Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Robot"s

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Altre domande riguardo "Robot"

Q: I disagree that robots will take the place of humans at work in the future. My opinion is based on the following considerations.
Firstly, robots cannot communicate with humans on a true meaning. Robots can react and respond to us based on what we say or write to them. However, it is important to understand or imagine why we say or write that so as to achieve a good communication, which robots cannot do yet.
Secondly, robots do not have creativity. They can do only the things that we tell them to do. In order to keep a company prospering in the society, it is important not only to do routine accurately but also to continue to generate new values.
I do believe that robots will play a big role at work. However, for these reasons stated above, I strongly think that robots cannot take our position in business completely in the future.
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