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      American StudiesMarxismCultural TheoryColonialism
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      LiteratureAsian American StudiesKorean StudiesMilitarism
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      American StudiesTransnationalismPostcolonial StudiesMilitarism
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureReligionBuddhism
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      Social MovementsPostcolonial StudiesKorean StudiesKorean History
Communication not only expresses but also organizes the movement of globalization. It organizes the movement by multiplying and structuring interconnections through networks (Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Empire).
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      Asian StudiesAmerican StudiesMedia StudiesGlobalization
Seoul demonstrator peacefully protest labor reforms and national history textbook
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      Asian StudiesAmerican StudiesAsia Pacific RegionCapitalism
The French magazine 'Books' translated a piece I wrote on the beat connections linking Korean poets Kim Sakkat and Ko Un to Jack Kerouac via Rob Sean Wilson's wonderful book "Beat Attitudes."
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      PoetryKorean StudiesBeat GenerationJack Kerouac
Two recent Korean War novels, Ha Jin’s War Trash and Paul Yoon’s Snow Hunters, highlight a critical yet virtually unknown controversy over the voluntary or non-forcible repatriation of POWs that strung out armistice negotiations for... more
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      American LiteratureAsian American StudiesKorean StudiesDiaspora Studies
Korean War film from the US and South Korea provide one cultural site through which scholar–teachers working in American studies, and the humanities in general, can intervene in the unending Korean War.
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      American StudiesFilm StudiesPostcolonial StudiesWar Studies
In this paper, I explore a love for mountains through a reading of Gary Pak’s A Ricepaper Airplane, a novel that wanders across the Korean Peninsula, Manchuria, China, Japan, and Hawai‘i, assembling a diasporic perspective on... more
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      American LiteraturePacific Island StudiesPostcolonial StudiesKorean Studies
In this paper, I explore the question of whether Timothy Morton’s theory hyperobjects can teach us anything about fine dust air pollution. Thinking with Morton and seeing fine dust as a hyperobject means that the crisis of air pollution... more
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      Climate ChangeScience FictionAir pollutionEcocriticism
In this paper, I work to understand the multiple meanings of caves in relation to the Jeju April 3 (4.3) events. My particular focus is on Darangshi cave, both its discovery and the aftermath of that discovery, and the representation of... more
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      American StudiesPostcolonial StudiesKorean StudiesCold War
대기오염, 인류세, 기후변화, 생태비평, 환경인문학, 거대객체, 과학소설
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      Climate ChangeAir Pollution and Health EffectsEcocriticismEnvironmental Humanities
In 2000, Labzero, the Nam June Paik of rave culture, was driving and flying around the US, assembling ways of seeing inspired by neo-Tokyo for thousands of crazed ravers at parties featuring the likes of Sasha and Digweed, Frankie Bones,... more
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      MusicVisual StudiesSubculturesVideo Art
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      Cultural StudiesMusicSubculturesElectronic Dance Music Culture (EDMC)