"Strait"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
다양한 구문과 문장에서 쓰이는 "Strait"의 의미
Strait은 무슨 뜻인가요?
It is a narrow passage that connects two large water bodies
"Strait" 관련 추가 질문
(1)The Strait of Dover can be dangerous, but I'm not sure.
Is this sentence possible?
As my opinion, the speaker, in this case I, has already known the fact. So, the meanings between the main sentence and the subordinate sentence are contradictory. That is because the sentence implys;
(2)I know the fact that the Strait of Dover is sometimes very dangerous.
How about a sense of language of native speakers?
Is this sentence possible?
As my opinion, the speaker, in this case I, has already known the fact. So, the meanings between the main sentence and the subordinate sentence are contradictory. That is because the sentence implys;
(2)I know the fact that the Strait of Dover is sometimes very dangerous.
How about a sense of language of native speakers?
The Strait of Dover could be dangerous, but I'm not sure.
The Strait of Dover can be very rough.
The Strait of Dover is sometimes very rough.
Can these sentences be paraphrased to each other in a semantically equal way?
The Strait of Dover is sometimes very rough.
Can these sentences be paraphrased to each other in a semantically equal way?
Yes. Both sentences are equivalent.
It's the Strait of Magellan that I most want to go on a trip. After Magellan had navigated along the coast of South America for a few months, he was eager to find a way to Pacific Ocean from Atlantic Ocean. I believe that Mr. Magellan must be very happy and excited when his fleet went through the strait. It's a strait of good hope. It's said that it's very beautiful and amazing. Someday I wish I can visit it. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
The Strait of Magellan is the place I'd most like to visit. After Magellan had navigated along the coast of South America for a few months, he was eager to find a way to the Pacific Ocean from the Atlantic Ocean. I think that Magellan must have been very happy and excited when his fleet went through the strait. It's a strait of good hope. It's said that it's very beautiful and amazing. Someday I hope I can visit it.
It's the Strait of Magellan that I most want to go on a trip. After Magellan had navigated along the coast of South America for a few months, he was eager to find a way to Pacific Ocean from Atlantic Ocean. I believe that Mr. Magellan must be very happy and excited when his fleet went through the strait. It's a strait of good hope. It's said that it's very beautiful and amazing. Someday I wish I can visit it. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
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