What’s a lifetime of achievement if I pushed you to the edge? とはどういう意味ですか?
There are surely other interpretations, but I think this line despairs or regrets pushing someone to the edge... "The edge" is probably some point in time where the writer finally mistreated ("pushed") a person in a romance enough to cause a breakup. So once the person breaks out of the romance all the great things experienced together in the past seem to lose value.
What's (the value of) a lifetime of (good times together) if I (mistreated you enough for you to leave me).
... perhaps something like that.
What's (the value of) a lifetime of (good times together) if I (mistreated you enough for you to leave me).
... perhaps something like that.
Ten billion lifetimes とはどういう意味ですか?
i think it's a way to express a length of time. it's a long time (like 10 billion reincarnations)
1 lifetime = the time from birth to death
1 lifetime = the time from birth to death
my lifetime とはどういう意味ですか?
The span of your life from start to end.
save a lifetime とはどういう意味ですか?
We have literally saved a lifetime for these medical procedure. とはどういう意味ですか?
it means that we have saved a lot of money throughout our life, in order to pay for the medical treatment. which also means that the medical treatment / diagnosis is very expensive
not in this lifetime を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Do you think I will let you date my daughter? Not in this lifetime!
I will never allow you to date my daughter.
I will never allow you to date my daughter.
to last a lifetime を使った例文を教えて下さい。
I have enough toilet paper to last me a lifetime! Haha it means to to have excessive amounts of something.
lifetime employment と mandatory retirement はどう違いますか?
lifetime employment = a company hires a new college graduate and promises to retain them until they retire
mandatory retirement = an employee must quit the job after reaching a certain age; for example, American pilots have mandatory retirement at age 65
mandatory retirement = an employee must quit the job after reaching a certain age; for example, American pilots have mandatory retirement at age 65
lifetime と life と timeline はどう違いますか?
I feel like I have known you for a lifetime (like I have known you since I was born).
Life is not always easy, but we should appreciate every moment of it.
There are many tasks on my timeline today (many things on my schedule).
I feel like I have known you for a lifetime (like I have known you since I was born).
Life is not always easy, but we should appreciate every moment of it.
There are many tasks on my timeline today (many things on my schedule).
lifetime memories と lifetime of memories はどう違いますか?
the memories that will last for all your life - 1
2- the amount of time that memories will be recorded by an individual. (can be as shot as a few days)
2- the amount of time that memories will be recorded by an individual. (can be as shot as a few days)
"enjoy the lifetime God gave you"
is this phrase grammatically correct?
does it sound good?
it's for a tattoo.
は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
is this phrase grammatically correct?
does it sound good?
it's for a tattoo.
は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
The phrase "Enjoy the lifetime" on its own doesn't sound right. The closest thing I've heard to it is "Enjoy life!" also, "Enjoy the life God gave you" is fine as well. Some people might say in speech "...the life that..." or "the life which...," but for a tattoo your phrase is completely correct.
lifetime は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
During his lifetime he invented over 1,300 things including the gramophone and motion pictures. は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
in my lifetime it has to be the Internet of course but I also think wifi has made a huge difference to how we interact with the Internet は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
"in this/my generation (you lifetime is specifically for you not for everyone) internet has made a huge difference in how we interact to people" is this what you want to say or "in my/this generation the wifi has made a huge difference in how we connect/interact (interact can also be used depending on what you want to say following this sentence) to the internet"
A lifetime wouldn't be enough to watch all those movies. この表現は自然ですか?
It sounds good to me. I'm guessing you might be talking about the pirates of the Caribbean movies you asked about earlier. LOL
In our lifetime, we may unavoidably come across moments when we have to make critical decisions, which typically based on our life plan or vision for the future. The trouble is, for most graduates, there is no such plan or vision. We mindlessly follow the masses, and ultimately go through the throes of regretting our inactive youth after several decades. Hence it is significant for us graduates to listen to our hearts, precisely determine the goal we really want to reach and exert ourselves vigorously to turn(could be harness?) it into reality. Saying“I know the appearance of Los Angeles at 4 am every day”, Kobe Bryant is a superb example. To get the championship, he pours out all efforts.
In a word recognizing ourselves is the pyramidal cornerstone for the correct choice towards a meaningful life. Don’t let the noise of others drown out our inner voice. Only by learning to listen to the inner voice can we realize self-worth.
There is must be a lot of mistakes.
Please help me to modify. この表現は自然ですか?
In a word recognizing ourselves is the pyramidal cornerstone for the correct choice towards a meaningful life. Don’t let the noise of others drown out our inner voice. Only by learning to listen to the inner voice can we realize self-worth.
There is must be a lot of mistakes.
Please help me to modify. この表現は自然ですか?
Very impressive!! The only thing I’d change is “which typically based on our life plan..” to -> “which ARE typically based on our life plan”
She was happy that throughout her entire lifetime.
She was happy which throughout her entire lifetime. この表現は自然ですか?
She was happy which throughout her entire lifetime. この表現は自然ですか?
The first phrase is correct
I'll remember it for lifetime この表現は自然ですか?
Grammatically it's correct, but it sounds very romantic (almost too much so).
Most people might say "I'll remember it forever." or "I'll always remember it."
Most people might say "I'll remember it forever." or "I'll always remember it."
Once in a lifetime you should go to Egypt. この表現は自然ですか?
Once in a lifetime you should go to Egypt. この表現は自然ですか?
You would say: You should go to Egypt at least once in your life.
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