Sadie nods toward the door. “I’ve got my four-wheeler outside. You ready, Tony?”
Sadie swings a leg around the front the vehicle. “Hop on,” she tells me.
What is 'swinging a leg'? Is it a body language to tell Tony to come here? Or other meanings? とはどういう意味ですか?
Sadie swings a leg around the front the vehicle. “Hop on,” she tells me.
What is 'swinging a leg'? Is it a body language to tell Tony to come here? Or other meanings? とはどういう意味ですか?
It’s just a way of getting on or mounting the vehicle.
Sadie's eyes darken.
What is eyes darken? とはどういう意味ですか?
What is eyes darken? とはどういう意味ですか?
@liammohamed Thank you very much :)
Sadie had drawn me a map to the dog.....she has made a stick house with the word “BUSTER”.
What is the 'stick house' in this sentence?
What is the 'stick house' in this sentence?
stick house isn't a common phrase, one would hear "wooden dog house"
stick house is a dog house made of wood, either lumber or made of sticks.
stick house is a dog house made of wood, either lumber or made of sticks.
I think Sadie owes us an explanation.の発音を音声で教えてください。
According the “Nice by Nature” (2009), Sadie F. said primate may have an appreciation for fairness, and it may be basis of justice and altruism. For instance, chimpanzee distribute or help another chimp from cage. Additionally, research that was studied by Brosnon and her collegue in 2006 indicate some animals distribute their spoil. Lastly, research that was published in 2008 in Current Biology said monkeys are sensitive about unfair. These studies prove that all pro-sociality is not only in human. この表現は自然ですか?
According to the article, “Nice by Nature” (2009), Sadie F. stated that primates may have an appreciation for fairness, and it may be their basis of justice and altruism. For instance, chimpanzees distribute or help other chimps from their cages. Additionally, research that was studied by Brosnon and her colleague in 2006 indicated that some animals distribute their spoil. Lastly, research published in 2008 Current Biology journal, stated that monkeys are sensitive to unfairness. These studies prove that not all pro-social behavior is exclusive to humans.
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