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Mit einem neuen Layout feiern die «Schweizer Monatshefte» ihr neunzigjähriges Bestehen. Ihre Vergangenheit als germanophiles und zeitweise faschistisches Blatt blenden sie dabei weitgehend aus. Dabei sind in den Spalten der Zeitschrift in... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryMilitarismIdeology
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesGerman LiteratureChinese Studies
В статье выявлены взгляды известного общественного и политического деятеля Павла Николаевича Милюкова (1859-1943) на проблемы войны и мира в 1914-1917 гг.
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      HistoryPeace and Conflict StudiesMilitarismFirst World War
An open source textbook, intended for introductory level university courses in Pacific Islands Studies or for anyone interested in histories of militarism and nuclear testing in the Pacific.
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      Military HistoryPacific Island StudiesMilitarismMilitarism and militarization
Resumen. En la España de principios del siglo XX, la Asociación de Tiro Nacional fue representativa de la clase militar, la aristocracia y la derecha conservadora, y si bien entre sus objetivos se fomentaba la afición a las prácticas de... more
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      MilitarismNationalismPhysical EducationSpain (History)
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      Gender StudiesMilitarismNationalismMasculinities
This thesis takes an interdisciplinary approach combining research methods in history and political science to propose that the fundamental cause of Rome’s entry into and later domination of the Greek world was its reaction to a series of... more
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      ClassicsHellenistic HistoryWar StudiesPolitical Science
Cross-border solidarity has captured the interest and imagination of scholars, activists and a range of political actors in such contested areas as the US-Mexico border and Guantanamo Bay. Chandra Russo examines how justice-seeking... more
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      Social MovementsSociology of EmotionAsceticismEmbodiment
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      AnthropologyHuman RightsSexualityMilitarism
While nation-states often claim that refugees threaten their political and territorial integrity, this chapter shows how the opposite can be true: sometimes states need refugees. In late 2014 and early 2015, when parts of Iraq... more
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      Middle East StudiesSovereigntyMilitarismCritical Security Studies
The role of sport in the totalitarian regime of Metaxas in Greece (1936-1941) compared to National Socialism in Germany Summary. The regime of Metaxas (1936-1941) was a totalitarian regime with nationalistic and militaristic features. The... more
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      Political ScienceMilitarism
What is the meaning of peace, why should we study it, and how should we achieve it? Although there are an increasing number of manuscripts, curricula and initiatives that grapple with some strand of peace education, there is, nonetheless,... more
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      Critical PedagogyMilitarismPaulo FreirePeace Education
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      MilitarismRugby UnionHIstory of Sport
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesSociology of the MilitaryWar Studies
An interview with Margo Okazawa-Rey. Okazawa-Rey is an activist, educator, and Professor Emerita at San Francisco State University, who works on militarism, armed conflict, and violence against women. She is a founding member of the Black... more
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      MilitarismTransnational FeminismInterview
One kind of moral injury happens primarily during combat. The other kind
is inflicted on soldiers to prepare them for combat. Military conditioning is morally injurious not by accident, but by design.
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      Military EthicsMilitarismJust War TheoryMilitarism and militarization
The appearance of right-wing militias was a much-discussed phenomenon during the past decade. Commentators rightly pointed out their rural origins, their lower-middle-class and middle-class composition, and their ideology rooted in... more
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      SociologyRural SociologyMilitarismIdeology
In the 1970s, the Park Chung Hee administration (1961-79) leveraged all defense-related civilian industries to build an independent system of weapons production. In keeping with Park's advancement of military modernization driven by... more
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      Military HistoryBusiness HistoryKorean StudiesSouth Korea
This paper begins by identifying a tendency in the mass media to represent military robotics in a manner that endows the devices with a degree of automation and agency that is actually beyond the technology. Underlying these descriptions... more
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      MilitarismMilitarism and militarizationCritical Military Studies
This article seeks to construct a comparative investigation of the role and application of militaristic metaphors in three contested areas of science-society discourse (invasive species, foot-and-mouth disease, and Severe Acute... more
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      Environmental SociologyScience CommunicationComputer NetworksMilitarism
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflictMesoamerican ArchaeologyAztecs
Communication scholars have examined how colonialism is rhetorically maintained, and how discourse excludes Indigenous perspectives. Yet, seldom has the field addressed rhetorical phenomena from Oceanic places experiencing colonization... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationIndigenous StudiesRhetoric
This paper shows how the connections between engineering and warfare/militarism are closer than is usually recognized. It investigates the nature of that relationship using theoretical perspectives from critical theory and social... more
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This paper examines the military, ethnicity and democracy within the context of Nigeria s historical and sociopolitical reality .. Nigeria s inability to foster a sustainable democratic tradition has negative consequences for the country... more
