"Character"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
다양한 구문과 문장에서 쓰이는 "Character"의 의미
Defend: More than doubles your character's defense attribute until your next turn.은 무슨 뜻인가요?
"Double" is the verb. The subject has been omitted (= "This more than doubles your character's defense attribute until your next turn").
officious character은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Very pompous and self important. Imagine a desk clerk acting like he owns the place.
"character assassination"은 무슨 뜻인가요?
It’s an attempt to destroy a person’s reputation using lies, half-truths, rumors, false accusations, etc.
characters in this picture은 무슨 뜻인가요?
electric = 電動
self-driving = 自動運転車
passenger side = 助手席側
airbag = エアバッグ
These words do not make a full English sentence. It sounds like they are describing an electric self-driving car with an airbag on the passenger side.
self-driving = 自動運転車
passenger side = 助手席側
airbag = エアバッグ
These words do not make a full English sentence. It sounds like they are describing an electric self-driving car with an airbag on the passenger side.
character assassination은 무슨 뜻인가요?
harming someone's reputation for no good reason
"Character" 사용 예문들
"out of character" 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
Here you are:
1. She's acting way out of character!
2. No way he ate vegetables?! That's out of character for him.
3. Alice wouldn't lie to anyone, it's out of character for her.
Hope this helps!
1. She's acting way out of character!
2. No way he ate vegetables?! That's out of character for him.
3. Alice wouldn't lie to anyone, it's out of character for her.
Hope this helps!
out of character 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
He is usually a calm and peaceful person, but his recent behaviour is out of character.
character, personality 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
Sure! So personality means the way a person acts all the time. It’s just how they are. So if you are describing somebody you can say. “I like his personality. He has a very cheerful but quiet personality.” “She has a very rude and unfriendly personality; it’s very bad”
Character means 2 different things!
1. A person in a book or movie
“Who was your favorite character in Harry Potter?”
“I liked the background characters”
“The characters acted different in the books”
2. The way someone acts morally (good vs bad mainly)
“She showed great character when she helped him”
“Running away was not in his character”
“She has a strong and honorable character”
Character means 2 different things!
1. A person in a book or movie
“Who was your favorite character in Harry Potter?”
“I liked the background characters”
“The characters acted different in the books”
2. The way someone acts morally (good vs bad mainly)
“She showed great character when she helped him”
“Running away was not in his character”
“She has a strong and honorable character”
character 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
A character can be a real or fictional person or thing that plays a part in a movie, book, play etc. In Cinderella, Prince charming, Cinderella, evil stepmother, evil step daughters are all characters in the movie.
A character can be a real or fictional person or thing that plays a part in a movie, book, play etc. In Cinderella, Prince charming, Cinderella, evil stepmother, evil step daughters are all characters in the movie.
character 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
Which anime character do you like best?
He's so kind and polite--he has great character.
These Chinese characters are difficult to translate.
He's so kind and polite--he has great character.
These Chinese characters are difficult to translate.
"Character"의 동의어와 차이점
차이점은 무엇 입니까? character 그리고 trait ?
Character is the way someone acts in general:
His good character makes him a candidate for this scholarship
Traits are individual things someone has:
Donald Trump has a lot of bad traits. He is ignorant and bigoted.
Ghandi has good traits. He is peaceful and strong-willed.
You can mix them together:
Ghandi shows he has good character because he has many good traits. He is peaceful and strongwilled. Usually, you will never say someone has a "happy trait" but you can say that someone has or is a "happy character".
His good character makes him a candidate for this scholarship
Traits are individual things someone has:
Donald Trump has a lot of bad traits. He is ignorant and bigoted.
Ghandi has good traits. He is peaceful and strong-willed.
You can mix them together:
Ghandi shows he has good character because he has many good traits. He is peaceful and strongwilled. Usually, you will never say someone has a "happy trait" but you can say that someone has or is a "happy character".
