Papers by Sanjay K Bhardwaj
Indian journal of experimental biology, 2006
To examine the importance of the inductive light period of a skeleton photoperiod in relation to ... more To examine the importance of the inductive light period of a skeleton photoperiod in relation to the endogenous circadian rhythm of photoinducibility mediating photoperiodic induction, P. domesticus were exposed for 28 weeks to a series of skeleton photoperiods, viz. 6L:4D:1L:13D, 6L:6D:1L:11D. 6L:8D:1L:9D and 6L:14D:1L:3D. The inductive effects of 1 hr light pulse at night varied depending on the time of its placement. To compare the inductive effects of complete and its corresponding skeleton photoperiods, birds in the second experiment were subjected for 20 weeks to 12L:12D and 6L:5D:1L:12D given daily or interposed on alternate days with constant darkness (12L:12D/DD and 6L:5D:1L:12D/DD). There was a difference in the rate and magnitude of response between the complete and skeleton photoperiods. It appears that the subtropical house sparrow uses photoperiodic strategy in regulation of its seasonal testicular responses similar to that is reported for its temperate population.
International Studies, 2013
All Westphalian states have a right to demarcate and defend their borders in attempt to protect t... more All Westphalian states have a right to demarcate and defend their borders in attempt to protect their sovereignty and territoriality. However, there is a significant variation in border control priorities. Military defence and economic regulations have traditionally been central border concerns, but due to the problems of trans-national migration, infiltration, terrorism and insurgencies, many of the states are re-tooling and reconfiguring their border regulatory apparatus. The complex nature of the India–Bangladesh border and its regulation/management has always been vital for both states. Nevertheless, the new definitions of security, emphasizing human security, combined with the forces of globalization have led to restructuring of the traditional notion of border management in the recent past. In delivery, the policies of promoting border trade, market, joint ventures and business-related infrastructure have become the priorities of the governments which will improve the Human Development Index and employability among the borderland people. Linkages between internal security and the regional security environment have made the border vital for the national security strategy. However, this has vitiated the environment and impeded the emergence of cordial and development-oriented India–Bangladesh relations.
Asian Ethnicity, 2014
The main focus of the book entitled The Politics of Ethnicity in Pakistan: The Baloch, Sindhi and... more The main focus of the book entitled The Politics of Ethnicity in Pakistan: The Baloch, Sindhi and Mohajir Ethnic Movements gives a new perspective on Pakistan’s identity crisis, which, according to...
Strategic Analysis, 2003
Foreign policy of a country is primarily a projection of its socio-economic and political compuls... more Foreign policy of a country is primarily a projection of its socio-economic and political compulsions in international politics. Apart from other determinants, the foreign policy of Bangladesh was always guided by its core factors, where India occupies centrestage. Bangladesh, pursues its foreign policy based on its geographical surroundings, historical legacy, and more importantly, persistence of a number of outstanding bilateral issues, which are vital to its existence. Mujib's policies of anti-imperialism, anti-colonialism, non-alignment, close friendship with India at international level and secularism, democracy and nationalism at national level underwent a tremendous change under the military regime. To some extent the islamisation of Bangladesh based on anti-Indian sentiment affected the relations between the two countries. The regime's interest in the security of its authority made it difficult for Bangladeshi rulers to take some positive and rational steps in improving their relations with India.
Any study of political developments in Pakistan cannot be complete without examining the role of ... more Any study of political developments in Pakistan cannot be complete without examining the role of the Army. ... India shares 4096 km (Assam-262 km, Tripura-856 km, Mizoram- 18 km, Meghalaya-443 km, West Bengal-2,217 km) long land boundary with Bangladesh (earlier East Pakistan). ... The sectarian divide between the Sunnis and Shias in Pakistan has widened since the 1980s. ... Environmental crisis in the rural areas of developing countries is increasingly becoming an important cause of cross-border migration of population and South Asia is no ...
Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, 2021
Geo-politically, the British colonial masters had restructured the Indian subcontinent into multi... more Geo-politically, the British colonial masters had restructured the Indian subcontinent into multiple sovereign political entities. The Partition was the super-imposition of European style nation-state boundaries on a geographically proximate cultural landmass and economic space in the region. The partition of the subcontinent in 1947, with the creation of Pakistan on the basis of religion and, subsequently, the formation of Bangladesh in 1971 on linguisticcultural lines led to the drawing of the contemporary boundaries in the region. Despite its historical, ethno-religious and cultural linkages as well as geographical proximity, India has been struggling to maintain stable and strong relations with these two neighbours. In fact, post-independence ruling elites have shaped the distinct nationalistic political discourses within the "liberalsecular-cultural" ideas (closer to India), and "religious nationalistic tendency" with "Islam at its core" (distancing India). These distinct national political leanings have been used for regime security by both democratic and undemocratic forces, time and again.
