"Wholesome"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
다양한 구문과 문장에서 쓰이는 "Wholesome"의 의미
wholesome은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Something that is peaceful, happy, and innocent.
"The playing puppy is very wholesome"
"The playing puppy is very wholesome"
wholesome은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Wholesome is kind of a tricky word because its meaning is a little different depending on what you use it with. When you are talking about something like food or medicine being wholesome, it means that it will help make you physically healthy. Something being wholesome in this way can also make it sound like it is very natural. If you are talking about something like a movie or a kind act being wholesome, it means that it makes you feel really good inside and seems like it is morally very nice.
wholesome 은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Wholesome means more than healthy. It means having good health, good moral values and good character. It is a compliment to be called wholesome, but it can sometimes be used to say that a person is good, but simple and unsophisticated.
wholesome 은 무슨 뜻인가요?
"Wholesome" promotes health. Good for body and mind.
wholesome은 무슨 뜻인가요?
詞典說"健康", 這個不對
wholesome表示恰當又有禮貌的感覺, wholesome的電影沒有髒話,毒品,性行為等。一個wholesome的電影是你可以請你的孩子看的。wholesome的名人很慈善又孝順,他可當一個好的榜樣.
wholesome表示恰當又有禮貌的感覺, wholesome的電影沒有髒話,毒品,性行為等。一個wholesome的電影是你可以請你的孩子看的。wholesome的名人很慈善又孝順,他可當一個好的榜樣.
"Wholesome" 사용 예문들
wholesome 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
Why do you let the kids watch movies like this? They're so young, they should only be watching wholesome things.
I like your sense of humor, it's wholesome, nobody gets put down.
She has such a wholesome smile, she always seem so content with her life.
I like your sense of humor, it's wholesome, nobody gets put down.
She has such a wholesome smile, she always seem so content with her life.
wholesome 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
The movie did not have any violence or nudity, it was a wholesome film good for families.
My breakfast included a cereal with whole grains and fruit. It was tasty and wholesome.
Our kids were playing baseball outside yesterday. It was nice to see some good wholesome fun.
My breakfast included a cereal with whole grains and fruit. It was tasty and wholesome.
Our kids were playing baseball outside yesterday. It was nice to see some good wholesome fun.
wholesome 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
healthy refers to a person's physical well being. Wholesome is more related to moral ethical and spiritual well being. Formality has to do with following rules and regulations.
wholesome 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
"Wholesome" means healthy, decent, "approved of". You can talk about "good, wholesome activities" by which you would mean that the activities were suitable for "nice people". These activities might perhaps be things like sailing, climbing, helping other people, charity work and so on. The activities would NOT be anything like computer games, gambling, watching horror films and so on. The word "wholesome" always implies that the activity is healthy, good for you, completely honest, decent and admirable. After a day of wholesome activities, you should be able to go to bed with a clear conscience and sleep well.
wholesome 가 포함된 예문을 보여주세요.
"I had a wholesome breakfast of muesli and fruit, this morning"
"He is a wholesome, gentle man"
"He is a wholesome, gentle man"
"Wholesome"의 동의어와 차이점
차이점은 무엇 입니까? wholesome 그리고 healthy ?
Wholesome in the same context means healthy. However, if you had to choose between the two, choose healthy because it sounds more natural.
Wholesome in a different context can also mean good or ethical/moral.
Eg. I like this person. They’re so wholesome.
Idk any better examples. Sorry…
Wholesome in a different context can also mean good or ethical/moral.
Eg. I like this person. They’re so wholesome.
Idk any better examples. Sorry…
차이점은 무엇 입니까? wholesome 그리고 healthy ?
Healthy: 有利於健康的。
Wholesome: 有利於健康或者道德的。
"This food is healthy." - Right.
"This food is wholesome. - Right.
"This is a wholesome movie." - Right (it probably has a good moral message).
"This is a healthy story." - Probably wrong.
Wholesome: 有利於健康或者道德的。
"This food is healthy." - Right.
"This food is wholesome. - Right.
"This is a wholesome movie." - Right (it probably has a good moral message).
"This is a healthy story." - Probably wrong.
차이점은 무엇 입니까? wholesome 그리고 useful ?
Those words are completely different.
A mother holding her newborn baby for the first time would be wholesome.
Keeping a window ice scraper in your car during the cold winter months is useful
A mother holding her newborn baby for the first time would be wholesome.
Keeping a window ice scraper in your car during the cold winter months is useful
차이점은 무엇 입니까? wholesome 그리고 healthy ?
Healthy 是健康的意思。Wholesome 可以包括健康但也可以用在别的地方形容好。现在很流行夸别人是个wholesome person. 意思是这个人很好,很善良。而不是他很健康。
차이점은 무엇 입니까? wholesome 그리고 mainstream ?
Wholesome generally means lawful, morally good / clean, or healthy.
Mainstream means prevailing or widely accepted or used.
Disney is considered to have wholesome movies because they don't usually include vulgar language, nudity.
In the past you had to watch MTV if you wanted to see a reality TV show, now reality TV is mainstream and you can see those kinds of shows on any channel.
I hope this helps.
Mainstream means prevailing or widely accepted or used.
Disney is considered to have wholesome movies because they don't usually include vulgar language, nudity.
In the past you had to watch MTV if you wanted to see a reality TV show, now reality TV is mainstream and you can see those kinds of shows on any channel.
I hope this helps.
"Wholesome"의 번역
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? wholesome
답변을 보려면 질문을 살펴보세요
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? wholesome
답변을 보려면 질문을 살펴보세요
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? wholesome
Wholesome can either mean that something is healthy, nourishing, or good for you. For example: The meal was very plentiful and wholesome. Or, wholesome can also be used to describe a person or an activity that is good, nice, moral. Example: The trip was good clean wholesome fun!
이것은 영어(미국)로 무엇이라고 하나요? wholesome.
답변을 보려면 질문을 살펴보세요
"Wholesome" 관련 추가 질문
wholesome 의 발음을 음성으로 알려주세요.
답변을 보려면 질문을 살펴보세요
wholesome 의 발음을 음성으로 알려주세요.
답변을 보려면 질문을 살펴보세요
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