Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Singing"s
Il significato di "Singing" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa 1.I ignored him, singing a song.
2.I went to her, singing a song.(If I leave comma out in these sentences,will they be different meanings?)?
2.I went to her, singing a song.(If I leave comma out in these sentences,will they be different meanings?)?
Yes. The first one means I ignored him by singing a song. Without the comma it means I ignored that he was singing a song (though grammatically then it should be “his singing a song” instead of “him singing a song.”
In the second one, the difference is more subtle. With the comma, it means that as I went to her, I was singing. Without the comma, it still means that, but it’s like your song is part of what you want to share with her. You’re coming to her with a song to sing to her.
In the second one, the difference is more subtle. With the comma, it means that as I went to her, I was singing. Without the comma, it still means that, but it’s like your song is part of what you want to share with her. You’re coming to her with a song to sing to her.
Che cosa significa I ignored him, singing a song?
you can! But whilest is a very old term that isn’t used in English as much anymore!
Che cosa significa I wind up dancing and singing when I listen to pop music. (if you can’t understand , please tell me?
@Ensolin it's not a forced action, it's more of like an engrained habit. As a music lover myself, when I feel a beat I dance whether I'm conscious of it or not. It's like how you hum a tune or tap your feet to music.
Che cosa significa Fancy singing the song for us??
It means "Would you like to sing us a song".
Che cosa significa they were singing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir?
They were postponing the cost until the future when every American would have to pay.
They were postponing the cost until the future when every American would have to pay.
Parole simili a "Singing" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra "He was singing then.” e “He was singing a song then.” ?
The only difference is that the second sentence emphasizes “song.”
Qual è la differenza tra singing e chanting ?
Chanting is speaking or singing a particular phrase repeatedly, often for religious reasons.
Qual è la differenza tra 1. I went to her, singing a song. e 2.I went to her singing a song. ?
it's quite an incomplete sentence😅 "i went to his singing", singing in this sentence is an adjective. you must put a noun after the adjective to complete the sentence 😊
Qual è la differenza tra I'm not that good at singing. e I'm not all that good at singing. e I'm not very good at singing. ?
“I’m not that good at singing.”
“나 노래 못 부르는 편이야.”
“I’m not all that good at singing.”
“나 노래 그렇게 잘 못 불러.”
“I’m not very good at singing.”
“나 노래 잘 못 불러.”
다 비슷하긴 한데... 한국말로 여러 분위기로 써봤어요~
“나 노래 못 부르는 편이야.”
“I’m not all that good at singing.”
“나 노래 그렇게 잘 못 불러.”
“I’m not very good at singing.”
“나 노래 잘 못 불러.”
다 비슷하긴 한데... 한국말로 여러 분위기로 써봤어요~
Qual è la differenza tra your singing is badass! e your singing is kack-ass! ?
*your singing is kick-ass
Both are pretty much the same! Badass might be a little more rock/cool and kick-ass might be a little more punkish?
At least to me they would mean the same thing!
Both are pretty much the same! Badass might be a little more rock/cool and kick-ass might be a little more punkish?
At least to me they would mean the same thing!
Traduzionde di "Singing"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? Remembering, singing the melody I'm tired of listening to
Indeed. Grammatically correct.
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? He was singing to himself and dancing all night long to stay warm. Is it natural?
Yes, it’s natural : )
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? I won't be singing in here anymore for I believe...
I might make lots of people dislike me. Hopefully this apps won't be empty. Nice having you all answering my question or I be bored staying on bed everyday. Next year I be well. Continue learning okay.
I might make lots of people dislike me. Hopefully this apps won't be empty. Nice having you all answering my question or I be bored staying on bed everyday. Next year I be well. Continue learning okay.
be safe
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? are you good at singing
different tones can mean different things.
First one is compliment but not as great of a compliment as the second one.
Third pronunciation is sarcasm and means they aren't good at singing.
First one is compliment but not as great of a compliment as the second one.
Third pronunciation is sarcasm and means they aren't good at singing.
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? sing and singing
Like it sound,
Altre domande riguardo "Singing"
Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia why does it sound like wodly not wobbly? the wobbly singing of the choir..
