
"When he looks me in the eyes" or "When he looks into my eyes". Choose one or the other, but not both.
A prince of very intelligential alien play a prank in the Earth. sembra naturale?
I'm not too sure what you are trying to say, but I'll give it a try.
"A prince with alien-like intelligence played a prank on the Earth."
"A very intelligent alien prince played a prank on the Earth."
A prank IN the earth: talks about the location of the prank.
A prank ON the earth: talks about who received the prank.
"A prince with alien-like intelligence played a prank on the Earth."
"A very intelligent alien prince played a prank on the Earth."
A prank IN the earth: talks about the location of the prank.
A prank ON the earth: talks about who received the prank.
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