"Phevos"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
"Phevos" 관련 추가 질문
Phevos was lying in front of the fireplace as well, right in between us, connecting us or separating us according to our different points of view. Michael hadn’t managed to have any other serious relationship after our break up, so coming home and interacting with Phevos must have brought back memories of the past when the three of us used to be like a family. I could pick up his thoughts and signals, but I didn’t give space to any of those. The years had grown me differently. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
the past few years have changed me Or I have grown over the years
“Do you think it was Phevos?” I finally dared to ask my mom.
“Who else could it be? Does anything else make sense here?” She said with confidence. We were almost sure that it was Phevos who had set the alarm off in an effort to notify us that he was there. It was like he just wanted to play and declare his presence to relieve us from the unbearable pain of losing him. And he had managed to do it. We stayed awake for a while talking about him and feeling a lot more optimistic with the thought of really having Phevos’ spirit with us. The security alarm never went off again since that night.
이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
“Who else could it be? Does anything else make sense here?” She said with confidence. We were almost sure that it was Phevos who had set the alarm off in an effort to notify us that he was there. It was like he just wanted to play and declare his presence to relieve us from the unbearable pain of losing him. And he had managed to do it. We stayed awake for a while talking about him and feeling a lot more optimistic with the thought of really having Phevos’ spirit with us. The security alarm never went off again since that night.
이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
× It was like he just wanted to play and declare his presence to relieve us from the unbearable pain of losing him.
✓ It was like he wanted to play and declare his presence to relieve us from the unbearable pain of losing him.
✓ It was like he wanted to play and declare his presence to relieve us from the unbearable pain of losing him.
비슷한 단어/구문의 의미와 사용법
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