they were exposed to those scams fell for them
I think the correct form of the sentence would be
"They were exposed to those scams AND fell for them".
It means that they believed in the malicious lies told by others and lost a fortune because of it.
"They were exposed to those scams AND fell for them".
It means that they believed in the malicious lies told by others and lost a fortune because of it.
scam とはどういう意味ですか?
@huonggiang1111_5285 Like dishonest scheme, like a fraud. For example you might enter your credit card details into a website and your order doesn’t arrive, that is a scam.
scam とはどういう意味ですか?
A lie
"The deal was a scam." = "The deal was a lie."
"The deal was a scam." = "The deal was a lie."
$100m scam とはどういう意味ですか?
It means that the scam stole $100 million.
For example, if someone was scamming people, and overall stole $100m from people, that makes it a "$100m scam".
For example, if someone was scamming people, and overall stole $100m from people, that makes it a "$100m scam".
scam とはどういう意味ですか?
A scam is a method by which some people can make money illegally.
scam を使った例文を教えて下さい。
“the company scammed many people.” “they scammed you by charging you too much.” “that email is a scam.” i’m sorry if this wasn’t what you were looking for as your answer but i hope i helped. :)
scam を使った例文を教えて下さい。
¨He asked for my credit card information while I was signing up for a free sample, it´s probably a scam!¨
scam を使った例文を教えて下さい。
"That ad was a scam."
The word "scam" is used as a different word for a trick. Like of you click on an ad for lets say...I don't know a bag, and the ad takes you to a car sight or you get a virus, you can say it was a scam.
The word "scam" is used as a different word for a trick. Like of you click on an ad for lets say...I don't know a bag, and the ad takes you to a car sight or you get a virus, you can say it was a scam.
scam と deceive はどう違いますか?
The difference between the two words is that scam is to defraud or embezzle while deceive is to trick or mislead. That is, the purpose behind scamming someone is always to get them to give you their money in return for something that isn’t real.
Scam can be used as a verb or a noun, whereas deceive is just a verb (the noun form is “deception”).
- Some guy just called me on the phone and said that he is from the government and I owe $10,000 in taxes, and that I need to wire him the money right away. He was obviously trying to scam me.
- Mary, I’m sorry, but I’ve been deceiving you. I really don’t have a master’s degree in business. I was just trying to impress you.
Scam can be used as a verb or a noun, whereas deceive is just a verb (the noun form is “deception”).
- Some guy just called me on the phone and said that he is from the government and I owe $10,000 in taxes, and that I need to wire him the money right away. He was obviously trying to scam me.
- Mary, I’m sorry, but I’ve been deceiving you. I really don’t have a master’s degree in business. I was just trying to impress you.
scam と fraud はどう違いますか?
They’re basically the same meaning, scams are people committing/doing fraud.
A scam is run by people, and usually means a process.
“That phone number is a company running a scam.”
“This company scams people.”
“That guy is running a scam.”
A fraud is committed/done by people, and usually means the person. (person is/was a fraud or person is/was committing fraud)
“That man is a fraud.”
“That man is committing fraud.”
Scams are more common through email or phone now. For example, scams where people pretend to be a tech company that will help fix your computer, even though there is nothing wrong, and ask for money.
A scam is run by people, and usually means a process.
“That phone number is a company running a scam.”
“This company scams people.”
“That guy is running a scam.”
A fraud is committed/done by people, and usually means the person. (person is/was a fraud or person is/was committing fraud)
“That man is a fraud.”
“That man is committing fraud.”
Scams are more common through email or phone now. For example, scams where people pretend to be a tech company that will help fix your computer, even though there is nothing wrong, and ask for money.
scam と fraud はどう違いますか?
Fraud is a broader category of wrongdoing than a scam. Scams can belong to the broader category of fraud. also, Fraud is when trickery is used to gain a dishonest advantage.
