Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Seem"s
Il significato di "Seem" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa I can't seem to get it right?
@jjjjjkk He was worried that he would mess things up by trying to express his feelings.
Che cosa significa It seems to me that he is honest?
he seems like a person that would not do anything bad
Che cosa significa 『but it seems dope.』?
“But, it appears to be cool.”
Che cosa significa Never seem to let it go?
I cant seem to let it go .... really means your holding a grude on something, and you cant let it go
Che cosa significa It seems unfathomable?
“It seems unfathomable” just means “it seems unbelievable” , not believable. More likely it’s used in a casual tone to say something is “so crazy you can’t believe it”. We normally use it to describe something shocking that has happened.
Frasi esempio "Seem"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con I can’t seem.
I can’t seem to figure this out
I can’t seem to understand you
I can’t seem to apologize
I can’t seem to feel bad
I can’t seem to understand you
I can’t seem to apologize
I can’t seem to feel bad
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con It seems to be .
"It seems to be" means from what I can tell. Basically it's you creating an answer by studying your surroundings.
Example 1. You hear raindrops on the roof and you see the windows all wet, so you would say "it seems to be raining". Because you observed that the windows are wet and you heard the raindrops. So you made an created by studying your surroundings!
Example 2. Let's say you are trying to bake a cake, and you need eggs. You go to your refrigerator and look for the eggs, but there is none. You would say "it seems I'm out of eggs". Because you observed that there were no eggs in your refrigerator, you can now crest the expression "it seems I'm out of eggs" because you studied your surroundings. ☺️
Example 1. You hear raindrops on the roof and you see the windows all wet, so you would say "it seems to be raining". Because you observed that the windows are wet and you heard the raindrops. So you made an created by studying your surroundings!
Example 2. Let's say you are trying to bake a cake, and you need eggs. You go to your refrigerator and look for the eggs, but there is none. You would say "it seems I'm out of eggs". Because you observed that there were no eggs in your refrigerator, you can now crest the expression "it seems I'm out of eggs" because you studied your surroundings. ☺️
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con seemed a little strange.
The way he just stood there staring at everyone seemed a little strange, I guess he's just shy.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con It seems as if ∼.
It seems as if this was planned deliberately.
It seems as if he didn't want to be here.
It seems as if he didn't want to be here.
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con seem.
He seems really nice.
That seems like it would be a lot of fun.
That seems to be the right answer.
You seem like a very smart person
That seems like it would be a lot of fun.
That seems to be the right answer.
You seem like a very smart person
Parole simili a "Seem" e le sue differenze
Qual è la differenza tra It seems that I have dropped it somewhere . e It seems that I dropped it somewhere . ?
The first - you dropped it recently
The second - you could have dropped it at any time in the past and be referring back to that time.
This is the classic difference between simple past (I dropped) and the present perfect (I have dropped)
The second - you could have dropped it at any time in the past and be referring back to that time.
This is the classic difference between simple past (I dropped) and the present perfect (I have dropped)
Qual è la differenza tra it seems e it looks ?
Seems is like ...そう
It looks is like ...みたい
The meaning is basically the same but "seems" is more intuitive? And "looks" is more based on specific evidence
It looks is like ...みたい
The meaning is basically the same but "seems" is more intuitive? And "looks" is more based on specific evidence
Qual è la differenza tra It seems not to arrive. e It doesn't seem to arrive. ?
Neither is natural.
It should be:
"It doesn't seem like it's going to arrive."
It should be:
"It doesn't seem like it's going to arrive."
Qual è la differenza tra It seems that he is tired e He seems to be tired ?
They both have the same meaning, they are just written with a different focus. In the first one the focus is on the situation " IT seems that he is tired" and the second one focuses on the person that is going through the situation " HE seems to be tired"
That said, they can both be used to convey the same message . :)
They both have the same meaning, they are just written with a different focus. In the first one the focus is on the situation " IT seems that he is tired" and the second one focuses on the person that is going through the situation " HE seems to be tired"
That said, they can both be used to convey the same message . :)
Qual è la differenza tra She seemed rude e She come across as rude ?
They are both ways of sharing your opinion that she was rude. "Seemed" is one person's opinion or perception.. similarly, If she "came across as" rude, that is how you perceived her attitude at the time. They both mean that your opinion is that she was rude. Since you didnt say "she was rude" it can be argued.
Example sentences..
The way she greeted me seemed rude.
The way she greeted me came across as rude.
It is my opinion she was rude and im sharing it.
Hope it helps.
Example sentences..
The way she greeted me seemed rude.
The way she greeted me came across as rude.
It is my opinion she was rude and im sharing it.
Hope it helps.
Traduzionde di "Seem"
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? suddenly you seem so complicated.
bro, what you just wrote is in English
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? i seem to see it anywhere
Check the question to view the answer
Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? seem
Check the question to view the answer
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? You seemed to interested in talking to me
Check the question to view the answer
Come si dice in Inglese (Regno Unito)? it seems it will rain
It looks like it is going to rain
Altre domande riguardo "Seem"
I’m sorry but there seems to be lagging. Would you mind me reconnecting? sembra naturale?
× I’m sorry but there seems to be lagging.
✓ I’m sorry but my internet connection seems to be lagging.
× Would you mind me reconnecting?
✓ Would you mind if I reconnect?
✓ I’m sorry but my internet connection seems to be lagging.
× Would you mind me reconnecting?
✓ Would you mind if I reconnect?
But it seems like it was delayed sembra naturale?
Very natural!
But seems like it was delayed sembra naturale?
It seems to rain. sembra naturale?
It seems to be raining.
It seems that he wants me to apologize to him, but I don’t want to. sembra naturale?
Again, both 'like' and 'that' are perfectly fine here, and there is almost no difference.
The best way I can describe it is:
It seems like - I am 50% confident
It seems that - I am 70-80% confident
- It seems like he wants me to apologize.
I am not really sure, I assume so based on his facial expression..
- It seems that our flight will be delayed for at least an hour.
The flight is already late 10 min, and several flights before that were delayed for an hour already, so you are a bit more confident that yours will be delayed as well.
Again, very very little difference, but hey, you asked for an example so here it is :)
Again, both 'like' and 'that' are perfectly fine here, and there is almost no difference.
The best way I can describe it is:
It seems like - I am 50% confident
It seems that - I am 70-80% confident
- It seems like he wants me to apologize.
I am not really sure, I assume so based on his facial expression..
- It seems that our flight will be delayed for at least an hour.
The flight is already late 10 min, and several flights before that were delayed for an hour already, so you are a bit more confident that yours will be delayed as well.
Again, very very little difference, but hey, you asked for an example so here it is :)
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