I patted myself dry with towel.
In the sentence, What type of "dry" is it? とはどういう意味ですか?
In the sentence, What type of "dry" is it? とはどういう意味ですか?
Sentence pattern: S+Vti+O+Oc
I patted myself dry with a towel.
"Patted" is an incomplete, transitive verb that necessitates the use of an object complement "dry".
Sentence pattern: S+Vtc+O
I dried myself off with a towel.
"Dried" is a complete, transitive verb that eliminates the need for an object complement.
I patted myself dry with a towel.
"Patted" is an incomplete, transitive verb that necessitates the use of an object complement "dry".
Sentence pattern: S+Vtc+O
I dried myself off with a towel.
"Dried" is a complete, transitive verb that eliminates the need for an object complement.
Fresh towels ready for spoilage, the wastebaskets gaping their invitations, ... とはどういう意味ですか?
As you’ve probably noticed by now, this is from the life of the older days! Haha
“Fresh towels ready for spoilage,” would mean that for some apparent reason, there are fresh towels that are supposed to be put into the waterbaskets. By fresh, they most likely mean clean towels.
“Gaping their invitations,” means the waterbaskets are ready for the fresh towels to be put into. The waterbaskets are inviting the towels inside, strongly.
How they use these towels and the waterbaskets, I have no idea. This is from the ancient days, I would assume it’s for cleaning something? Clothes or those towels? I don’t know.
What you should care about in this sentence is understanding the expression “gaping their invitations.” It’s not very common, but it’s an expression you might see from time to time.
Hope this helped :)
“Fresh towels ready for spoilage,” would mean that for some apparent reason, there are fresh towels that are supposed to be put into the waterbaskets. By fresh, they most likely mean clean towels.
“Gaping their invitations,” means the waterbaskets are ready for the fresh towels to be put into. The waterbaskets are inviting the towels inside, strongly.
How they use these towels and the waterbaskets, I have no idea. This is from the ancient days, I would assume it’s for cleaning something? Clothes or those towels? I don’t know.
What you should care about in this sentence is understanding the expression “gaping their invitations.” It’s not very common, but it’s an expression you might see from time to time.
Hope this helped :)
towel とはどういう意味ですか?
get yourself a towel. とはどういう意味ですか?
It means that the person telling you is saying " grab a towel from my towels, I don't mind you digging in my closet." it is very warm and friendly like you are now family.
throw in the towel とはどういう意味ですか?
It's commonly used to represent failure, or that someone has tried their best and has given up, for example;
"Mike threw in the towel before the game had ended"
"Mike threw in the towel before the game had ended"
throw the towel を使った例文を教えて下さい。
The phrase is "throw in the towel", and it means to surrender or give up
It comes from boxing, where if a boxer is getting beaten too badly, his manager can throw a towel in the ring to stop the fight (and the other fighter wins)
We tried repeatedly to fix the code, but every fix caused more errors, so we threw in the towel and just started fresh.
They tried for years to save their marriage, but eventually they threw in the towel and got divorced.
My brother tried five years in a row to pass the civil service exam, but he failed each time. So he finally threw in the towel and became a bartender.
It comes from boxing, where if a boxer is getting beaten too badly, his manager can throw a towel in the ring to stop the fight (and the other fighter wins)
We tried repeatedly to fix the code, but every fix caused more errors, so we threw in the towel and just started fresh.
They tried for years to save their marriage, but eventually they threw in the towel and got divorced.
My brother tried five years in a row to pass the civil service exam, but he failed each time. So he finally threw in the towel and became a bartender.
Throw one’s towel を使った例文を教えて下さい。
The boxer had a serious injury but would not quit fighting so his corner had to throw in the towel, ending the fight.
To throw in the towel means to give up.
I’d really like to complete this marathon but I’m going to have to throw in the towel, I’m exhausted.
After hours of trying to fix the car himself he finally threw in the towel and called the auto shop.
To throw in the towel means to give up.
I’d really like to complete this marathon but I’m going to have to throw in the towel, I’m exhausted.
After hours of trying to fix the car himself he finally threw in the towel and called the auto shop.
throw in the towel を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Throw in the towel is basically just a figure of speech that means you quit or give up, for instance..."I couldn't figure out how to make cupcakes no matter how hard I tried, so I had to throw in the towel"
towel を使った例文を教えて下さい。
The towel in the kitchen has apples on it.
The soft purple towel dries dishes faster than the rough green towel.
When I get out of the shower, I love to wrap myself in a big towel.
The soft purple towel dries dishes faster than the rough green towel.
When I get out of the shower, I love to wrap myself in a big towel.
towel を使った例文を教えて下さい。
I’m going to the shower. I need a towel.
“Throw in the towel.” (Idiom). Means to give up. From boxing when a fighter signifies his withdrawal from the fight by throwing his towel into the middle of the ring.
“Throw in the towel.” (Idiom). Means to give up. From boxing when a fighter signifies his withdrawal from the fight by throwing his towel into the middle of the ring.
towel と toweling はどう違いますか?
