Where an A grade restaurant could have, like I said, a couple weeks ago been closed down. とはどういう意味ですか?
It means in reference to a particular event or situation. For example - "Where if you kick the ball the dog will probably chase it."
Mr. A had improper if not illegal motives. とはどういう意味ですか?
Mr A had motives that were not proper, whether or not they were actually against the law.
Illegal means against the law
Improper just means wrong or dishonorable
Illegal means against the law
Improper just means wrong or dishonorable
A. It's so much for me. B. It's killing me. C. A person in question is there. とはどういう意味ですか?
A. It is a lot to take for someone. Though, the word use is "too"
instead of "so" in this case.
B. It is an expression that is used in expressing something that is difficult. Also means "it drives me crazy."
C. The person being referred to is there or around.
A. It is a lot to take for someone. Though, the word use is "too"
instead of "so" in this case.
B. It is an expression that is used in expressing something that is difficult. Also means "it drives me crazy."
C. The person being referred to is there or around.
A. K. A とはどういう意味ですか?
"also known as"
The A car pulled out and tried to pass the B car just as it started off again とはどういう意味ですか?
The B car started to move. Then the A car drove (in the other lane) to get in front of it.
(I hope this helps!)
(I hope this helps!)
on your A game を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Or if you’re on a hot streak at work, doing work very consistently and well, someone could say you are “On your A game at work right now.”
neither A nor B を使った例文を教えて下さい。
"I will not choose neither nor b"
"She can't choose neither a nor b"
"She can't have neither a nor b"
"She can't choose neither a nor b"
"She can't have neither a nor b"
would you rather~A or B? を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Would you rather go to Japan or Korea?
Would you rather have cake or ice cream?
Would you rather I stay or leave?
Would you rather have cake or ice cream?
Would you rather I stay or leave?
not so much A as B を使った例文を教えて下さい。
When looking for a realtionship, it's not so much about the looks, it's about the personality. (or as the personality, but I would say the first sentence)
When it comes to studying, its not so much about cramming, it's about taking your time. (as much as taking you time)
When it comes to studying, its not so much about cramming, it's about taking your time. (as much as taking you time)
clear A of B を使った例文を教えて下さい。
@Grace123: I'm not sure what you mean, could you please rephrase the question?
go on a A と go for a A はどう違いますか?
Go on is used with “trip”, “vacation”, “cruise”, etc.
Ex: I went on a trip to Okinawa last summer.
I’m planning to go on a cruise next week.
Go for means “choose”.
Ex: I’ll go for the chicken soup.
I’ll go for this blue dress.
Ex: I went on a trip to Okinawa last summer.
I’m planning to go on a cruise next week.
Go for means “choose”.
Ex: I’ll go for the chicken soup.
I’ll go for this blue dress.
1. You can choose either A or B. と 2. You can choose any of A and B. はどう違いますか?
Correct. Please note that there is a slightly easier and more natural way to handle groups of three or more. Just say: A, B, or C.
You can have cake, ice cream, or apple pie.
You can choose PlayStation, Xbox, or Nintendo.
You can go to Japan, London, or Los Angeles.
You can post questions in Japanese, English, or Spanish.
You can have cake, ice cream, or apple pie.
You can choose PlayStation, Xbox, or Nintendo.
You can go to Japan, London, or Los Angeles.
You can post questions in Japanese, English, or Spanish.
there is a A. と there is one A. はどう違いますか?
There is one Aと言ったら「Aが一つある」という意味になります
There is a Aと言ったら、同じ意味なんだけど、もっと簡単で自然な言い方だと思います。ただの「Aがある」みたいな感じです。だが、ひとつなんです(これが重要)
oneも、もちろん自然だけど、わざわざ言う理由が必要です。理由がないと、「なんでわざわざoneを言ったんでしょうか? ひとつあるの、当然でしょ」みたいな感じでしょうかな
There is one Aと言ったら「Aが一つある」という意味になります
There is a Aと言ったら、同じ意味なんだけど、もっと簡単で自然な言い方だと思います。ただの「Aがある」みたいな感じです。だが、ひとつなんです(これが重要)
oneも、もちろん自然だけど、わざわざ言う理由が必要です。理由がないと、「なんでわざわざoneを言ったんでしょうか? ひとつあるの、当然でしょ」みたいな感じでしょうかな
I was pleasantly surprised to get an A in English. と I was pleasantly surprised getting an A in English. はどう違いますか?
VERY LITTLE difference, if any. On the 2nd sentence... it could be:
I was pleasantly surprised, getting an A in English (add a comma).
OR: I was pleasantly surprised BY getting an A in Eng (add the word BY, it sounds better).
but they both mean the same thing.
My preference? the first sentence sounds better.
I was pleasantly surprised, getting an A in English (add a comma).