차이점은 무엇 입니까? character 그리고 personality ?
character is more internal. how a person acts when no is watching. For example, you find a wallet on the ground; do you keep the money or return it to the owner? personality is more outward how a person acts around others; laughing, happy, angry, mean.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? character 그리고 personality 그리고 characteristic ?
@Rikuto: Character and personality usually mean the same thing in common conversation.
Character is about the moral qualities of a person, or the way they usually behave based on their feelings and thoughts.
ex: Billy swore? That's out of character for him.
Personality is the combination of behavioural qualities that makes someone unique.
Ex: She has a sunny personality.
Characteristic is one specific feature or quality.
ex: Being quick to anger is a bad characteristic.
Character is about the moral qualities of a person, or the way they usually behave based on their feelings and thoughts.
ex: Billy swore? That's out of character for him.
Personality is the combination of behavioural qualities that makes someone unique.
Ex: She has a sunny personality.
Characteristic is one specific feature or quality.
ex: Being quick to anger is a bad characteristic.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? character 그리고 feature 그리고 quality ?
Character has more to do with personality, something internal/mental that has depth. A feature or quality is more external/physical.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? character 그리고 personality ?
Roger tells lies, steals from others, and never keeps his promises. However, he is always the life of the party because he is funny, and fun to be with. He listens to people when they talk to him, he smiles a lot, and he always has a positive attitude. Roger is of bad character but he has a good personality.
Josh is an honest and hardworking man. He is very dependable, he always does what he promises to do. He always tells the truth. However, he is very rude to others. When people talk to him, he just nods his head as if he is uninterested. Also, he never has anything interesting to say. Josh has good character, but a bad personality.
Josh is an honest and hardworking man. He is very dependable, he always does what he promises to do. He always tells the truth. However, he is very rude to others. When people talk to him, he just nods his head as if he is uninterested. Also, he never has anything interesting to say. Josh has good character, but a bad personality.
"Character"의 번역
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? is it natural to say?
A: I have similar character with Sam
B: umm.. I think you are similar to the character ‘Tom’, not ‘Sam’. because ~~.
내 생각에 너는 샘이라는 캐릭터보다 톰과 더 비슷한 것 같아.
A: I have similar character with Sam
B: umm.. I think you are similar to the character ‘Tom’, not ‘Sam’. because ~~.
내 생각에 너는 샘이라는 캐릭터보다 톰과 더 비슷한 것 같아.
yes! but I would include "Tom's characteristics" in the sentence to let readers know who you are talking about :)
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? Usagi-piske is Japanese character and well-known to Korea also. There are two characters, Usagi the rabbit and Piske the chick. It was first time that I saw them when my sister asked me for buying their figure. Aren’t they cute?
Usagi-piske is a Japanese character and is well known in Korea too. There are two characters, Usagi the rabbit and Piske the chick. The first time that I saw them was with my sister, when she asked me to buy their figure. Aren’t they cute?
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? characters
답변을 보려면 질문을 살펴보세요
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? 彼はホント色んな顔を持っているよね。そこが彼の魅力なんだと思う。 色んな顔 means different aspects/ various characters
He certainly has quite a few different faces, doesn't he? But that's what's so charming about him.が自然だと思います。 Different faces と言ったら、場合によって、真似がよく違う意味を表しますが、伝えたい意味は彼が色々なことをしていることなら、He's pretty variedのほうが適当だと思います。
이것은 영어(영국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? 彼はホント色んな顔を持っているよね。そこが彼の魅力なんだと思う。 色んな顔 means different aspects/ various characters
"He really has many different faces/many different sides to him. That's what makes him charming, I think."
"Character" 관련 추가 질문
Some characters are good, some characters are bad.
Some maybe good, some maybe bad.
There's a lot of variety.
Do they mean the same? Can I say these? I'd like to say these when I'm talking to small kids about a cartoon.
Some maybe good, some maybe bad.
There's a lot of variety.
Do they mean the same? Can I say these? I'd like to say these when I'm talking to small kids about a cartoon.