Telephone scammers try to steal your money or personal information. Scams may come through phone calls from real people, robocalls, or text messages
But they are pretty much interchangeable. but if smth happens to an individual we call it scam (( I've got scammed )) but if it happened to an organization we say ” it was a fraud ”
Telephone scammers try to steal your money or personal information. Scams may come through phone calls from real people, robocalls, or text messages
But they are pretty much interchangeable. but if smth happens to an individual we call it scam (( I've got scammed )) but if it happened to an organization we say ” it was a fraud ”
scam と con と fraud はどう違いますか?
Scam is used to talk about the deal being offered.
Example: "She scammed me!"
Con and fraud is used as a noun.
"She's such a con/fraud!"
You never say someone is "frauding you."
Example: "She scammed me!"
Con and fraud is used as a noun.
"She's such a con/fraud!"
You never say someone is "frauding you."
scam と frand はどう違いますか?
Fraud means something is faked.. But a scam doesn't need to have anything faked, it's just usually deceptive/dishonest
She was in on the scam.
She was in the scam.
She was on the scam.
Which is correct?
If the first one is correct, can I use 2 consecutive prepositions?
は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
She was in on the scam.
She was in the scam.
She was on the scam.
Which is correct?
If the first one is correct, can I use 2 consecutive prepositions?
は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
The first.
The phrase "to be in on smth" is used to say that you were aware something was happening and sometimes partaking. Most commonly it is used in "She was in on the secret"
Yes you can use two.
The phrase "to be in on smth" is used to say that you were aware something was happening and sometimes partaking. Most commonly it is used in "She was in on the secret"
Yes you can use two.
I know we both do not want scams. は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
scam は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
scam mean は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Scam is a trick, usually when dealing with money.
"This guy scammed me out of $300 yesterday." Not the same meaning exactly as stolen even though they are taking something. Instead of stealing a purse, someone would trick the person into giving them the money in the purse.
"This guy scammed me out of $300 yesterday." Not the same meaning exactly as stolen even though they are taking something. Instead of stealing a purse, someone would trick the person into giving them the money in the purse.
is a scam?
Seems like there are very few reviews of it, so maybe it's not the most trustworthy.
He is a scam artist actually, but he is so convincing that people can’t help believing. この表現は自然ですか?
As pointed out, the "actually" would usually be in another place. The only time you would place it where you put it is when someone just said someone contrary to what your said and you want to intentionally emphasise that he is a scam artist. But your placement of "actually" seems highly intentional as in general it would be better to place the word as put it.
Also, maybe you could say your sentence in spoken language and people will just fill in the blank, but technically it's incomplete. You really need something to go with "believing." Eg. "Believing him," "believing what he says," believing his every word," etc.
Also, maybe you could say your sentence in spoken language and people will just fill in the blank, but technically it's incomplete. You really need something to go with "believing." Eg. "Believing him," "believing what he says," believing his every word," etc.
I want to mix "scam" and "catastrophe" to describe a day full of me getting scammed.
should it be "scamstrophe" or "scamtrophe"?
should it be "scamstrophe" or "scamtrophe"?
First of all: Very funny to be asking about a made-up word LOL! Since it technically doesn't exist, you can do whatever you want!
BUT... I would actually go with "scam-tastrophe" so people still know the word you are mixing it with is "catastrophe".
BUT... I would actually go with "scam-tastrophe" so people still know the word you are mixing it with is "catastrophe".
I might get scam just while a ago. I registered my information at a web site. Then I entered a credit card number because the site wrote not to have to pay. But I noticed the site was scam seen as displaying a pop-up which I have seen at news on TV. I tried to quit of the site though, the site didn't have the quit menu. I made a phone call to the card company and ask to stop and change the card number. Even if I don't get a really scam, I think that I have to be careful when register a web site from now on. この表現は自然ですか?
I might have gotten scammed just a while ago. I registered my information at a website. I entered my credit card number because the site wrote not to have to pay in cash. But I noticed that the site was a scam after it displayed a pop-up, which I had seen before on the news on TV. I tried to quit the site but the site but the site did not have a quit menu. I made a phone call to the credit card company to cancel my credit card and change its number. Even if I don't actually get scammed, I think that I have to be more careful when I register on a web site from now on.
Your scam is going down. この表現は自然ですか?
"I figured out your scam"
"Your scam isn't going to work."
"Your scam isn't going to work."
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