phase 3 trial,
dupilumab はIL-4 とIL-13 という2 つのタンパク質のシグナル伝達を特異的に阻害するように設計されたヒトモノクローナル抗体: fully human
VelocImmune-derived monoclonal antibody
IL-4受容体のαサブユニットへの直接作用で、IL-4とIL-13シグナル化を両方ブロックし、type 2炎症を抑制する
コントロール不良喘息への安全性有効性トライアル (Funded by Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals; LIBERTY ASTHMA QUEST number, NCT02414854.)
Dupilumab Efficacy and Safety in Moderate-to-Severe Uncontrolled Asthma
Mario Castro, et. al.
N. Engl. J. Med. May 21, 2018
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1804092
1902名、12歳以上 2:2:1:1割り付け
add-onとして、dupilumab 200 or 300 mg 2週毎 or matched-volume placebo
プライマリエンドポイント:overall trial populationに於る、重症喘息急性増悪年次発生率、ベースラインからweek12までの拡張剤使用前FEV1絶対的変化量
Asthma control とdupilumab 安全性も評価
dupilumab 200 mg 2週毎投与群 0.46 (95% 信頼区間 [CI], 0.39 to 0.53)
プラシーボ 0.87 (95% CI, 0.72 to 1.05)
dupilumabによる発生率減少(対プラシーボ) 47.7% (P<0 .001="" p="">
2週毎 300mg投与量でも同様の結果
12週後、FEV1 dopilumab低用量割り付けでは 0.32 L増加 (差 vs . マッチ化プラシーボ ,0.14 L; p< 0.001)
<0 .001="" p="">
<0 .001="" p="">好酸球300/μL以上患者検討では、重症急性増悪 年次発生率
低用量割り付け群 0.37 (95% CI, 0.29 to 0.48)
マッチ化プラシーボ 1.08 (95% CI, 0.85 to 1.38)
(dupilumab 対プラシーボ 発生率減少比率 65.8% ; 95% CI, 52.0 to 75.6)
<0 .001="" p="">0>
<0 .001="" p="">0>
<0 .001="" p="">
<0 .001="" p="">
<0 .001="" p="">血中好酸球は介入開始後52名(4.1%)で生じ、プラシーボ群では 4名 0.6%
<0 .001="" 2="" 300="" br="" dose="" dupilumab="" every="" mg="" of="" results="" seen="" similar="" the="" weeks.="" were="" with=""><0 .001="" 0.29="" 0.37="" 0.48="" 0.85="" 1.08="" 1.38="" 300="" 52.0="" 75.6="" 95="" a="" among="" and="" annualized="" asthma="" blood="" br="" ci="" count="" cubic="" dose.="" dupilumab="" eosinophil="" exacerbations="" higher="" lower-dose="" lower="" matched="" millimeter="" more="" observed="" of="" or="" patients="" per="" placebo="" rate="" receiving="" results="" seen="" severe="" similar="" than="" the="" those="" to="" was="" were="" with="">0>0>
<0 .001="" 2="" 300="" br="" dose="" dupilumab="" every="" mg="" of="" results="" seen="" similar="" the="" weeks.="" were="" with=""><0 .001="" 0.29="" 0.37="" 0.48="" 0.85="" 1.08="" 1.38="" 300="" 52.0="" 75.6="" 95="" a="" among="" and="" annualized="" asthma="" blood="" br="" ci="" count="" cubic="" dose.="" dupilumab="" eosinophil="" exacerbations="" higher="" lower-dose="" lower="" matched="" millimeter="" more="" observed="" of="" or="" patients="" per="" placebo="" rate="" receiving="" results="" seen="" severe="" similar="" than="" the="" those="" to="" was="" were="" with="">0>0>
<0 .001="" 2="" 300="" br="" dose="" dupilumab="" every="" mg="" of="" results="" seen="" similar="" the="" weeks.="" were="" with=""><0 .001="" 0.29="" 0.37="" 0.48="" 0.85="" 1.08="" 1.38="" 300="" 52.0="" 75.6="" 95="" a="" among="" and="" annualized="" asthma="" blood="" br="" ci="" count="" cubic="" dose.="" dupilumab="" eosinophil="" exacerbations="" higher="" lower-dose="" lower="" matched="" millimeter="" more="" observed="" of="" or="" patients="" per="" placebo="" rate="" receiving="" results="" seen="" severe="" similar="" than="" the="" those="" to="" was="" were="" with="">0>0>
<0 .001="" 2="" 300="" br="" dose="" dupilumab="" every="" mg="" of="" results="" seen="" similar="" the="" weeks.="" were="" with=""><0 .001="" 0.29="" 0.37="" 0.48="" 0.85="" 1.08="" 1.38="" 300="" 52.0="" 75.6="" 95="" a="" among="" and="" annualized="" asthma="" blood="" br="" ci="" count="" cubic="" dose.="" dupilumab="" eosinophil="" exacerbations="" higher="" lower-dose="" lower="" matched="" millimeter="" more="" observed="" of="" or="" patients="" per="" placebo="" rate="" receiving="" results="" seen="" severe="" similar="" than="" the="" those="" to="" was="" were="" with="">0>0> <0 .001="" 2="" 300="" br="" dose="" dupilumab="" every="" mg="" of="" results="" seen="" similar="" the="" weeks.="" were="" with=""><0 .001="" 0.29="" 0.37="" 0.48="" 0.85="" 1.08="" 1.38="" 300="" 52.0="" 75.6="" 95="" a="" among="" and="" annualized="" asthma="" blood="" br="" ci="" count="" cubic="" dose.="" dupilumab="" eosinophil="" exacerbations="" higher="" lower-dose="" lower="" matched="" millimeter="" more="" observed="" of="" or="" patients="" per="" placebo="" rate="" receiving="" results="" seen="" severe="" similar="" than="" the="" those="" to="" was="" were="" with="">