OR: I was pleasantly surprised BY getting an A in Eng (add the word BY, it sounds better).
but they both mean the same thing.
My preference? the first sentence sounds better.
I can barely hear my A) (think) と I can barely hear my B) (thought) or C) (thinking) はどう違いますか?
they all mean the same, though are phrased differently. A: I can barely hear myself think, is most common. B: I can barely hear my own thoughts. C: I can barely hear myself thinking, would be least common
A.やばい… B.なにがやばいの? A.家に携帯忘れてきた B.マジ?それはやばいね は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
A. Crap...
B. What's wrong?
A. I forgot my cell phone at home
B. Seriously? That's terrible.
B. What's wrong?
A. I forgot my cell phone at home
B. Seriously? That's terrible.
トイレで A: コンコン(ノック音) B: 入ってます! は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
A: *knock knock*
B: Someone's in here!
B: Someone's in here!
ごめんね、質問の [単語 A] を [単語B] と見まちがえてた。 は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
I’m sorry, I saw [word A] as [word B] by mistake in the question.
대학교때 저도 케냐에서 온 친구가 있었어요! 지금은 연락안하지만 <—- A friend of mine was also from Kenya when I was in University, i’m not keeping in touch with him now, though は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
I also had a Kenyan friend when I was in university, though we’re no longer in touch.
直訳すると A になりますが、非常に不自然で誰も使いません。これを自然な日本語にすると B になります。 は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Directly translated, it becomes "A", but it is very unnatural and no one says that. To make it more natural Japanese, it would be "B".
Mr. A felt quite ill yesterday, but today he has called and said that he feels even ( ).
1. iller
2. illest
3. worse
4. worst
Which is correct?
1. iller
2. illest
3. worse
4. worst
Which is correct?
You must study English until 9PM.
He got an A on the final exam. That made his parents happy.
or He got an A on the final exam. It made his parenta happy.
Which one is correct?
or He got an A on the final exam. It made his parenta happy.
Which one is correct?
"He got an A on the final exam. That made his parents happy" is correct.
'That' refers to the act of him getting an A, which makes sense in this context.
'It' could refer to the 'A' he got, but his parents would probably be happier that he got the A and not that there is an A.
'That' refers to the act of him getting an A, which makes sense in this context.
'It' could refer to the 'A' he got, but his parents would probably be happier that he got the A and not that there is an A.
Q. A family has a great influence on children's development, but the influence outside the home plays a bigger part in children's life. To what extent to you agree or disagee?
It is widely acknowledged that a child has so abundant potential that people around him should have an impact on him carefully for his future. There are various factors which influence the development of the young, and at this point, an argument occurs because some experts contend that the impact of family outweigh that of factors outside the home. I partly agree with this viewpoint, and the reasons will be provided in this essay.
It is apparent that a person usually spends plenty of time at home, and especially so as a young kid. At home, children are always cared by family members such as parents or siblings, and kids interact with them, learning how to behave, speak, and so on. In this process, the young acquire not only simple things such as how to cook, but also complicated ones like social skills. In this way, kids are turnning into adults, resembling their parents. This is why family members generally look alike.
However, it is inevitable for children to spend their time out of their home. They usually go to school, chat with classmates, and communicate with their teachers. Therefore, it is clear that interaction with people who are not family members also have an impact on the development of kids. They improve their social abilies as well as communication skills through their lives in school. Considering students stay in school for more than 6 hours a day, we can realize how big the influence of school life is. Moreover, some teenagers work as a part-time employee in restaurants and shops. In these places, they learn how to treat strangers, customers, and their managers. Those experiences are consierably different from what they have experienced at home. Thus, the effect of school and workplace should not be ignored when we consider the factors that influence a child’s development.
In conclusion, I believe that the influence of family is huge enough to shape the majority of identity of children because they spend most of their time at home, interacting with family members. However, given that children also study in school, hang out with friends, and have a part-time job, factors outside the home still have an impact on them to some extent. Thus, people need to take the both sides into account when they think of what affects the development of children. この表現は自然ですか?
It is widely acknowledged that a child has so abundant potential that people around him should have an impact on him carefully for his future. There are various factors which influence the development of the young, and at this point, an argument occurs because some experts contend that the impact of family outweigh that of factors outside the home. I partly agree with this viewpoint, and the reasons will be provided in this essay.
It is apparent that a person usually spends plenty of time at home, and especially so as a young kid. At home, children are always cared by family members such as parents or siblings, and kids interact with them, learning how to behave, speak, and so on. In this process, the young acquire not only simple things such as how to cook, but also complicated ones like social skills. In this way, kids are turnning into adults, resembling their parents. This is why family members generally look alike.