@Joao054 : this picture should be clear enough to give you an immediate idea about what a bathrobe, which is made of toweling/towelling, is (after a first tap at the image below you can use two fingers to enlarge it without losing too much definition):
I like my towels extra fluffy. と I like my towels to be extra fluffy. はどう違いますか?
Nothing. There’s no difference. It’s fine to say both.
It’s like saying...
“I want my coffee extra milky!”
“I want my coffee to be extra milky”
It’s like saying...
“I want my coffee extra milky!”
“I want my coffee to be extra milky”
You wouldn't happen to have a towel, would you? と You don't happen to have a towel, do you? はどう違いますか?
Would is more gentle.
towel と flannel はどう違いますか?
Towels are usually made of cotton and are meant to absorb moisture. Flannel is a different type of material that is soft and warm.
In some places they call washcloths flannels, probably because they used to use flannel material for washcloths. But in most places this isn't what flannel means.
In some places they call washcloths flannels, probably because they used to use flannel material for washcloths. But in most places this isn't what flannel means.
towel rack と shelf はどう違いますか?
@pasin1017: a towel rack is a bar attached to the wall or standing alone that is only meant for towels. A shelf is just a board that can be anywhere and you can put anything on it.
I forgot taking my towel with me when i was taking a shower,and i wanna to ask my roommate to get it for me,How should i say? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
I forgot to bring my towel in here. Would you mind getting it for me?
I forgot my towel. Would you mind bringing it to me?
I forgot my towel. Would you mind bringing it to me?
a towel used to dry body after showing は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
Towel is all we say in the UK.
You may come across the terms ‘bath towel’ and ‘bath sheet’ but these only refer to sizes and would only be used when buying a towel. In day to day life you would just say towel.
You may come across the terms ‘bath towel’ and ‘bath sheet’ but these only refer to sizes and would only be used when buying a towel. In day to day life you would just say towel.
bath towelを一枚洗濯したら、シミができて汚れていました。「bath towel wo ichimai sentaku shitara shimi ga dekite yogorete imashita」 は 英語 (イギリス) で何と言いますか?
I wash each bath towel when it becomes dirty.
there's one on the towel rail は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
"Rail" is pronounced a little differently.
You can also say "towel rack" if it's easier.
You can also say "towel rack" if it's easier.
I'll just get a towel and we can leave は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
"get" doesn't make sense. Instead, you would say, "I just got a towel, we can leave"
Hello! They left 12 big towels on the table and some small also. We usually provide one towel per person/per stay. with regard to the laundry detergent I’m afraid that it is not one of our amenities neither. However, I can ask the owner that he brings you an extra crib and the lighter tomorrow morning :) この表現は自然ですか?
Hello! They left 12 large towels on the table and some small ones too. We usually provide one towel per person/per stay. with regard to the laundry detergent I’m afraid that we don’t provide this. However (on a positive) I can ask the owner to bring you an extra crib and the lighter tomorrow morning :)
Neither goes before singular countable nouns. We use it to say ‘not either’ in relation to two things
I don’t think you need to use either or neither (unless it relates to a previous conversation) as the detergent is the only item that you have referred to as not being able to provide
Neither goes before singular countable nouns. We use it to say ‘not either’ in relation to two things
I don’t think you need to use either or neither (unless it relates to a previous conversation) as the detergent is the only item that you have referred to as not being able to provide
She walked up to me with towel wrapped when I walked in. この表現は自然ですか?
I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to say, but this sentence would be somewhat unnatural if you said this to a native English speaker. Your sentence is just slightly mixed up. By rearranging the sentence, and adding some things in, you can come up with a more natural sentence, such as, "When I walked in, she walked up to me, wrapped in a towel," or, "She walked up to me, wrapped in a towel, when I walked in," something along those lines.
“Soon the Towel was credited for everything.”
This is one of the corpus sentences for “credit(verb)” in a dictionary.
In this case does this mean that people soon had got to know the towel as an useful stuff, maybe in the days where the “towels” weren’t common like present days?
Additionally, why started with uppercase T? Does it indicate as a specific product name?
Need your opinions.
This is one of the corpus sentences for “credit(verb)” in a dictionary.
In this case does this mean that people soon had got to know the towel as an useful stuff, maybe in the days where the “towels” weren’t common like present days?
Additionally, why started with uppercase T? Does it indicate as a specific product name?
Need your opinions.
I agree that it is a strange sentence. I can guess that "the Towel" is the nickname of a person (like The Situation or The Punisher), but this is strange, Whatever the Towel is, the sentence means that people were saying that it was responsible for everything that happened, not that they saw it as useful.
If you leave towels wet, the bacteria will develop,
so please make sure you hang them after you use them. この表現は自然ですか?
so please make sure you hang them after you use them. この表現は自然ですか?
I voted ''a little unnatural'' when I meant to put ''natural'' sorry!
One tiny thing is that I'd remove ''the'' in ''the bacteria will develop''.
One tiny thing is that I'd remove ''the'' in ''the bacteria will develop''.
"towel" & "tower"の発音を音声で教えてください。
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