I traveled all North America countries. Is it grammatically correct sentence? とはどういう意味ですか?
No. You would say, "I traveled through all the North American countries." or perhaps "I visited all the North American countries."
North Korea Nangmyun is so delicious. It's another level. It's very refined and high quality.
How can I say more natural way とはどういう意味ですか?
How can I say more natural way とはどういう意味ですか?
It’s on another level
When frustrated North Atlanta players "hacking away at" their shins and ankles... とはどういう意味ですか?
"hacking away" means to hit or kick something really hard with your hands, feet, or a tool.
"hack" is usually used with the word "knife" or "axe" for tools. You'd cut grass, paper, fabric, etc with a knife or you'd chop wood with an axe or machete.
In hockey, the tool would be the hockey stick. You'd hit the other team members on the shins, ankles, and body with it.
In soccer, the "tool" would be your feet. You'd be kicking them in their shins and ankles.
"hacking" is also used in a way that is not physical.
People that are really smart about understanding computer code can write code that can break into other people's computers and do things they aren't supposed to do.
"hacking away" means to hit or kick something really hard with your hands, feet, or a tool.
"hack" is usually used with the word "knife" or "axe" for tools. You'd cut grass, paper, fabric, etc with a knife or you'd chop wood with an axe or machete.
In hockey, the tool would be the hockey stick. You'd hit the other team members on the shins, ankles, and body with it.
In soccer, the "tool" would be your feet. You'd be kicking them in their shins and ankles.
"hacking" is also used in a way that is not physical.
People that are really smart about understanding computer code can write code that can break into other people's computers and do things they aren't supposed to do.
If you've ever been to the North Rim, you know that there is a trail along the edge if the canyon, and the only thing separating the trail from a shear cliff drop-off is a little rock wall. とはどういう意味ですか?
The North may have ”held back” in its latest launch by not targeting the area around the U.S. territory of Guam. とはどういう意味ですか?
"Held back" usually means someone wants to do something but they don't do it... they restrain themselves.
North と Northern はどう違いますか?
@Dennis987 North ist einfach Nord, also einen Name. Northern ist ein Adjektive. Wenn do Northern sagst, z.B. "A northern island", dass bedeutet eine Insel, die in Nord ist. Wenn du Nord benutzt, du muss sagen " There is an island in the north or There is an island in north Germany"
A: I've been to North Korea. と B: I've gotten to North Korea. はどう違いますか?
I've been to North Korea - I have previously visited North Korea, but am not there right now.
I've gotten to North Korea - I have just arrived in North Korea and am currently there.
"I've gotten to North Korea" doesn't really sound natural though. In that situation you would probably say "I've arrived in North Korea"
I've gotten to North Korea - I have just arrived in North Korea and am currently there.
"I've gotten to North Korea" doesn't really sound natural though. In that situation you would probably say "I've arrived in North Korea"
"I came from the North of Brazil." と "I am from the North of Brazil." はどう違いますか?
These are very similar. "I came from" implies that you have just arrived from the north of Brazil, whether you were just traveling through or whether you remained there for some time. I am from the north of Brazil means that your home is or was there.
the North district (should i use the) と Northern district (northern or simply north) はどう違いますか?
Preferably, the most correct answer would be "Northern District".
If you say "North District", then people might confuse "North" as the name of the district itself.
However, if you use "Northern District", the person will think that the "District" is located towards the north, because "Northern" means "a location in the north."
So if you intend to name the district "North", then use "North District". If you intend to show that this certain "District" is located in the north, then use "Northern District" :)
If you say "North District", then people might confuse "North" as the name of the district itself.
However, if you use "Northern District", the person will think that the "District" is located towards the north, because "Northern" means "a location in the north."
So if you intend to name the district "North", then use "North District". If you intend to show that this certain "District" is located in the north, then use "Northern District" :)
the North Pole と the Arctic はどう違いますか?
The Arctic is a region. The North Pole is a specific point in the Arctic.
in North America,"push back" is more common than "put back"? e.g. "they push/put back the game until next week, は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
I would say " push back" of course you can always say "postpone" as well.
She asked me to meet her in North Point MTR station at 5:00pm yesterday.I arrived there on time. I waited and waited but she didn't turn up. I texted her several times but she didn't answer any of my messages. She was mean to play tricks on me! は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
I see. Thank you.
She asked me to meet her in North Point MTR station at 5:00pm yesterday.I arrived there on time. I waited and waited but she didn't turn up. I texted her several times but she didn't answer any of my messages. She was mean to play tricks on me! は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
thank you
I lived in the North は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
I shot some North Korean soldiers, but my gun didn't work because out of bullet, so they just throw chemical bomb and I had to run away は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Hahah: "I shot some North Korean soldiers, but then I ran out of bullets; they threw a chemical bomb at me and I had to run away"
I've never been afraid of North Korea attacking South Korea. この表現は自然ですか?
or another way to put it would be I'm not afraid of North Korea attacking South Korea
North Korea is at the top of the World Watch List for 16 years. That means it's the worst country in the world for a Christian to live. There isn't some kind of freedom out there, nor of religion, expression, thought and let alone information. この表現は自然ですか?
North Korea has been at the top of the World Watch List for 16 years. That means, it's one of the worst countries in the world for a Christian to live in. There's no freedom of religion, expression, thought or let alone of information there.
It seems North Koreans don't realize how badly they have been violated human rights by their government. この表現は自然ですか?
If you're speaking about present tense you can say:
"It seems North Koreans don't realize how badly their human rights have been violated by their government."
"It seems North Koreans don't realize how badly their human rights have been violated by their government."
"Maybe the North Korean people will feel relieved when North Korea decides to open to the world." この表現は自然ですか?
Maybe North Koreans will feel relieved when their country decides to open to the world.
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