It shouldn't. I've caught errors on Googles computerized pronunciations before. Example it says an unvoiced th as a D sound.
why does it sound like wodly not wobbly? the wobbly singing of the choir..
why does it sound like wodly not wobbly? the wobbly singing of the choir..
Although I like traveling and singing songs in karaoke pubs, the coronavirus does not allow me to do those. Instead, I’m spending my time watching programs on TV and videos on YouTube.
I love TV programs introducing streets strolling in foreign cities or villages. When I watch such programs, I feel as if I were in the foreign nations and can get information about the countries useful for my future trips.
Recently, I have seen YouTube videos in which a pretty girl sings beautiful songs. Since I heard her singing, I have become her fan. Her name is Lucy Tomas. She is a young English singer. sembra naturale?
I love TV programs introducing streets strolling in foreign cities or villages. When I watch such programs, I feel as if I were in the foreign nations and can get information about the countries useful for my future trips.
Recently, I have seen YouTube videos in which a pretty girl sings beautiful songs. Since I heard her singing, I have become her fan. Her name is Lucy Tomas. She is a young English singer. sembra naturale?
× Although I like traveling and singing songs in karaoke pubs, the coronavirus does not allow me to do those.
✓ I like singing at karaoke bars and travelling, but due to the coronavirus, I can’t do those things.
× Instead, I’m spending my time watching programs on TV and videos on YouTube.
✓ Instead, I’m spending my time watching TV and YouTube videos.
× I love TV programs introducing streets strolling in foreign cities or villages.
✓ I love TV programs that show people strolling through foreign cities or villages.
× When I watch such programs, I feel as if I were in the foreign nations and can get information about the countries useful for my future trips.
✓ When I watch those kind of programs, I feel as if I’m there and can learn useful information for my future trips.
× Recently, I have seen YouTube videos in which a pretty girl sings beautiful songs.
✓ Recently, I’ve been watching YouTube videos of a pretty girl singing beautiful songs.
× Since I heard her singing, I have become her fan.
✓ I became her fan after hearing her sing.
× Her name is Lucy Tomas.
✓ Her name is Lucy Thomas.
× She is a young English singer.
✓ She is a young singer from England.
✓ I like singing at karaoke bars and travelling, but due to the coronavirus, I can’t do those things.
× Instead, I’m spending my time watching programs on TV and videos on YouTube.
✓ Instead, I’m spending my time watching TV and YouTube videos.
× I love TV programs introducing streets strolling in foreign cities or villages.
✓ I love TV programs that show people strolling through foreign cities or villages.
× When I watch such programs, I feel as if I were in the foreign nations and can get information about the countries useful for my future trips.
✓ When I watch those kind of programs, I feel as if I’m there and can learn useful information for my future trips.
× Recently, I have seen YouTube videos in which a pretty girl sings beautiful songs.
✓ Recently, I’ve been watching YouTube videos of a pretty girl singing beautiful songs.
× Since I heard her singing, I have become her fan.
✓ I became her fan after hearing her sing.
× Her name is Lucy Tomas.
✓ Her name is Lucy Thomas.
× She is a young English singer.
✓ She is a young singer from England.
Eventually, her singing gets more and more beautiful
“Eventually, her singing gets more beautiful” or “Eventually, her singing gets increasingly beautiful”
Adding “more and more” is grammatically incorrect but can probably be used informally in a casual conversation.
Adding “more and more” is grammatically incorrect but can probably be used informally in a casual conversation.
You're really that into my singing?
Is this expression natural?
Is this expression natural?
Sounds fine 😁👍
Sounds fine 😁👍
"Your singing voice really has a healing effect." sembra naturale?
× "Your singing voice really has a healing effect."
✓ "Your singing really has a healing effect."
Your first sentence was fine, but you can say it without “voice”, and it will have the same meaning, while also sounding smoother.
✓ "Your singing really has a healing effect."
Your first sentence was fine, but you can say it without “voice”, and it will have the same meaning, while also sounding smoother.
Significati ed usi per simili parole o frasi
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