"Eg"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
다양한 구문과 문장에서 쓰이는 "Eg"의 의미
Eg: Mice are still “running around like they are training for Tokyo”。
What does training for Tokyo mean?은 무슨 뜻인가요?
What does training for Tokyo mean?은 무슨 뜻인가요?
The Tokyo Olympics - they are running as though they were training for the Olympics.
"get busy"
Eg. So I can keep my job and GET BUSY with my education.은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Eg. So I can keep my job and GET BUSY with my education.은 무슨 뜻인가요?
In this context it means to concentrate on or focus on.
I need to get busy with cleaning my house because it's such a mess.
I need to get busy with cleaning my house because it's such a mess.
Eg 은 무슨 뜻인가요?
go mental
Eg. My mum went mental.은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Eg. My mum went mental.은 무슨 뜻인가요?
"Mental" is slang for crazy. But in the example it could mean super angry.
"Eg"의 번역
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? ついでに
Eg. 家を出たついでに、買い物をした
Eg. 家を出たついでに、買い物をした
I went shopping *while* I was (already) out of the house.
I gave it a little wash *while I was at it*.
I gave it a little wash *while I was at it*.
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? やっぱり今日はやめておくね、また今度!
Eg. My friends asked out for dinner, and I said yes, but when we arrived in front of the shop, I want to pass suddenly)
Eg. My friends asked out for dinner, and I said yes, but when we arrived in front of the shop, I want to pass suddenly)
"You know what, I think I'm gonna pass on this one. I'll go with you guys next time."
"Actually, can I get a rain check? I'll come along next time!"
"Actually, can I get a rain check? I'll come along next time!"
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? Eg
이것은 영어(영국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? How would you translate 「どんなに 」( Eg: どんなに言っても/注意しても、生徒が宿題を忘れる into English? )
@Asg2 The dictionary says “how much” but we would say “No matter ...” or “However ...”
To whatever degree ...
Which words we use will depend on the whole sentence.
To whatever degree ...
Which words we use will depend on the whole sentence.
"Eg" 관련 추가 질문
I would like to know whether it is correct or not
I was washing my car and busy.
"(was)" was omitted by me in this one
But they should be different grammar structures,so "(was)" can be omitted?
Or i gotta say:
I was washing my car and was busy!
Help me, please
I was washing my car and busy.
"(was)" was omitted by me in this one
But they should be different grammar structures,so "(was)" can be omitted?
Or i gotta say:
I was washing my car and was busy!
Help me, please
if you were busy because you were washing your car then you can say...
"I was busy washing my car."
"I was busy washing my car."
what does (up to)mean?
Eg the chaos have contributed to the death of up to 20 people
Did exactly 20 people die in chaos or 20 around (maybe 21 or 19)people die ?which one is true?
Thanks in advance
Eg the chaos have contributed to the death of up to 20 people
Did exactly 20 people die in chaos or 20 around (maybe 21 or 19)people die ?which one is true?
Thanks in advance
Up to mean, is the maximum number, in your example, no more of people died.
What is 「~in'」 means?
I always saw this kind of words in text and article.
Is it the same meaning as「~ing」?
If so, why people use this instead of using 「~ing」?
I always saw this kind of words in text and article.
Is it the same meaning as「~ing」?
If so, why people use this instead of using 「~ing」?
-in' is sometimes used casually/informally instead of -ing.
In spoken English, sometimes -ing endings sound more like -in endings (depending on the word and the person's accent), so it is sometimes written that way to emphasize the -in pronunciation. In a fictional story, -in' may be used to indicate that's how the character pronounces the word.
The apostrophe ( ' ) is used to indicate that letter(s) have been intentionally omitted. In this case, the g has been omitted.
In spoken English, sometimes -ing endings sound more like -in endings (depending on the word and the person's accent), so it is sometimes written that way to emphasize the -in pronunciation. In a fictional story, -in' may be used to indicate that's how the character pronounces the word.
The apostrophe ( ' ) is used to indicate that letter(s) have been intentionally omitted. In this case, the g has been omitted.
Can I say "to shower" instead of "to take a shower"? Eg: I need to shower
He Could ride a bike.
He could ride a bike at this movement.
He could ride a bike last morning.
He could ride a bike tomorrow.
What is the difference among thier meanings ??!!
He Could ride a bike.
He could ride a bike at this movement.
He could ride a bike last morning.
He could ride a bike tomorrow.
What is the difference among thier meanings ??!!
they just add to the first sentence to make it more interesting i guess or it depends if you are asked a certain question
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