Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Singing"s
Il significato di "Singing" In varie frasi ed espressioni.
Che cosa significa 1.I ignored him, singing a song.
2.I went to her, singing a song.(If I leave comma out in these sentences,will they be different meanings?)?
2.I went to her, singing a song.(If I leave comma out in these sentences,will they be different meanings?)?
Frasi esempio "Singing"
Mostrami delle frasi esempio con she was singing and would not answer your phone call ... change it into present continuous.
Parole simili a "Singing" e le sue differenze
Traduzionde di "Singing"
Altre domande riguardo "Singing"
Although I like traveling and singing songs in karaoke pubs, the coronavirus does not allow me to do those. Instead, I’m spending my time watching programs on TV and videos on YouTube.
I love TV programs introducing streets strolling in foreign cities or villages. When I watch such programs, I feel as if I were in the foreign nations and can get information about the countries useful for my future trips.
Recently, I have seen YouTube videos in which a pretty girl sings beautiful songs. Since I heard her singing, I have become her fan. Her name is Lucy Tomas. She is a young English singer. sembra naturale?
I love TV programs introducing streets strolling in foreign cities or villages. When I watch such programs, I feel as if I were in the foreign nations and can get information about the countries useful for my future trips.
Recently, I have seen YouTube videos in which a pretty girl sings beautiful songs. Since I heard her singing, I have become her fan. Her name is Lucy Tomas. She is a young English singer. sembra naturale?
Significati ed usi per simili parole o frasi
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