PTA は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
You can say "Pee-Tee-Ayy" or simply "Paid Time Off"
PTA karo は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
PTA to chle ki uska irada kya hai は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
I m curious know his intent
PTA nahi Bo kis haal Mai hogi は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
I’m on a PTA board member this year and it was decided by drawing lots. この表現は自然ですか?
× I’m on a PTA board member this year and it was decided by drawing lots.
✓ I became a PTA board member this year and it was decided by drawing lots.
“On a PTA board member” is grammatically incorrect. You are either “a PTA board member” or you are “on a PTA board”
✓ I became a PTA board member this year and it was decided by drawing lots.
“On a PTA board member” is grammatically incorrect. You are either “a PTA board member” or you are “on a PTA board”
I had a PTA conference yesterday. The parents who have children whose student numbers are odd were called. Since the academic year just started last month, this time we decided who was going to be on which committees for this academic year. About half of the parents in his class attended the conference, and we could choose whatever we want. I felt so lucky because we could choose jobs that have fewer obligations. The committees left unchosen seemed to have a lot of responsibilities throughout the year. I don't think that parents who didn't attend yesterday's meeting without notice will be committed to responsible jobs. I hope there will be no complaints later. この表現は自然ですか?
× The parents who have children whose student numbers are odd were called.
✓ The parents of students with odd numbers were called.
✓ The parents of students with odd numbers were called.
I attended a PTA meeting today. I’m glad we came up with some ideas that would make our work easier. I’m going to be busy this month to prepare for the big meeting to be held next month. この表現は自然ですか?
× I’m glad we came up with some ideas that would make our work easier.
✓ I’m glad we came up with some ideas that could make our work easier.
× I’m going to be busy this month to prepare for the big meeting to be held next month.
✓ I’m going to be busy this month preparing for next month’s big meeting.
✓ I’m glad we came up with some ideas that could make our work easier.
× I’m going to be busy this month to prepare for the big meeting to be held next month.
✓ I’m going to be busy this month preparing for next month’s big meeting.
A PTA election will be held next month at my son’s school.
I was thinking it was not my business, but one of my mom friends suddenly texted me “Would you like to run for PTA executive board members with me?”
I became so upset by this message that I couldn’t start studying English earlier.
I can’t decide whether I stand for it with her or not.
A PTA election will be held next month at my son’s school.
I was thinking it was not my business, but one of my mom friends suddenly texted me “Would you like to run for PTA executive board members with me?”
I became so upset by this message that I couldn’t start studying English earlier.
I can’t decide whether I stand for it with her or not.
A PTA election will be held next month at my son’s school.
I was thinking it was not my business, but one of my mom’s friends suddenly texted me “Would you like to run for PTA executive board members with me?”
I was so upset by this message that I couldn’t concentrate on studying English earlier.
I can’t decide whether I should do it with her or not.
A PTA election will be held next month at my son’s school.
I was thinking it was not my business, but one of my mom’s friends suddenly texted me “Would you like to run for PTA executive board members with me?”
I was so upset by this message that I couldn’t concentrate on studying English earlier.
I can’t decide whether I should do it with her or not.
What does PTA mean
It could be many things, but most likely "Parent-Teacher association". It's a regular meeting of adults associated with a school.
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