Ecological certification is a certificate that an institution or person receives for achieve different requirements related to environmental care. The most important granted to hotels in Spain are the awards " un compromiso real con la sostenibilidad " granted by the Institute of Tourism Sustainability (Istur).
According to www.hotelessostenibles.com “The Institute of Tourism Sustainability®, is a project whose main objective is to disseminate sustainable development through the training and development of projects that promote or incorporate into its management the “roadmap” of Sustainability.”
The Awards were created in 2011 with the aim of publicly recognizing the commitment and contribution for a more sustainable future to companies, institutions, media, politicians, etc.
These certificates of sustainable tourism become the main way to ensure that the establishment has a series of requirements and standards, which offers great benefits from gaining international trust from consumers, companies and other organizations, to internal improvements.
To participate, the person or institution that want to be awarded must apply. This request must contain basic information, as well as a description of the activities and actions related to sustainable development. A Selection Committee will define the winners.
This certification is the most important in Spain, but worldwide there are more, such as:
Rainforest alliance: This certificate can be obtained by a hotel, tourism operators and other tourism companies.
Green key: An international sustainable tourism certificate program awarded by the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education) and has been recognized by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).
Travelife: It is main objective is to help hotels, tour operators and travel agencies to improve environmental and social management.
Green destinations: A worldwide association of organizations of experts, companies and academic institutions, which help to achieve improvements in quality, sustainability, etc.
In my opinion, hotels with ecological certifications are committed to a sustainable future, this fact, together with the fact that tourists are increasingly aware of the environment, make these eco-certified hotels better positioned than those without it.
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