"Juice"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
다양한 구문과 문장에서 쓰이는 "Juice"의 의미
"he made me drink juice"
Is this some kind of joke here?은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Is this some kind of joke here?은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Give me a little juice, Friday (iron man)은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Friday is Tony's AI assistant, but I'm guessing you knew that already.
"Juice" can mean "energy" or "something that creates energy." Tony is asking Friday to give the suit a little bit more (electrical) power.
"Juice" can mean "energy" or "something that creates energy." Tony is asking Friday to give the suit a little bit more (electrical) power.
We can talk about this over a juice box은 무슨 뜻인가요?
It means we will talk about it while having juice.
Another example is people say "we will talk about this over dinner" which means we will talk about it while we eat this evening.
Another example is people say "we will talk about this over dinner" which means we will talk about it while we eat this evening.
"get your own juices flowing"은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Yes, you're right. It means getting excited, whoever it was referring to.
i got the juice or juice god은 무슨 뜻인가요?
it would depend on the context you are using it in. juice can mean liquid squeezed from a fruit, electricity or steroids. i'm guessing juice god has something to do with a very muscular person that uses steroids but I have honestly never heard that phrase before
"Juice" 사용 예문들
juice up 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
「juice up」is commonly used in context of sports games, video games, getting a vaccine, or drinking alcohol. 「juice up」はスポーツゲーム、ビデオゲーム、ワクチン接種、またはお酒を飲むときによく使われます。
「all juiced up and ready to go」
Commonly used as a caption in photos where people who are dressed up for a party, someone is flexing in front of a mirror, or put on new parts for their car. Usually said when people want to show off their outfits or skills. パーティーのためにドレスアップしたり、鏡の前で筋肉を見せたり、新しい車のパーツを付けたりする写真のキャプションとしてよく使われます。通常、人々が自分の服やスキルを披露したい時に言います。
「ayo, juice it up」
Sometimes said when people go to a party and want someone to bring out the alcohol. Or when you're playing a video game with friends and you want them to play aggressively.
「juiced up」
2021 onward, when people were getting vaccines, i often saw people using this phrase as a caption of their covid vaccine cards to show they received a vaccine. 2021年以、、COVIDワクチン接種証明書の写真によくこのフレーズを見かけました
「all juiced up and ready to go」
Commonly used as a caption in photos where people who are dressed up for a party, someone is flexing in front of a mirror, or put on new parts for their car. Usually said when people want to show off their outfits or skills. パーティーのためにドレスアップしたり、鏡の前で筋肉を見せたり、新しい車のパーツを付けたりする写真のキャプションとしてよく使われます。通常、人々が自分の服やスキルを披露したい時に言います。
「ayo, juice it up」
Sometimes said when people go to a party and want someone to bring out the alcohol. Or when you're playing a video game with friends and you want them to play aggressively.
「juiced up」
2021 onward, when people were getting vaccines, i often saw people using this phrase as a caption of their covid vaccine cards to show they received a vaccine. 2021年以、、COVIDワクチン接種証明書の写真によくこのフレーズを見かけました
What does ,,juice up" mean? Can you make me some examples, please? Is that common? 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
It's a slang expression without a strict definition. In general terms, it refers to adding something to A in order to make A more powerful, or more... anything else, as long as it's better. You can think of "juice" as fuel, and "juice up" = add juice (fuel) -- you add it to invigorate, revitalize, etc.
juice up 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
I need to juice up my cell phone. Can I use your charger?
I want to juice up the sales by using more effective advertisement.
I want to juice up the sales by using more effective advertisement.
"Juice"의 동의어와 차이점
차이점은 무엇 입니까? fresh juice 그리고 pure juice ?
"Pure" means the beverage is made completely out of the juice of some kind of fruit or vegetable and has no additives like corn syrup or preservatives. "Fresh" means the juice was very recently made, but it doesn't necessarily have to be completely pure.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? I am going to take a juice at the market 그리고 I am going to get a juice at the market ?
So whenever we say the word “take” it describes the act of taking something like for example “I am going to go take my clothes out of the washer” you’re saying you’re going to probably grab and move your clothes. When we examine what you said with the juice something like taking a juice from a market implies that you’ll just be taking the juice but that likely isn’t true as you’ll most likely return home so we have a more descriptive word of what you would be doing which is getting like for example “I went to go get my clothes” this implies that i not only took my clothes but that i went to go get them and bring them back, it’s the same with the juice example.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? (this juice tastes bad) 그리고 (this juice is tasted bad) ?
