Gloves と Mittens はどう違いますか?
Gloves have individual parts for fingers, mittens don't.
Gloves と mittens はどう違いますか?
Thank you, very much
Gloves と Mitten はどう違いますか?
Gloves の発音を音声で教えてください。
Gloves Making Moisture Layers!
Like apply a skin ampoule to dull skin or a hair mask or hair conditioner to the damaged hair, wear gloves when your hands are chapped, cracked, and flaky. Olive Smooth Hand Glove provides dry hands with rich nutritions of olives by covering them with moist layers. With Olive Smooth Hand Glove, turn your hands into beautiful and prideful ones!
How to use: 1. Wash your hands clean and dry them off. 2. Cut the Olive Smooth Hand Glove along the dotted line and wear the essence-wet hand glove. 3. Fifteen or Twenty minutes later, take it off and softly massage your hands with the residual essence until it is absorbed.
Like apply a skin ampoule to dull skin or a hair mask or hair conditioner to the damaged hair, wear gloves when your hands are chapped, cracked, and flaky. Olive Smooth Hand Glove provides dry hands with rich nutritions of olives by covering them with moist layers. With Olive Smooth Hand Glove, turn your hands into beautiful and prideful ones!
How to use: 1. Wash your hands clean and dry them off. 2. Cut the Olive Smooth Hand Glove along the dotted line and wear the essence-wet hand glove. 3. Fifteen or Twenty minutes later, take it off and softly massage your hands with the residual essence until it is absorbed.
× Gloves Making Moisture Layers!
✓ These gloves provide layers of moisture to your hands.
× Like apply a skin ampoule to dull skin or a hair mask or hair conditioner to the damaged hair, wear gloves when your hands are chapped, cracked, and flaky.
✓ Apply a small amount to dull or dry skin. If you have dry or damaged hair, apply like a hair mask or hair conditioner to the damaged hair. Wear gloves when your hands are chapped, cracked, and flaky.
× Olive Smooth Hand Glove provides dry hands with rich nutritions of olives by covering them with moist layers.
✓ Olive Smooth Hand Glove provides dry hands with the rich nutrients of olives. It covers your skin with layers of moisture.
× With Olive Smooth Hand Glove, turn your hands into beautiful and prideful ones!
✓ With Olive Smooth Hand Glove, turn your hands into beautiful ones. Take pride in your hands!
× 1. Wash your hands clean and dry them off.
✓ 1. Wash your hands and dry them off.
× 2. Cut the Olive Smooth Hand Glove along the dotted line and wear the essence-wet hand glove.
✓ 2. Cut the Olive Smooth Hand Glove along the dotted line and put on the essence-wet hand glove.
× 3. Fifteen or Twenty minutes later, take it off and softly massage your hands with the residual essence until it is absorbed.
✓ 3. Fifteen or Twenty minutes later, take it off and softly massage your hands with the left over cream until it is absorbed.
✓ These gloves provide layers of moisture to your hands.
× Like apply a skin ampoule to dull skin or a hair mask or hair conditioner to the damaged hair, wear gloves when your hands are chapped, cracked, and flaky.
✓ Apply a small amount to dull or dry skin. If you have dry or damaged hair, apply like a hair mask or hair conditioner to the damaged hair. Wear gloves when your hands are chapped, cracked, and flaky.
× Olive Smooth Hand Glove provides dry hands with rich nutritions of olives by covering them with moist layers.
✓ Olive Smooth Hand Glove provides dry hands with the rich nutrients of olives. It covers your skin with layers of moisture.
× With Olive Smooth Hand Glove, turn your hands into beautiful and prideful ones!
✓ With Olive Smooth Hand Glove, turn your hands into beautiful ones. Take pride in your hands!
× 1. Wash your hands clean and dry them off.
✓ 1. Wash your hands and dry them off.
× 2. Cut the Olive Smooth Hand Glove along the dotted line and wear the essence-wet hand glove.
✓ 2. Cut the Olive Smooth Hand Glove along the dotted line and put on the essence-wet hand glove.
× 3. Fifteen or Twenty minutes later, take it off and softly massage your hands with the residual essence until it is absorbed.
✓ 3. Fifteen or Twenty minutes later, take it off and softly massage your hands with the left over cream until it is absorbed.
Gloves should be exchanged every two hours. この表現は自然ですか?
Gloves should be exchanged every two hours. この表現は自然ですか?
you should just use changed not exchanged
Gloves shall be cleaned in every two hour using the cleaner. この表現は自然ですか?
Gloves shall be cleaned in every two hour using the cleaner. この表現は自然ですか?
Gloves should be cleaned every two hours using the cleaner.
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