Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Relative"s
Il significato di "Relative" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa relative ?
RELATIVE (adjective) has to do with comparison to other similar things; a comparison to *related* things.
A country with political stability, compared to the political stability of other similar countries -
A company with employees who are qualified similarly to the qualifications of other companies’ employees -
A country with political stability, compared to the political stability of other similar countries -
A company with employees who are qualified similarly to the qualifications of other companies’ employees -
Che cosa significa my relatives are driving me up the wall?
that your relatives( family) make you angry
Che cosa significa At least, so say older relatives who comment on your WhatsApp use during family gatherings. In this sentence, what does ‘so say’ mean? It’s not like the normal sentence structure for me. ?
That phrase is not used very often but it means that someone says or thinks a certain way that you are not sure you agree with. Example... Some men say women should just be housewives. So says men who are lazy and want someone to spoil them by doing everything for them.
Che cosa significa it may be impossible for relatives to make positive identifications. In this sentence, what's the meaning of "positive identifications."??
I'm not sure what the context is, but I think I might know.
When someone is deceased, it may be impossible for relatives to verify the identity of the deceased person.
positive identification = verify the identity, at least that's my guess without context.
When someone is deceased, it may be impossible for relatives to verify the identity of the deceased person.
positive identification = verify the identity, at least that's my guess without context.
Che cosa significa relative to?
"Relative to" means compared to.
"a high level of investment in research relative to the size of the country"
Compared to the size of the country. In other words, if the country is larger then the level of investment in research should be larger, but it the country is smaller then the level of investment in research should be smaller.
"a high level of investment in research relative to the size of the country"
Compared to the size of the country. In other words, if the country is larger then the level of investment in research should be larger, but it the country is smaller then the level of investment in research should be smaller.
Frasi esempio "Relative"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con relative and related?.
The car was parked 100 meters relative to where we are
Sibling, cousins, and grandparents are at relative
Why would you bring that up it’s not relative to this conversation
A and B are related by blood because they’re cousins
And on a related topic, B is also ...
The car was parked 100 meters relative to where we are
Sibling, cousins, and grandparents are at relative
Why would you bring that up it’s not relative to this conversation
A and B are related by blood because they’re cousins
And on a related topic, B is also ...
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con relative.
She is my relative.
Who is your favorite relative?
I don’t like it, but that’s all relative. (That doesn’t really matter)
Who is your favorite relative?
I don’t like it, but that’s all relative. (That doesn’t really matter)
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con relatives.
I went to visit my relatives last week.
I have a lot of relatives in Europe.
I have a lot of relatives in Europe.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con relative .
Happiness is relative to the persons wants and needs.
Happiness is relative to their life goals and ambitions.
Happiness is relative to their life goals and ambitions.
Parole simili a "Relative" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra relative to e associated with ?
Relative to: "My Korean is very bad relative to a native speaker."
Associated with: "My university is associated with one in Korea, so I can get Korean books to read."
Associated with: "My university is associated with one in Korea, so I can get Korean books to read."
Qual è la differenza tra relative e extended family ?
Your immediate family is your mother, father, brother, sister, husband/wife, and your children. Anyone outside of that is your extended family.
The word “relative” can refer to any one of your family members, both immediate and extended.
The word “relative” can refer to any one of your family members, both immediate and extended.
Qual è la differenza tra relative e relevant ?
“Relative” can mean a person that is related to a family or something related to a subject.
“Relevant” means “important”.
For example,
That’s one of my relatives from my mother’s side of the family.
Textbooks are relative to education.
The queen is quite a relevant figure (person).
“Relevant” means “important”.
For example,
That’s one of my relatives from my mother’s side of the family.
Textbooks are relative to education.
The queen is quite a relevant figure (person).
Qual è la differenza tra relative e kin ?
A relative is a family member. Kin can refer to family members related by blood, as in, "Next of kin," and also to kinship (the feeling of a familial or resonating bond to someone who is not related by blood).
Qual è la differenza tra relative e related e relevent ?
Related means associated
rain is related to weather.
relative means position or an opinion of something is changeable from one person to other. for example germany is close to my country but Germany is far away for people living in the USA. so it s quite relative to where we are.
rain is related to weather.
relative means position or an opinion of something is changeable from one person to other. for example germany is close to my country but Germany is far away for people living in the USA. so it s quite relative to where we are.
Traduzionde di "Relative"
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? 나는 너의 친척들이 홍콩이 아니라 레바논에 사는 것으로 착각했다.
"I confused that your relatives live in Lebanon not in Hongkong."
Is it natural to say it like this?
Thank u in advance for letting me know :)
"I confused that your relatives live in Lebanon not in Hongkong."
Is it natural to say it like this?
Thank u in advance for letting me know :)
I thought your relatives lived in Lebanon, not Hong Kong.
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? He intends to visit his relatives next summer
-> It___(intention)his relatives next summer.
-> It___(intention)his relatives next summer.
It is his intention to visit his relatives next summer.
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? relative
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Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? relative
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Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? what's relatives pronouns ?
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Altre domande riguardo "Relative"
All my relatives are coming over to my house on a new year holiday. sembra naturale?
i would say "the" instead of "a" new year holiday, unless there are different new years dates that you celebrate :) in that case you can be more specific about the new years that you are celebrating
Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia relative, relatively .
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All of my relatives gathered at my grandparents house from New Year's Eve.
大晦日から、親戚一同で祖父母の家に集まりました。 sembra naturale?
大晦日から、親戚一同で祖父母の家に集まりました。 sembra naturale?
It should be “for New Year’s Eve” not “from New Year’s Eve”
Because all of my relatives live close to my place, I don't have hometown I can go back during the summer holidays.
sembra naturale?
sembra naturale?
"Because my relatives live close to my place, I don't have to return to my hometown during the summer holidays."
Visiting relatives can be boring.
Where is the ambiguity?
Where is the ambiguity?
"Visiting relatives" can mean either relatives who are visiting you, or relatives whom you are visiting. This is ambiguous because from the sentence there is no way to know which meaning is intended.
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