Saying that someone IS good, it’s not the same thing as saying — they may be good. The first sentence is definite, while the second one is qualified – you don’t know whether they are good or not.
Also, if there is only a choice between good and bad, this does not constitute “a lot of variety“. You need quite a lot more than two things to be able to say that there is variety.
Saying that someone IS good, it’s not the same thing as saying — they may be good. The first sentence is definite, while the second one is qualified – you don’t know whether they are good or not.
Also, if there is only a choice between good and bad, this does not constitute “a lot of variety“. You need quite a lot more than two things to be able to say that there is variety.
Why did the character in this story almost lose his lunch when his teacher dropped the chalk???
Losing your lunch is slang for vomiting. Hope that helps!
The main character in Doraemon is wearing glasses. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
× The main character in Doraemon is wearing glasses.
✓ The main character in Doraemon wears glasses.
✓ The main character in Doraemon wears glasses.
Many Japanese believe the personal characters are affected by the types of blood. For example, the A type is precise personality, the B type has curiosity, the O type is a positive person, and the AB type is an iceberg.
When my daughter left the house, she told me " Mom, don’t touch my interior of my room. Because I’m type A, so I’m precise personality."
In Japan, we often talk each other like this. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
When my daughter left the house, she told me " Mom, don’t touch my interior of my room. Because I’m type A, so I’m precise personality."
In Japan, we often talk each other like this. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
× Many Japanese believe the personal characters are affected by the types of blood.
✓ Many Japanese believe people's personalities are affected by their blood types.
× For example, the A type is precise personality, the B type has curiosity, the O type is a positive person, and the AB type is an iceberg.
✓ For example, a person with type A blood has a precise personality, a type B has greater curiosity, a type O is a positive person, and a type AB is an iceberg.
× When my daughter left the house, she told me " Mom, don’t touch my interior of my room. Because I’m type A, so I’m precise personality."
✓ When my daughter left the house, she told me "Mom, don’t touch my room. Because I’m type A, so I have a precise personality."
× In Japan, we often talk each other like this.
✓ In Japan, we often talk to each other like this.
I think "type" usually comes before the letters in English.
✓ Many Japanese believe people's personalities are affected by their blood types.
× For example, the A type is precise personality, the B type has curiosity, the O type is a positive person, and the AB type is an iceberg.
✓ For example, a person with type A blood has a precise personality, a type B has greater curiosity, a type O is a positive person, and a type AB is an iceberg.
× When my daughter left the house, she told me " Mom, don’t touch my interior of my room. Because I’m type A, so I’m precise personality."
✓ When my daughter left the house, she told me "Mom, don’t touch my room. Because I’m type A, so I have a precise personality."
× In Japan, we often talk each other like this.
✓ In Japan, we often talk to each other like this.
I think "type" usually comes before the letters in English.
As you know, the main characters in this book are two middle school girls and a boy.
I am afraid that I am not familiar with the regulations in your country, but I am wondering if there is any problem in terms of publication regulations in your country with regard to "considering junior high school girls as sexual objects"?
I would appreciate it if you could let me check just to be sure.
Thank you. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
I am afraid that I am not familiar with the regulations in your country, but I am wondering if there is any problem in terms of publication regulations in your country with regard to "considering junior high school girls as sexual objects"?
I would appreciate it if you could let me check just to be sure.
Thank you. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
× I am afraid that I am not familiar with the regulations in your country, but I am wondering if there is any problem in terms of publication regulations in your country with regard to "considering junior high school girls as sexual objects"?
✓ I am afraid that I am not familiar with the regulations in your country. I am wondering if there is any problem in terms of publication regulations in your country with regard to considering junior high school girls as "sexual objects"?
✓ I am afraid that I am not familiar with the regulations in your country. I am wondering if there is any problem in terms of publication regulations in your country with regard to considering junior high school girls as "sexual objects"?
비슷한 단어/구문의 의미와 사용법
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