‘This juice tastes bad’ is correct ‘this juice tasted bad’ is incorrect. If you want to say ‘this juice tastes bad’ in the past tense you say ‘the juice tasted bad.’
‘This juice tastes bad, it’s too sour.’
‘The juice tasted bad and I didn’t like it.’
‘This juice tastes bad, it’s too sour.’
‘The juice tasted bad and I didn’t like it.’
차이점은 무엇 입니까? no juice left 그리고 no left juice ?
"no juice left" is grammatically correct
차이점은 무엇 입니까? fresh juice 그리고 fruit juice ?
they can mean the same thing since juice is made of fruit usually. but fresh juice just means juice that was just made, and fruit juice is juice that is made from fruit.
"Juice"의 번역
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? what I have to say when juice favor is not strong, weak?
"This juice tastes watered down."
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? it'is dry, lacking of juice, not soft, Not much fun texture, too smoky.
"The patty/burger was overcooked and too smoky." basically says all of that.
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? cranberry-orange canned juice has more calories than an organe?GRAMATICCALLY CORRECT?
Your grammar is correct, if you want to ask a question you just need the word does, or why does in the front and change has to have;
"Does cranberry-orange canned juice have more calories than an orange?"
"Why does cranberry-orange canned juice have more calories than an orange?"
I hope this helped :)
"Does cranberry-orange canned juice have more calories than an orange?"
"Why does cranberry-orange canned juice have more calories than an orange?"
I hope this helped :)
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? "I think it's juice shape of radio" does it make sense?
it's a carton of juice shaped like a radio
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? fresh juice o que significa
Suco fresco
"Juice" 관련 추가 질문
Sweet, juice, reminiscent of the sammer and childhood.
The other day I wanted to eat peas. Not in a jar, not in the soup, and frash from the garden. And then eat raspberries with bush.
But now is not the season for these products. Need to wait a bit.
What would you eat now? 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
The other day I wanted to eat peas. Not in a jar, not in the soup, and frash from the garden. And then eat raspberries with bush.
But now is not the season for these products. Need to wait a bit.
What would you eat now? 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
Hi I understand what you’re saying but some of the words are phrased slightly odd and there are a few spelling mistakes but other than that good work :)
*there’s nothing grammatically wrong with using products here but it’s an odd word to use for what you’re describing. You can just say “But now is not the right season for them” because the listener already knows you’re talking about peas and raspberries
Sweets and juice make me reminiscent of the summer and childhood. - (this bit here doesn’t quite ‘flow’ well with the rest of what you’re saying because it’s like an abrupt subject change but it does make grammatical sense)
The other day I wanted to eat peas. Not from a jar, not in soup, but fresh from the garden. And then I wanted to eat raspberries from the bush.
But now is not the season for these products.* I need to wait a bit.
What would you eat now instead?
*there’s nothing grammatically wrong with using products here but it’s an odd word to use for what you’re describing. You can just say “But now is not the right season for them” because the listener already knows you’re talking about peas and raspberries
Sweets and juice make me reminiscent of the summer and childhood. - (this bit here doesn’t quite ‘flow’ well with the rest of what you’re saying because it’s like an abrupt subject change but it does make grammatical sense)
The other day I wanted to eat peas. Not from a jar, not in soup, but fresh from the garden. And then I wanted to eat raspberries from the bush.
But now is not the season for these products.* I need to wait a bit.
What would you eat now instead?
This is non-additive concentrated juice that contains dandelions’ main functional ingredients such as taraxacin, triterpene, inulin, pectin, Choline, phenolic acid and aspartic acid. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
This is a non-additive concentrate of the dandelions’ main functional ingredients, including taraxacin, triterpene, inulin, pectin, Choline, phenolic acid and aspartic acid.
I made this juice by mixing milk and peach juice in proportions of 2:1. If you like sweet juice, increase the mixing proportion of peach juice. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
I made this juice by mixing milk and peach extract in proportions of 2:1. If you like sweet juice, increase the mixing proportion of peach extract.
>> the word "juice" is a bit overused. Try to find some synonyms for it ^-^
>> the word "juice" is a bit overused. Try to find some synonyms for it ^-^
juice 의 발음을 음성으로 알려주세요.
"I usually juice up my phone at the office." 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
You can say this, and would be understood, but it would be more natural to use the word "charge". I usually "charge" my phone at the office.
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