After a few thousands years of doing the opposite, it wouldn't kill us to overcorrect.
From episode 13. of season 1 from the Good Doctor とはどういう意味ですか?
From episode 13. of season 1 from the Good Doctor とはどういう意味ですか?
It sounds like, from context, that they are changing course or a decision that has been one way for a very long time, and they mean to say they shouldn't worry about making too big a change.
"It won't kill us to..." is an expression used to mean "it would be okay to..."
Another similar expression would be "It's not the end of the world if..."
"It won't kill us to..." is an expression used to mean "it would be okay to..."
Another similar expression would be "It's not the end of the world if..."
thousands of tears later とはどういう意味ですか?
It’s a play on words of the phrase “Thousands of years later”.
This means that someone cried for a long time.
This means that someone cried for a long time.
«Hundreds of thousands dollars» How much is that? とはどういう意味ですか?
100 000
200 000
300 000 +
200 000
300 000 +
thousands of decades とはどういう意味ですか?
Yes it’s talking about time.
It means a very very very Long time.
A decade = 10 years
Imagine 10 years multiplied by 1000
It means a very very very Long time.
A decade = 10 years
Imagine 10 years multiplied by 1000
"For thousands of years, communications between city states, kingdoms, and empires had varying levels of formality, with much of the contact between individuals and entities such as trading associations remaining outside government control." とはどういう意味ですか?
That is the problem. ; )
By emphasising that governments did not control communication (for thousands of years) it suggests there was a time when they did.
It's like saying "for thousands of years people ate food." : )
By emphasising that governments did not control communication (for thousands of years) it suggests there was a time when they did.
It's like saying "for thousands of years people ate food." : )
e.g.)I have books of thousands. を使った例文を教えて下さい。
e.g.)I have books of thousands. を使った例文を教えて下さい。
I have a thousand things to tell you.
My book collection could be in the thousands.
I wish I had a thousand dollars.
One day I'll own a house work six hundred thousand dollars.
The forest behind my house must have a thousand trees.
I have a thousand things to tell you.
My book collection could be in the thousands.
I wish I had a thousand dollars.
One day I'll own a house work six hundred thousand dollars.
The forest behind my house must have a thousand trees.
what is the correct ?
5 thousand or
5 thousands ? を使った例文を教えて下さい。
5 thousand or
5 thousands ? を使った例文を教えて下さい。
"5 Thousand" is the correct one.
thousands of people suddenly got homeless と thousands of people suddenly became homeless はどう違いますか?
we don't say "got homeless" in English. we only say "became" homeless.
few thousands dollars と several thousands dollars はどう違いますか?
a few thousand dollars is like for instance, $1000, $2000 or $3000. not a lot so a few thousand. several thousand dollars is a lot more than $3000, could be $10000 or more.
thousands of years と thousands years はどう違いますか?
"Thousands of years" is more natural. And it's correct. In English "of" is used to describe relationships between words. You need "of" to show how "thousands" and "years" are related to each other.
For example, the phrase "5 cups of coffee" or "the support of my family". This word simply tells the listener how one thing relates to another in your sentence.
(I hope this wasn't confusing. :)
For example, the phrase "5 cups of coffee" or "the support of my family". This word simply tells the listener how one thing relates to another in your sentence.
(I hope this wasn't confusing. :)
You're cornered by thousands of zombies と You're surrounded by thousands of zombies はどう違いますか?
Cornered means you are surrounded on two/three sides by a wall (or some other barrier) and the other side(s) by zombies.
Surrounded means there are zombies all around you in a circle.
So if you are cornered, you are back against the wall. If you are surrounded, you are in open space but can’t go anywhere because they are around you in ever direction.
Surrounded means there are zombies all around you in a circle.
So if you are cornered, you are back against the wall. If you are surrounded, you are in open space but can’t go anywhere because they are around you in ever direction.
He bought thousands of books and read as many と He bought thousands of books and read as many more はどう違いますか?
He bought thousands of books and read as many = He bought (2,000) books and he read (2,000) books.
He bought thousands of books and read as many more? = He bought (2,000) books and he read (4,000) books.
"As many more" means the same number again or twice the number.
He bought thousands of books and read as many more? = He bought (2,000) books and he read (4,000) books.
"As many more" means the same number again or twice the number.
two thousands twenty?
twenty twenty?
は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
two thousands twenty?
twenty twenty?
は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
if it's referring to the year, we say it as "twenty twenty". same goes for the other years, for example "twenty nineteen"
however, if you want to say "the phone costs $2020", you would pronounce it as "two thousand and twenty dollars"
hope it helps:-)
however, if you want to say "the phone costs $2020", you would pronounce it as "two thousand and twenty dollars"
hope it helps:-)
From only a few to thousands of kilometers, the small bird flew.
I want to make food with vegetable and a bread, and write a book about the food. は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
I want to make food with vegetable and a bread, and write a book about the food. は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
The first sentence is correct.
“I want to make food with vegetables and bread and write a book about it.”
Remember to add an ‘s’ at the end of plural nouns. Don’t put ‘a’ in front of the word bread.
“I want to make food with vegetables and bread and write a book about it.”
Remember to add an ‘s’ at the end of plural nouns. Don’t put ‘a’ in front of the word bread.
How do say thousands in English? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
thousands は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
A: I heard that there are more than three thousands of kanji in Japanese.
B: Sounds about right. There are too many kanji to remember. この表現は自然ですか?
B: Sounds about right. There are too many kanji to remember. この表現は自然ですか?
"I heard that there are more than three thousand Kanji in Japanese."
When I say 100,000
One hundred thousands? or One hundred thousand?
One hundred thousands? or One hundred thousand?
Thousand and thousands went to see this "stunt show's spectacle". Is it right?
Are you refering to your pronounciation or the sentence written above?
Your pronounciation is good but the part of the sentence: "stunt show's spectacle" doesn't make sense
The sentence is most likely "Thousands and thousands went to see this spectacular stunt show" (might not be as i don't have enough context)
or could be: "Thousands and thousands went to see this stunt show's spectacular rides"
Hope this helps :)
Your pronounciation is good but the part of the sentence: "stunt show's spectacle" doesn't make sense
The sentence is most likely "Thousands and thousands went to see this spectacular stunt show" (might not be as i don't have enough context)
or could be: "Thousands and thousands went to see this stunt show's spectacular rides"
Hope this helps :)
3,365 Three thousands three handreds sixty five? or Thirty three handreds sixty five? この表現は自然ですか?
Three thousand, three hundred and sixty five
Throughout five thousands years of history, many great figures have fought for freedom. But when they had the chance to be at the helm, how to pass on the power to their children became the top priority. So, it is fair to say we have been trapped in a cycle:Great leaders' children will become tyrants eventually, and then new great leaders will overthrow these tyrants. History repeats. この表現は自然ですか?
Pretty good. Though at the beginning it should read "throughout five thousand years of history"
- 彼は体が持ち上げられると感じた he like he he being lifted up 自然ですか
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