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      Political ScienceDemocratizationMilitarismEthnicity
This essay discusses how the 2016 South Korean television drama Descendants of the Sun attempts to distance the representation of the soldier from the necropolitical. Although various filming techniques and intradiegetic elements attempt... more
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      Korean StudiesMilitarismNecropoliticsTelevision Drama
¿Es posible que alguien, aparentemente, tan distinto a nosotros cambie nuestro modo de ver el mundo? ¿Es posible que este alguien transforme nuestra manera de comportarnos? ¿En qué forma la sociedad influye en la constitución de la... more
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      PoetryMilitarismSigmund FreudPsychoanalysis And Literature
Der Totale Krieg; The Nation at War
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)War StudiesMilitarism
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      Balkan StudiesWar StudiesMilitarismGreece
“It would seem that awareness of the nuclear danger should be precisely the common denominator with which statesmen of both countries would exercise restraint and seek mutual understanding to strengthen confidence, to avoid the... more
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      Russian StudiesWar StudiesNuclear WeaponsMilitarism
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      Cultural HistoryEthnic StudiesAmerican StudiesPacific Island Studies
The extraordinary death of Ministry of Defence (MOD) scientist Terrance Jupp on 20
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      Landscape ArchaeologyLandscape ArchitectureMilitarismLandscape Urbanism
""En Filipo II y el Arte de la Guerra tendremos la oportunidad de conocer en profundidad a uno de los más grandes reyes de la antigua Macedonia. Gracias a su habilidad como estratega, diplomático, político y soldado, heredó un reino... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
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      Visual StudiesVisualizationMilitarismMichel Foucault
The latest Bond flick No Time To Die was certainly a rollercoaster ride of exciting action scenes and great special effects, yet contained more than a quantum of longueurs. With a running time of 163 minutes it certainly tries the... more
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      Comics StudiesMilitarismIdentity (Culture)Comics
Fabio Lo Bono intervista  Pietro Piro sul libro: Francisco Franco. Appunti per una fenomenologia della potenza e del potere.
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      Critical TheoryHistoryMilitary HistorySociology
This paper identifies a global trend towards hardened, militarised borders through the use of military technologies, hardware and personnel. In contrast to claims of waning state sovereignty, drawing on detailed case studies from the... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsBorder StudiesSovereigntyMilitarism
The aim of this paper is to critically examine the 2012 constitution-making process in Fiji focusing on the principle of participation and how it was translated into practice. This was one of the central guiding principles of the... more
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      Political ParticipationDemocratizationMilitarismDeliberative Democracy
This course presents a broad survey of historical forces at work over the past 6,000 years, examining the manners in which human societies have organized themselves along categories of race, ethnicity, class, and gender to meet the... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryEuropean History
The presence of the United States military on the islands of Hawai‘i has affected the health and well-being of Native Hawaiians through large-scale historical processes, most notably Western colonization. This history has been shaped by... more
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      MilitarismKanaka MaoliColonialism and Imperialism
Análisis sobre el libro de Juan Bosch El pentagonismo
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryMilitarismCaribbean Studies
Although voluntary recruitment to the military is today the Western norm, we know little about citizens' beliefs regarding service members' reasons for joining. This article, reporting and analyzing the results of a nationally... more
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      Military VeteransMilitarismCivil-military relationsRecruitment
Estudio interpretativo de la novela pionera de Mármol, su análisis de la sociedad rosista y las relaciones de poder entre los sectores cultos y las clases populares.
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
Ukrainekrieg: Moskaus Strategiewechsel. Übersicht über das Kriegsgeschehen bis zum 10. April 2022 Eine der Ursachen für das Scheitern der russischen Offensive vor Kiew scheint Wladimir Putins Tendenz, sich persönlich in die operative... more
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      Military ScienceStrategy (Military Science)International RelationsPeace and Conflict Studies
Авторы определяют фашизм, как разновидность способа строительства нации, основанного на делении людей по этническому признаку на высшие и низшие ранги, преследовании, эксплуатации и уничтожении первыми вторых. С этих теоретических позиций... more
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      Chinese StudiesMilitarismRace and EthnicityFascism
The relationship between the US State’s military propaganda agencies, the entertainment industries, media products, and public opinion is of interest to researchers, and the alliance of the military and the entertainment industries is... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Political EconomyWar Studies
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    • Militarism
The question of whether women should be allowed to participate in combat operations has become more salient as nations are waging long term wars on multiple fronts. Arguments, both for and against women in combat, are based on... more
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Using the theme of “discipleship” found in the witness of the peace churches but neglected in Roman Catholic theology, this paper interrogates concrete practices of military training and culture in the contemporary United States. Viewed... more
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      Military EthicsViolenceTheological EthicsMilitarism
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      Gender HistoryMilitarismNationalismSecond World War