However, it is inevitable for children to spend their time out of their home. They usually go to school, chat with classmates, and communicate with their teachers. Therefore, it is clear that interaction with people who are not family members also have an impact on the development of kids. They improve their social abilies as well as communication skills through their lives in school. Considering students stay in school for more than 6 hours a day, we can realize how big the influence of school life is. Moreover, some teenagers work as a part-time employee in restaurants and shops. In these places, they learn how to treat strangers, customers, and their managers. Those experiences are consierably different from what they have experienced at home. Thus, the effect of school and workplace should not be ignored when we consider the factors that influence a child’s development.
In conclusion, I believe that the influence of family is huge enough to shape the majority of identity of children because they spend most of their time at home, interacting with family members. However, given that children also study in school, hang out with friends, and have a part-time job, factors outside the home still have an impact on them to some extent. Thus, people need to take the both sides into account when they think of what affects the development of children. この表現は自然ですか?
× Q. A family has a great influence on children's development, but the influence outside the home plays a bigger part in children's life.
✓ Q. The family has a great influence on a child's development, but the influence outside the home plays a bigger part in a child's life.
× To what extent to you agree or disagee?
✓ To what extent do you agree or disagree?
× Those experiences are consierably different from what they have experienced at home.
✓ Those experiences are considerably different from what they have experienced at home.
× It is widely acknowledged that a child has so abundant potential that people around him should have an impact on him carefully for his future.
✓ It is widely acknowledged that a child has abundant potential to learn and so people around him should be mindful of how they act around the child as it might influence him for the future.
× There are various factors which influence the development of the young, and at this point, an argument occurs because some experts contend that the impact of family outweigh that of factors outside the home.
✓ There are various factors which influence the development of the young, and at this point, an argument occurs because some experts contend that the impact of family outweigh factors outside the home.
× Thus, people need to take the both sides into account when they think of what affects the development of children.
✓ Thus, people need to take both sides into account when they think of what affects the development of children.
× It is apparent that a person usually spends plenty of time at home, and especially so as a young kid.
✓ It is apparent that a person spends most of their time at home, most especially young children.
× At home, children are always cared by family members such as parents or siblings, and kids interact with them, learning how to behave, speak, and so on.
✓ At home, children are always cared for by family members such as parents or siblings, and kids interact with them, learning how to behave, speak, and so on.
× This is why family members generally look alike.
✓ This is why family members generally seem alike.
× However, it is inevitable for children to spend their time out of their home.
✓ However, it is inevitable for children to spend all of their time at home.
× They usually go to school, chat with classmates, and communicate with their teachers.
✓ They eventually have to attend school, chat with classmates, and communicate with their teachers.
× They improve their social abilies as well as communication skills through their lives in school.
✓ They improve their social abilities as well as communication skills through their lives in school.
✓ Q. The family has a great influence on a child's development, but the influence outside the home plays a bigger part in a child's life.
× To what extent to you agree or disagee?
✓ To what extent do you agree or disagree?
× Those experiences are consierably different from what they have experienced at home.
✓ Those experiences are considerably different from what they have experienced at home.
× It is widely acknowledged that a child has so abundant potential that people around him should have an impact on him carefully for his future.
✓ It is widely acknowledged that a child has abundant potential to learn and so people around him should be mindful of how they act around the child as it might influence him for the future.
× There are various factors which influence the development of the young, and at this point, an argument occurs because some experts contend that the impact of family outweigh that of factors outside the home.
✓ There are various factors which influence the development of the young, and at this point, an argument occurs because some experts contend that the impact of family outweigh factors outside the home.
× Thus, people need to take the both sides into account when they think of what affects the development of children.
✓ Thus, people need to take both sides into account when they think of what affects the development of children.
× It is apparent that a person usually spends plenty of time at home, and especially so as a young kid.
✓ It is apparent that a person spends most of their time at home, most especially young children.
× At home, children are always cared by family members such as parents or siblings, and kids interact with them, learning how to behave, speak, and so on.
✓ At home, children are always cared for by family members such as parents or siblings, and kids interact with them, learning how to behave, speak, and so on.
× This is why family members generally look alike.
✓ This is why family members generally seem alike.
× However, it is inevitable for children to spend their time out of their home.
✓ However, it is inevitable for children to spend all of their time at home.
× They usually go to school, chat with classmates, and communicate with their teachers.
✓ They eventually have to attend school, chat with classmates, and communicate with their teachers.
× They improve their social abilies as well as communication skills through their lives in school.
✓ They improve their social abilities as well as communication skills through their lives in school.
Which would be correct?
1. I didn’t understand both A and B.
2. I didn’t understand either A or B.
I’d like to mean it like “I didn’t understand A. And also, I didn’t understand B.”
Thank you.
1. I didn’t understand both A and B.
2. I didn’t understand either A or B.
I’d like to mean it like “I didn’t understand A. And also, I didn’t understand B.”
Thank you.
“I didn’t understand either A or B” is correct.
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