BEI Journal, 2019
Since invention, energy has been the basic element of humankind. By nature, there exist so many f... more Since invention, energy has been the basic element of humankind. By nature, there exist so many forms of the element in natural resources. In the last quarter of this century, due to population explosion and economic growth, increasing demand has pushed rapid utilization of energy resources, particularly oil and gas. Due to location of plenty of Oil & Natural Gas (O&G) and renewable resources in North Eastern part of the South Asia region, trans-national policy is found one of the ways to manage existing capacity and harness untapped potential of resources. India has been exploring multiple energy policy options and dialogue mechanism (domestic and overseas), for handling variety of O&G products, and managing strategic reserves of the other forms of energy. Among the other options, the country is strategizing to tap and explore participation in trans-national oil & natural gas and pipeline projects, hydro and thermal power projects but, due to domestic politics, geographical constrains and economic reasons, many projects have not yielded desired outcomes. The rapidly growing economies of India and Bangladesh, regional energy demand continues to increase rapidly. Coupled with growing political uncertainties in many oil-producing countries (Gulf) and aggravating conflicts over offshore and onshore natural resources (South China Sea), the energy users, especially those in the emerging economy of South Asia, face a difficult future in ensuring their long-term energy security. This has paved a way to quest for energy cooperation between India and Bangladesh.
This paper attempted and estimated type and quantity of energy reserves in each of the countries, examined the opportunities for investment and partnership. The paper has also explored potential of cooperation in the energy sector of India and Bangladesh and identified institutional mechanism and the challenges of foreign policy and inter-regional issues. This study examined bilateralism, resource nationalism and role of state potential feasible areas for energy cooperation, institutional development between India and Bangladesh.
Journal of International Relations, 2015
Growing scarcity of water resources, increasing population and poor water management in developin... more Growing scarcity of water resources, increasing population and poor water management in developing countries have increased the demand for water resources, which in terms became a ground for breeding conflict among nation states. These conflicts are manifested at inter---state and intra---state levels, but resolving conflicts over its equitable share and its management still remains a challenge before the world community. The nature of trans---border rivers and the river basin management have given rise to several disputes between the riparian states after the partition of India in 1947. As countries struggle over the already existing conflicts, in the absence of any regional effort, approach and understanding, new conflicts (viz. Teesta, Tipaimukh) are also cropping up. However, in the process of developing security of water resources,
All Westphalian states have a right to demarcate and defend their borders in attempt to protect t... more All Westphalian states have a right to demarcate and defend their borders in attempt to protect their sovereignty and territoriality. However, there is a significant variation in border control priorities. Military defence and economic regulations have traditionally been central border concerns, but due to the problems of trans-national migration, infiltration, terrorism and insurgencies, many of the states are re-tooling and reconfiguring their border regulatory apparatus. The complex nature of the India-Bangladesh border and its regulation/management has always been vital for both states. Nevertheless, the new definitions of security, emphasizing human security, combined with the forces of globalization have led to restructuring of the traditional notion of border management in the recent past. In delivery, the policies of promoting border trade, market, joint ventures and business-related infrastructure have become the priorities of the governments which will improve the Human Development Index and employability among the borderland people. Linkages between internal security and the regional security environment have made the border vital for the national security strategy. However, this has vitiated the environment and impeded the emergence of cordial and development-oriented India-Bangladesh relations.
International Studies, 2016
All Westphalian states have a right to demarcate and defend their borders in attempt to protect t... more All Westphalian states have a right to demarcate and defend their borders in attempt to protect their sovereignty and territoriality. However, there is a significant variation in border control priorities. Military defence and economic regulations have traditionally been central border concerns, but due to the problems of trans-national migration, infiltration, terrorism and insurgencies, many of the states are re-tooling and reconfiguring their border regulatory apparatus. The complex nature of the India-Bangladesh border and its regulation/management has always been vital for both states. Nevertheless, the new definitions of security, emphasizing human security, combined with the forces of globalization have led to restructuring of the traditional notion of border management in the recent past. In delivery, the policies of promoting border trade, market, joint ventures and business-related infrastructure have become the priorities of the governments which will improve the Human Development Index and employability among the borderland people. Linkages between internal security and the regional security environment have made the border vital for the national security strategy. However, this has vitiated the environment and impeded the emergence of cordial and development-oriented India-Bangladesh relations.
This paper is clash of cultural and religious nationalism in case of Bangladesh and how political... more This paper is clash of cultural and religious nationalism in case of Bangladesh and how political elites are shaping its along the secular and religious lines in Bangladesh
This article deals with the Bangladeshi Migration to India and How two governments are dealing wi... more This article deals with the Bangladeshi Migration to India and How two governments are dealing with this issue. What are their approaches and perspectives. what are the India's Security Threats
This article is on India- Bangladesh Land Boundary Agreements signed in 2015 and how this will ad... more This article is on India- Bangladesh Land Boundary Agreements signed in 2015 and how this will address India's Security concerns in the Eastern Border
This article reviews Bangladeshi foreign policy towards India.
Papers by Sanjay K Bhardwaj
This paper attempted and estimated type and quantity of energy reserves in each of the countries, examined the opportunities for investment and partnership. The paper has also explored potential of cooperation in the energy sector of India and Bangladesh and identified institutional mechanism and the challenges of foreign policy and inter-regional issues. This study examined bilateralism, resource nationalism and role of state potential feasible areas for energy cooperation, institutional development between India and Bangladesh.
This paper attempted and estimated type and quantity of energy reserves in each of the countries, examined the opportunities for investment and partnership. The paper has also explored potential of cooperation in the energy sector of India and Bangladesh and identified institutional mechanism and the challenges of foreign policy and inter-regional issues. This study examined bilateralism, resource nationalism and role of state potential feasible areas for energy cooperation, institutional development between India and Bangladesh.