"Ssds"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
"Ssds" 관련 추가 질문
More and more SSDs have been used for recording media instead of HDDs. SSDs have high performance and stability, so it makes sentence. They used to be far more expensive than HDDs. They are still expensive than HDDs, but they has gradually been affordable. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
× More and more SSDs have been used for recording media instead of HDDs.
✓ More and more, SSDs have been used for recording media instead of HDDs.
× SSDs have high performance and stability, so it makes sentence.
✓ SSDs have high performance and stability, so it makes sense.
× They are still expensive than HDDs, but they has gradually been affordable.
✓ They are still more expensive than HDDs, but they have gradually become affordable.
✓ More and more, SSDs have been used for recording media instead of HDDs.
× SSDs have high performance and stability, so it makes sentence.
✓ SSDs have high performance and stability, so it makes sense.
× They are still expensive than HDDs, but they has gradually been affordable.
✓ They are still more expensive than HDDs, but they have gradually become affordable.
SSDs are getting very cheap. I wonder if I should get one.
*Solid State Drive
이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
*Solid State Drive
이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
or "I wonder if I should go get one."
But the SSDs are still very expensive if you want a larger storage capacity like 1TB..
But the SSDs are still very expensive if you want a larger storage capacity like 1TB..
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