"Rating"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
다양한 구문과 문장에서 쓰이는 "Rating"의 의미
ratings은 무슨 뜻인가요?
When you rate something as good or bad, you've given it a rating.
"I give this restaurant a rating of 5 stars."
Here, he means that the person has been getting a lot of good ratings. I suspect, though, he might be sarcastic. Like "Yeah, everyone says you're great" with sarcasm on the "great".
"I give this restaurant a rating of 5 stars."
Here, he means that the person has been getting a lot of good ratings. I suspect, though, he might be sarcastic. Like "Yeah, everyone says you're great" with sarcasm on the "great".
personal ratings are on the floor.은 무슨 뜻인가요?
I think it's a metaphor for meaning that his ratings are so bad that they are on the floor (close to the bottom, etc)
personal ratings are on the floor.은 무슨 뜻인가요?
"On the floor" means "very low".
with a 14 rating in the demo and a 25 share. 은 무슨 뜻인가요?
"demo" can mean 2 things in this context.
It might mean "demographic" which is a certain group of people that are targeted (by the show) and they share similar qualities.
"The show was popular among the 25-35 year old demographic. "
"demo" can be short for "demonstration", which is a practice or example for people to see . A video game "demo" would let you play the first part of a game to see what is like.
I hope that helps!
It might mean "demographic" which is a certain group of people that are targeted (by the show) and they share similar qualities.
"The show was popular among the 25-35 year old demographic. "
"demo" can be short for "demonstration", which is a practice or example for people to see . A video game "demo" would let you play the first part of a game to see what is like.
I hope that helps!
"Rating"의 동의어와 차이점
차이점은 무엇 입니까? Your rating meant a lot to me. 그리고 Your feedback meant a lot to me. ?
Feedback is more detailed. It will usually include things that were good, bad, funny, boring, etc. It can be multiple sentences or paragraphs.
When people use the word "rating" these days, they usually mean something really simple. It's usually just "8/10" or "5 stars" or something very simple like that.
For example, many businesses on Google have a "rating" (5 stars, for example), whereas the comments are used for providing feedback. Does that make sense?
When people use the word "rating" these days, they usually mean something really simple. It's usually just "8/10" or "5 stars" or something very simple like that.
For example, many businesses on Google have a "rating" (5 stars, for example), whereas the comments are used for providing feedback. Does that make sense?
차이점은 무엇 입니까? rating 그리고 reputation ?
A rating is usually a number. Reputation is how people feel about you.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? rating 그리고 ranking ?
ranking = una lista
I would rate your skill level a 9 out of 10.
I would rank you in second place, Jose is a little better (maybe he is 9.5).
I would rate your skill level a 9 out of 10.
I would rank you in second place, Jose is a little better (maybe he is 9.5).
"Rating"의 번역
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? rating;1/5はなんていうの
Thank you for the answers. I am surprised at using the word of "out of".
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? rating
답변을 보려면 질문을 살펴보세요
"Rating" 관련 추가 질문
1. What is your rating for the food?
2. How many points is your rating for the food?
그 음식에 몇 점 줄거야?
Question➡️Are both correct? 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
2. How many points is your rating for the food?
그 음식에 몇 점 줄거야?
Question➡️Are both correct? 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
× 1. What is your rating for the food?
✓ How would you rate the food?
× 2. How many points is your rating for the food?
✓ How many points would you give the food?
× 그 음식에 몇 점 줄거야?
× Question➡️Are both correct?
#1 sounds more natural than #2, even after rewording it.
✓ How would you rate the food?
× 2. How many points is your rating for the food?
✓ How many points would you give the food?
× 그 음식에 몇 점 줄거야?
× Question➡️Are both correct?
#1 sounds more natural than #2, even after rewording it.
I think the rating on social media is reliable. 이 표현은 자연스럽습니까?
You could also say, "I think the social media rating is reliable."
I sometimes see the rating grade like below.
5 : Excellent
4 : Good
3 : Fair
2 : Poor
1 : Bad
I wonder where "not bad" or "fairly good" would go in it.
My guess is that "not bad" is 2.7 - 3.3 and "fairly good" is 3.7 - 4.3.
5 : Excellent
4 : Good
3 : Fair
2 : Poor
1 : Bad
I wonder where "not bad" or "fairly good" would go in it.
My guess is that "not bad" is 2.7 - 3.3 and "fairly good" is 3.7 - 4.3.
I think it depends on the person, but for me not bad is between 3-3.5, and fairly good is between 3.5-4.
One of the rating elements of Air lines in Japan is punctuality. Customers really care about how accurate an airplane will arrive their destinations when they book flight tickets.
One of the rating elements FOR Japanese AIRLINES is punctuality. Customers really care about WHEN THEIR PLANE will arrive AT ITS DESTINATION when they book flight tickets.
-- if you say "how accurately an airplane will arrive" this means how well the plane will land on the landing path, not at what time it arrives
-- if you say "how accurately an airplane will arrive" this means how well the plane will land on the landing path, not at what time it arrives
How the rating of university of Northampton? Thannks x
It's pretty good. Come on over, we can go sightseeing
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